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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - How Much Will Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Sell?


How Much Will Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Sell? (V.2)

20-22 million 1 25.00%
22-24 million 1 25.00%
24-26 million 1 25.00%
26-28 million 0 0%
28-30 million 1 25.00%
>30 million 0 0%

I'll go with 15 million

Signature goes here!

Around the Network

15m easily.

But Subspace sucked.
The concept was good, and it was a decent adventure... until you got to the Great Maze. That just completely killed it for me.

However, I do think adding an actual single player Adventure Mode campaign of some sorts would certainly help.

AngryLittleAlchemist said:
It depends.

If it's a port? 18 million.

If it's a new game? 18 million.

So, if it's both; 36 million? :P

10-12 million.

Around the Network
LipeJJ said:
I'm going with 18m too. No way it will sell much less than Zelda Breath of the Wild.

Wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo says it shipped 10m in December alone.

This could actually be possible. Super Mario Odyssey did 9.07 million between from its release to December 31st.
Granted, Odyssey had an extra month to work with and ~1 million short, but I remember Odyssey wasn't didn't even crack the Amazon Rankings until after the September Direct where we get shirtless Mario :P. Smash has been hanging around those rankings ever since the first teaser back at the March Direct and it shot right to #1 after E3. If this holds true for other retailers and other regions. Good Lord, December is going to be massive.

Probably a bit more than Brawl, so 14-16 million.

Azzanation said:
6m to 8m but honestly i don't really care. Looking forward to it regardless

Wanna take a bet that it will do 8m on December alone?

Bet with Teeqoz for 2 weeks of avatar and sig control that Super Mario Odyssey would ship more than 7m on its first 2 months. The game shipped 9.07m, so I won

15 million. Smash has grown with every entry. Smash 4 is tricky to talk about but I think even with that game the Smash series only got more popular.

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

PAOerfulone said:
LipeJJ said:
I'm going with 18m too. No way it will sell much less than Zelda Breath of the Wild.

Wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo says it shipped 10m in December alone.

This could actually be possible. Super Mario Odyssey did 9.07 million between from its release to December 31st.
Granted, Odyssey had an extra month to work with and ~1 million short, but I remember Odyssey wasn't didn't even crack the Amazon Rankings until after the September Direct where we get shirtless Mario :P. Smash has been hanging around those rankings ever since the first teaser back at the March Direct and it shot right to #1 after E3. If this holds true for other retailers and other regions. Good Lord, December is going to be massive.

Yeah factor in that by the end of June NS will likely be around the GC mark as sales go so come December the userbase will be more than enough to snap up those numbers and this will be a few weeks afters the phase 1 of Pokemon as well, Smash and Switch will be the go to Christmas presents as well for a tonne of people.