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Forums - Sony Discussion - Do you think the PS5 will be a VR only console?


Have you tried VR yet?

Yes! 21 19.63%
Nope. 86 80.37%
potato_hamster said:

It 100% definitely was not cinematic mode. I tried RIGS, Job Simulator, Skyrim, GT Sport, Farpoint, this rhythm game, and the demo disc, with the PS Move motion controllers. It was the best possible PSVR experience Sony offers, and it was "meh". Skyrim, and GT Sport weren't any better of an experience than they are on my television.

I don't enjoy VR. It has no appeal to me. I've been trying VR in different implementations for over 20 years, and it has never once felt like it enhanced my video game experience.

Alright, good to know. I actually met some people online already that actually just played in the cinematic mode and thought "that is vr" (no joke).


If it isnt for you, thats unfortunate but obviously not everything is liked by everybody. At least you tried it so your opinion is far more legit then all those "never tried it its trash" people.

Especially games like GT Sports (even if the VR mode is lacking) with a wheel or Farpoint with the aim controller are HUGE step up above normal similar games played just with a dualshock on a flat screen in my expierence.

Actually not just in mine. If we check amazon, the Farpoint Aim controller bundle has a user rating of 4,8 by almost 200 votings, making it one of the best rated PS4 games from last year on amazon. Most people that rated it actually said also how much better playing something like farpoint is compared to a Call of Duty for them.

But I dont say your wrong. You just have a different opinion and different taste then most other player with is totally fine. See GTA ´5 is on of the most successfull games from the past year and most people love that game but I personally actualled disliked it and havnt even finished it yet. I see that my opinion is (just like your) is a big, big minority but it doesnt make it any better or worse then the others. It wont change the fact that gta is beloved by the gaming community and is a huge success though, its just my opinion.

Last edited by habam - on 19 January 2018

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potato_hamster said:
habam said:

Yeah those entertainment devices often arnt selling well. Remember those "televisions" or "cameras"? Werent  necessary at all, so flop was inevitable

Over two years, Sony has sold 2 million PS VR headsets. That means that less than 3% of PS4 owners have bought PSVR despite the headset selling for half the initial asking price during Black Friday. In a shorter time frame, people have bought millions more PS4 Pros.

How come more people chose to buy PS4 Pros over PSVRs if it's a much, much greater experience?

PSVR launched oct 13th 2016. 2 Years ago was Jan 20th 2016. They sold 2 Mio PSVRs already in dec. 2017, so pretty much 14 months after launch.

Where do you get your over 2 years from?=


BTW PSVR seels better then Rift/Vive and also sold better then the Xbox One X during holiday season on amazon. (according to amazon charts).

It was also far above the ps4 pro on amazon charts during holidays btw.

habam said:
LivingMetal said:

Doesn't matter.  1,000 opinionated YouTube videos doesn't turn opinion into fact.  As I said earlier to another poster, VR can be more immersive depending on the genre or title.  But I don't play Star Wars.  So it's a non-issue with me.

Well in that case there cant be "facts" at all. Opinions are obviously always subjective. There are actually people in your society that dont like watching movies, dont like drinking alcohol, dont like nor own a smartphone or dont like beeing in a relationship or havin sex. So there will be 100% also people that wont like VR for sure.


The question is, how many people will that be ? Nobody knows for sure, but speaking from my own expierence (letting like ~50 people try my PSVR in the past 15 months), Im very sury it will be a big minority and the big majority of people will love VR. From the 50 people, nobody disliked it or wasnt amazed. Not everybody thought it would be the best thing in life for sure, but many of those people also dont like videogaming in general so vr gaming wasnt what they want to do in their free time either.

I'm curious out of the 50 people that tried and liked it how many of them now own PSVR? What is the adoption rate?

potato_hamster said:
habam said:

are you sure you didnt just used the cinemativ mode? From your describtion it sounds lke that.


If definitly does alot of stuff actually. Weather you like that or not, i can not judge. But when it felt like it did "Nothing" for you this sounds pretty much like cinematic mode honestly.

Skyrim, and GT Sport weren't any better of an experience than they are on my television.

Ok man, if you really think that...I mean, ok. But it's hardly an objective fact it doesn't improve the experience either. And I can understand why someone might think you might not have calibrated it correctly.

But habam said, that's unfortunate. I might not understand the reason but at least your opinion is valid, since you've really tried full scale VR, so at least you know what you're talking about.

The_Yoda said:

I'm curious out of the 50 people that tried and liked it how many of them now own PSVR? What is the adoption rate?

3 so far (and 1 bought a Rift).

Should mention that from the 50 people, most arnt gamers and dont even own a ps4 or any console, but they still liked the expierence very much (just not enough to go and buy a ps4 and psvr right now).  From the 50 people I think like 5 or so actually own a PS4, 2 or 3 have a xbox one and 4 are PC gamers. Rest doesnt own any console^^

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habam said:
The_Yoda said:

I'm curious out of the 50 people that tried and liked it how many of them now own PSVR? What is the adoption rate?

3 so far (and 1 bought a Rift).

