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Forums - Sony Discussion - Horizon Zero Dawn sells 7.6 million copies in its first year.

Mar1217 said:
Train wreck said:

Really now, what insider gave you that information?

Anyway, awesome sales for a game that didn't even exist a year before.  Much deserved.

It's like you don't remember E3 flash sales, holiday sales + every so often got big discount. The game was on top during these months due to that. No need to be an insider, just observe Amazon and NPD threads.


If you just wanna point me as a downer, then do so. Fact is the game sold really well. Fact also is that legs are also due to heavy discounts and bundling.

What bundling are you referring to? I have never seen a HZD bundle in the US.

And Horizon did fantastic numbers and showed good legs before there was ever a price cut or major sale, so the majority of HZD’s sales were at $60. And its sales and official price cut came later than they do for a lot of games. To attribute HZD’s success, in any way, to sales or a price cut is ridiculous.

You very much seem to be downplaying Horizon’s sales. Just not sure what the agenda is.

Last edited by pitzy272 - on 28 February 2018

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I can't wait for part 2 and see the improvements they'll make.

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Gaming Console: PLAYSTATION 5

Very happy to see such awesome sales for HZD. I was a believer! Before launch, I was very confident it would do a minimum of 5 million and felt it was possible it could do 8 million. Can’t say I thought it would do darn near 8 mill in its first year, though.

Weren’t Zelda’s sales just announced to be 7million or so as well? Zelda’s legs continue to be insane, at full price no less, and it will eventually sell a good bit more than HZD; but, it’s impressive for HZD nonetheless.

Mar1217 said:
Train wreck said:

Really now, what insider gave you that information?

Anyway, awesome sales for a game that didn't even exist a year before.  Much deserved.

It's like you don't remember E3 flash sales, holiday sales + every so often got big discount. The game was on top during these months due to that. No need to be an insider, just observe Amazon and NPD threads.


If you just wanna point me as a downer, then do so. Fact is the game sold really well. Fact also is that legs are also due to heavy discounts and bundling.

as we can read from your first stanza, this is your personal interpretation/deduction of the games sales' pattern, which means that in fact it's not a "fact", but a relatively educated guess

presenting your deductions as fact imo is bad manners, as it's sure to lead to unfruitfull arguments

Fantastic sales for a new IP.

I have huge expectations for Horizon 2.

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Mar1217 said:
pitzy272 said:

What bundling are you referring to? I have never seen a HZD bundle in the US. The bundles this fall were SWBF, CODWW2, and Destiny 2. 

And Horizon did fantastic numbers and showed good legs before there was ever a price cut or major sale. And its sales and official price cut came later than they do for a lot of games. The majority of HZD’s sales were at $60. To attribute HZD’s success, in any way, to sales or a price cut is ridiculous.

You very much seem to be downplaying Horizon’s sales. Not sure what the agenda is.

1) Bundles did exist for the game. Mostly in Europe as far as I'm aware, coincidentaly being the territory where it sold best.

2) Huh ... yes it did. I never denied any of that. It's numbers were head-to-head with Zelda during the 1st financial quarter. You're putting words into my mouth that I never spoke.

3) It's an amount of  factors that made HZD the sucess it is, but price cut/sales are usually one of the biggest factor why games keeps selling well.Not the sole factor but it's not something you can brush off just because you feel entitled.

4) The only thing that came from this is your insecurity towards other observations.

No insecurity whatsoever. I just recognize downplaying when I see it. And there were others who noticed this in your comment as well. 

RE: #3:  The problem with your comment is that virtually all games receive sales and price drops. So if this is a constant across all games, you can’t reasonably attribute Horizon’s success to that same constant. And a bad game will almost always sell badly. And a price drop won’t change that in any substantial way.

Well deserved for Guerrilla games! I can't wait for the sequel!

Mar1217 said:
Lafiel said:

as we can read from your first stanza, this is your personal interpretation/deduction of the games sales' pattern, which means that in fact it's not a "fact", but a relatively educated guess

presenting your deductions as fact is bad manners, as it's sure to lead to unfruitfull arguments

Question : Can you deny my previous statement ?

Yes ? Plz, elaborate

No ? Then the discussion is over

you just called it an observation in a response to someone else and that is all it amounts to

without proper data on the games' average sales price there is no basis to call your interpretation of that observation "fact" or treat it as one

pitzy272 said:

Very happy to see such awesome sales for HZD. I was a believer! Before launch, I was very confident it would do a minimum of 5 million and felt it was possible it could do 8 million. Can’t say I thought it would do darn near 8 mill in its first year, though.

Weren’t Zelda’s sales just announced to be 7million or so as well? Zelda’s legs continue to be insane, at full price no less, and it will eventually sell a good bit more than HZD; but, it’s impressive for HZD nonetheless.

I never get why zelda crawls its way into every horizon thread. What about the Witcher 3? Or any other 3rd person game with RPG elements?

Not only is zelda a very very established IP, its also one of the biggest IPs in nintendo's portfolio of games. Having made an appearance on every single nintendo platform with exception to the Virtual boy. Even more, its on a platform with less than 5 must have games and one of the most popular games of those 5.

I guess its a testemant to just how good HZD is; being a first attempt in a new genre from a dev and a new IP all the while being compared to one of the greatest longest standing IPs of all time.

Last edited by Intrinsic - on 28 February 2018

Mar1217 said:
Lafiel said:

you just called it an observation in a response to someone else and that is all it amounts to

without proper data on the games' average sales price there is no basis to call your interpretation of that observation "fact" or treat it as one

June (Right during E3) :

Got a tremendous boost in relation to the heavy price cut to 20$

uhh.. according to your source that $20 price is the pre-order price of the expansion DLC (and that alone, not the complete package)

Last edited by Lafiel - on 28 February 2018