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Faelco said:
HoloDust said:

Oh, sure, Netlfix can do good stuff, I consider season 1 of House of Cards and first 4 or 5 episodes of Stranger Things to be some of the best that TV has to offer in last 20 or so years.
It's just I'm kinda not expecting much anymore, given how it's going so far.

As for GoT level - I really doubt it, I think source material for that is of much better quality than that of Witcher. But it could be really, really good if they're smart.

The GoT show stopped following the books after a few seasons though, and the quality took a nosedive. 


If they follow the Witcher books, it wouldn't be hard to be better than the last few seasons of GoT. 

I think GoT has more things happening all over its world, with lot more characters and events important for the story.