Should mention that from the 50 people, most arnt gamers and dont even own a ps4 or any console, but they still liked the expierence very much (just not enough to go and buy a ps4 and psvr right now).  From the 50 people I think like 5 or so actually own a PS4, 2 or 3 have a xbox one and 4 are PC gamers. Rest doesnt own any console^^

I actually have a 50% adoption rate among my gamer friends. Two even bought a PS4 for it. (Showed it to 6 of them as of now.)

Errorist76 said:

Ok man, if you really think that...I mean, ok. But it's hardly an objective fact it doesn't improve the experience either. And I can understand why someone might think you might not have calibrated it correctly.

But habam said, that's unfortunate. I might not understand the reason but at least your opinion is valid, since you've really tried full scale VR, so at least you know what you're talking about.

Yeah Its like the first time I hear somebody that actually played farpoint (hopefully with aim) to say something like this lol. Very werii/strange opinion but it is was it is. 

Reading customer reviews here pretty much are way more in line with my own expierence:


If he would had just played a game like Rigs (which actually doesnt get improved to much by VR) it would be kind of understandable imo, but farpoint is such a great showcase of what VR does better then normal gaming...

I have 2 friends that have it and they loved it at first. I haven't asked them lately if they are still in love with it or not. I will likely pick up PSVR this year, that said the only experience I can see that would justify the cost is a game like RE7 which will essentially be the only reason I'll buy the PSVR.

habam said:
Errorist76 said:

Ok man, if you really think that...I mean, ok. But it's hardly an objective fact it doesn't improve the experience either. And I can understand why someone might think you might not have calibrated it correctly.

But habam said, that's unfortunate. I might not understand the reason but at least your opinion is valid, since you've really tried full scale VR, so at least you know what you're talking about.

Yeah Its like the first time I hear somebody that actually played farpoint (hopefully with aim) to say something like this lol. Very werii/strange opinion but it is was it is. 

Reading customer reviews here pretty much are way more in line with my own expierence:


If he would had just played a game like Rigs (which actually doesnt get improved to much by VR) it would be kind of understandable imo, but farpoint is such a great showcase of what VR does better then normal gaming...

Hey, but it's ok if he felt that way and one has to accept that. If I noticed one thing then it's that writing about it doesn't help the cause at all. Youtube videos might be a bit more helpful in translating what's happening, but you simply can't understand VR unless you've tried it.

I mean I had watched quite a fair amount of VR videos and let's plays before I bought my PSVR lately but boy was I blown away, still. Even stuff I had watched several times...the whole feeling of scale and 3-dimensionality doesn't translate at all. 
I mean, just because he mentioned GT Sport....I never was aware that the Maggiore track hill is sooo god damn steep. It totally doesn't translate in 2D. The whole feeling to drive the car and the feeling to experience the track is totally different. 

Each and everyone of my friends was blown away even after they had watched me play the same thing before. It just doesn't translate. 

But as everyone, was stating before...People like not having something on their head, being cut off from reality /I adore exactly that..but not all the time/ so there are many factors which will hinder VR from becoming the main way to play and imho it shouldn't even become that.

Although I actually believe that social experiences like VR-Chat will become huuuge and help the medium as a whole. Much more than any company trying to force it on people.
That's actually something I assume Mark Zuckerberg had in mind, when he bought Oculus.

Last edited by Errorist76 - on 19 January 2018

habam said:
potato_hamster said:

Over two years, Sony has sold 2 million PS VR headsets. That means that less than 3% of PS4 owners have bought PSVR despite the headset selling for half the initial asking price during Black Friday. In a shorter time frame, people have bought millions more PS4 Pros.

How come more people chose to buy PS4 Pros over PSVRs if it's a much, much greater experience?

PSVR launched oct 13th 2016. 2 Years ago was Jan 20th 2016. They sold 2 Mio PSVRs already in dec. 2017, so pretty much 14 months after launch.

Where do you get your over 2 years from?=


BTW PSVR seels better then Rift/Vive and also sold better then the Xbox One X during holiday season on amazon. (according to amazon charts).

It was also far above the ps4 pro on amazon charts during holidays btw.

Sorry, 14 Months. Still less than the Pro which has greatly outsold it. Up tp June, the PS4 Pro represented 1 in 5 PS4s sold since its release. That's over 2 million units. It's surely sold more than that in the 7 months have followed, meaning it's sold more than PSVR.

During the Holidays, the PSVR was on sale and selling for less than $200 while the PS4 Pro never saw a price cut, and was selling at twice the price. If the PSVR didn't outsell the Pro, it wouldn't bode well for Sony's confidence in VR going forward. Sony is doing everything they can to try and make VR gain traction. And what do they have to show for it?

The best selling VR headset ever at 2 million in sales. How impressive.

The fact that it's the best selling VR headset with *only* 2 million speaks volumes for how niche PSVR still is. It has not come close to having mainstream appeal, and there is no indication that the 3% adoption rate it's experienced so far is going to improve significantly enough for Sony to even entertain the idea of shipping the PS5 with a VR headset.