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Forums - Politics Discussion - Is Russia closer to causing a massive War than North Korea or even the United States?

There is only one nation on this planet that has ever used nuclear weapons to attack another nation and kill people. I would consider that nation to be the biggest threat to world peace.

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OdinHades said:
There is only one nation on this planet that has ever used nuclear weapons to attack another nation and kill people. I would consider that nation to be the biggest threat to world peace.

If oversimplification helps you sleep at night, then go for it.  But dropping the bomb on two cities still caused fewer civilian casualties than an all-out invasion, even without considering the inevitable "human wave" tactics they'd have been dragooned into, and the little fact that large portions of the country were on the verge of starving to death. 

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

Final-Fan said:
OdinHades said:
There is only one nation on this planet that has ever used nuclear weapons to attack another nation and kill people. I would consider that nation to be the biggest threat to world peace.

If oversimplification helps you sleep at night, then go for it.  But dropping the bomb on two cities still caused fewer civilian casualties than an all-out invasion, even without considering the inevitable "human wave" tactics they'd have been dragooned into, and the little fact that large portions of the country were on the verge of starving to death. 

Well if we are going to be Honest, the US could have ignited those bombs offshore as a warning to gage reactions first, then if they "had to", drop bombs on military targets, but the reason that is cited by some back then is that the US wanted to see what a Atom bomb could do to a city full of people, in retrospect it was the World's worst war crime in modern history, but no one has ever been charged or investigated  

Reminder, as long as the US exists in it's current form, Russia gets all the Carte Blanches they request from me so long as they don't commit genocide...

Sorry not sorry, but a superpower and an unipolar world are a complete perversion of the natural order of the world borne solely out of an ungodly fusion of assimilationist imperialism, the favors of the world's most powerful empire at the time and geographical isolation.

The United States is the size it is due to sheer dumb luck,,, Similar countries collapsed at one point or the other. It's a wonder America hasn't, or that it hasn't had to deal with Russia's imperial overstretch or China and India's demographic instability.

Almost every other state the size of the US hasn't remained stable for long because sheer size makes them unstable without a strong hand, thus why two out of the three mentioned states have only succeeded under autocratic governments and underperformed under liberal ones and why similar unions dissolved when the leaders' refused to consolidate power, like Imperial Brazil or Gran Colombia...

It might have been misconstrued, but the fake statement of "There is a Providence that protects idiots, drunkards, children and the United States of America" from Bismarck rings true. No other country under near identical circumstances emerged or stayed stable for long. Thus the conclusion is that the US is just marginally more stable and by virtue of it's nature, will naturally fall or be felled, or that it's effectively manipulating the circumstances to stay stable. After the Great Recession, I feel it's the latter. Thus, a resilient great power in direct opposition is necessary to limit their ability to change the rules whenever they near breaking point and they follow the natural course of events and do break.

This seems off topic, but it's the rationale behind the reason why I ignore Russia and China's acts. Those two countries will be very strong, but they will not be the colossal behemoths the US is because natural order just doesn't allow for it. If everyone lived like an American, we would need the resources of more than one Earth. That alone drives the point home that the US is bloated beyond belief and a negative contributor. It needs to be trimmed to be competitive and efficient. Their status as a Superpower and their drive to keep it are the reason they are gobbling up resources the way they are and no Green Revolution is going to change this. Thus, a Great Power outsmarting them is necessary to push them to breaking point like they did with the USSR. Thankfully, the US has a lower tolerance threshold for the size the military can grow before their economy cannot keep up. It's good to know that you don't need to outspend them to do this, so long as new innovations keep coming out, the US will increase spending until their economy snaps... Alternatively, they cool down and their projection power dwindles, and probably never recovers once they learn how pointless it was.

Well, as one would put it... They have too much power, and power corrupts. No need to say anything further.

Russia does not seek domination of the world, the US does.

Russia has't surrounded the US with military bases , the US surrounded Russia with military bases very far from the US.

Russia does no try to overthrow governement of other countries, while the US is ready to invade, attack or put enormous pressure on other countries to make them obey.

I am all for a powerful Russia able to check and diminish the acts of the agressive and imperialist US in the world. The world needs balance.

Last edited by Lucas-Rio - on 17 March 2018

Around the Network
StarOcean said:
... But they are dangerous, much more so than North Korea or any terrorist groups. Like what has been said before, they’re testing out how much they can push before retaliation. Of course, the western worlds main priority should be for the execution of Putin and the dismemberment of Russia. The country has no right to its existence and should have been dealt its final blow in 1991. But due to weak leadership, it didn’t die. It is not nearly as strong as when it was the USSR, but it is still dangerous. Once the US gets its shit together most, if not all, of our efforts should go into destroying it

So much nonsense in one post. Cute.

PwerlvlAmy said:
Russia is just a leftwing boogeyman. I realize that's not a popular thing to say on here on this site. But that's the way I see it.

I also concur with Final Fan, Russia wont start WW3 or a massive war, if anything it will be us, the united states, who instigates the start of it

I would hardly call them left wing. More like a corrupt dictarship.

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Putin is actually far right if anything. Soviet was far left.

PwerlvlAmy said:
Russia is just a leftwing boogeyman. I realize that's not a popular thing to say on here on this site. But that's the way I see it.

I also concur with Final Fan, Russia wont start WW3 or a massive war, if anything it will be us, the united states, who instigates the start of it

And you have your head in the sand. I'm so glad that you are as vocal about your stance as you are so we have plenty of copies of your denials.  In every post regarding Trump you rush in to defend him, regardless of facts.  I don't care to try to sway your opinion, because with an opinion as staunch as yours there's just no way of changing it.  I do wonder if you'll issue a mea culpa when this is all over (or just beginning).  Certainly I promise you I will if your theory ends up being correct.

StarOcean said:
They won’t start a war. They aren’t dumb. But they are dangerous, much more so than North Korea or any terrorist groups. Like what has been said before, they’re testing out how much they can push before retaliation. Of course, the western worlds main priority should be for the execution of Putin and the dismemberment of Russia. The country has no right to its existence and should have been dealt its final blow in 1991. But due to weak leadership, it didn’t die. It is not nearly as strong as when it was the USSR, but it is still dangerous. Once the US gets its shit together most, if not all, of our efforts should go into destroying it

Dismembered? So essentially carved up like how Africa was during the 19th century?