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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - How Much Will Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Sell?


How Much Will Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Sell? (V.2)

20-22 million 1 25.00%
22-24 million 1 25.00%
24-26 million 1 25.00%
26-28 million 0 0%
28-30 million 1 25.00%
>30 million 0 0%

At least three times as many as Smash 4 for the WiiU. So 15 million.

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I am certain it will be 10m+ seller, but I will go with 13.5m+ in order to become best selling Smash Bros game ever.

Also expecting 15-20 million.

With the insane attach ratios first party games are having on Switch I think it'll outsell Brawl lifetime, but by how much is anyone's guess.

Mnementh said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:
It depends.

If it's a port? 18 million.

If it's a new game? 18 million.

18 million? That's way more than Brawl on the Wii! I see it clearly beating Smash 4, but beating the Wii-version? I don't know.

Zelda BotW is best selling 3D Zelda game, Mario Odyssey is/will best selling 3D Mario game, Splatoon 2 is best selling Splatoon game, MK8D will be easily best selling MK after MK Wii, so its clearly that hevy hitters are selling great on Switch and I dont think Smash Bros Ultimate will have any problem to sold more than Wii version thats on around 13m.

PAOerfulone said:

Obviously, the biggest thing coming out of Nintendo’s E3 Direct, and arguably the biggest thing coming out of E3 in general, was Super Smash Broa. Ultimate. A BRAND NEW GAME and latest installment in the Super Smash Bros. franchise scheduled to release exclusively for the Nintendo Switch on December 7th. Every single fighter in the history of the Smash Broa. franchise is all here and accounted for, plus some newcomers like the Inklings, Daisy, and Ridley. Echo characters (Clones, basically) have been introduced, opening up a whole new realm of possibilities of characters that may br included (If Shadow is an echo character for Sonic, I’ve got my new main!)

So with all we know so far and obviously more info to come the closer we get to the game’s release, how much do you expect Smash Bros. Ultimate to sell?

You sound like a salesman trying to get over on someone with the all caps "A BRAND NEW GAME", lol. No really guys! It's BRAND NEW!!!! 

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bigtakilla said:
PAOerfulone said:

Obviously, the biggest thing coming out of Nintendo’s E3 Direct, and arguably the biggest thing coming out of E3 in general, was Super Smash Broa. Ultimate. A BRAND NEW GAME and latest installment in the Super Smash Bros. franchise scheduled to release exclusively for the Nintendo Switch on December 7th. Every single fighter in the history of the Smash Broa. franchise is all here and accounted for, plus some newcomers like the Inklings, Daisy, and Ridley. Echo characters (Clones, basically) have been introduced, opening up a whole new realm of possibilities of characters that may br included (If Shadow is an echo character for Sonic, I’ve got my new main!)

So with all we know so far and obviously more info to come the closer we get to the game’s release, how much do you expect Smash Bros. Ultimate to sell?

You sound like a salesman trying to get over on someone with the all caps "A BRAND NEW GAME", lol. No really guys! It's BRAND NEW!!!! 

That was solely to get the message across to all the people who still foolishly believe this is just an enhanced port.

PAOerfulone said:
bigtakilla said:

You sound like a salesman trying to get over on someone with the all caps "A BRAND NEW GAME", lol. No really guys! It's BRAND NEW!!!! 

That was solely to get the message across to all the people who still foolishly believe this is just an enhanced port.

Or trying to convince yourself by needlessly adding this to a thread that doesn't need it. 


15M easy, maybe more

Much more than Brawl.