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Forums - Movies & TV - The Fans Have Spoken, Last Jedi Drops A Massive 68%

Lucas-Rio said:
Soundwave said:

Star Wars prequels are kiddie cartoony shit with the worst acting I have ever seen in a modern blockbuster series. Natalie Portman and Samuel L. Jackson are hilariously wooden in particular. These are not live action movies aside from maybe the last 45 minutes of ROTS ... they are cartoons. I can't take them seriously. Also "yeah but the cool stuff is in the Clone Wars cartoon!" ... is a lame excuse, what the hell are these three movies for then (particularily the first two?). Nothing but character introductions. 

Pirates movies are a trainwreck, I still don't know the plot of any of those films, just druken Johnny Depp making fun quips and piratey atmosphere. 

Jurassic World was TFA, but not as good. The other two Jurassic Park sequels are mediocre duds. 

Hobbit films are quite boring, by the end it was so painfully obvious they had stretched a 3 hour story into three movies just to milk it for money. 

The Matrix, the first one is great, and belongs in the tier with Star Wars OT, LOTR. Too bad the sequels were crap. 

Marvel has made some solid films (Iron Man 1, Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy), but the current Star Wars are a clear step beyond. I mean they're Marvel films. What the fuck do you want? Some kind of life lesson from a Thor movie? 

I'd say the X-Men series is about the same tier as the SW sequels. X1 is a decent movie, X2 is very good, X3 is terrible, X1 First Class is solid, X2 Days Of Convoluted Titles is solid, but the last one kinda sucked.

I totally disagree with you. The prequels are not just action movie, that's why you get lost. They are certainly not cartoon. They are scifi movies that are way deeper than SW7 and 8 and considerably expand the universe. The story is great and very well told , it's very political and about the end of democracy and the rise of the empire alongside the fall of the previous order, by the manipulation of Sidious who in fact rule both the republic and the separatists. It's way deeper than the Disney TV show. ROTS is the darkest Star Wars by a huge margin. SW8 looks like a child book in comparison.

The Padme love story was badly made and the acting was not always perfect , I will give you that.

Matrix is in another league, great serie.

I don't like Marvel at all,  these are boring and useless super heros movies, waste of space. Nolan's Batman was much much better.  Pirate of the Carribean, especially the fist, was very fun at least.

Star Wars prequels are a giant pile of steaming dog shit. Even Transformers has better acting, I believe Shia LeBeouf and Megan Fox more than the cardboard characters in the Star Wars prequels. None of it works aside from maybe the final half of Revenge of the Sith, and even that is stupid. You love plot holes so you tell me how much sense this makes:

Anakin wakes up at 7 AM ... still a good guy

By 6:30 PM that same day he's knee deep in murdered children and already 100% commited to the Sith, lol. 

You had three movies to show this turn to the Dark Side and THAT is what the best Lucas could come up with? Give me a fucking break, lol. You wanna talk terrible writing? TPM/AOTC are completely useless movies to boot, you don't need to watch them since ROTS establishes Anakin is married to and loves Padme, is friends with Obi-Wan, the Jedi don't trust Palpatine. So basically the previous two movies are just 4 hours of fuck wankery that don't need to exist, and even then the first half of ROTS has a lot of pointless crap like General Greivious (who gave one shit about this character? He is a cartoon). 

The love story in the prequels is not bad. It's TERRIBLE. It's like the "romance" an alien would write trying to extrapolate human emotions, it doesn't even feel like something written by a human being, lol. 

They're all idiots for not seeing that "Darth Sidious" is just the most famous person in the galaxy wearing a damn hood too. 

First Matrix was great, next two movies are just dumb shit. What the hell is even the point of Neo fighting 1000 Agent Smiths? He's never one in any danger. The only thought provoking thing about the Matrix sequels was how Morpheus' "digital self" included him gaining 20 pounds around the belly.

Last edited by Soundwave - on 30 December 2017

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Goodnightmoon said:
Lucas-Rio said:

You did not like the Ewoks, but it is still not a plot hole. It makes a way more sense, they are on their territory, the stortrooper don't know them, they are getting ambushed.

None of the SW8 plot make sense. The Ewok thing don't last 2h30 and is not the main forcus of the movie neither.

They are just the reason why they save the whole galaxy, nothing important at all lol. They even destroy a bunch of At-TS with wood, very convincent.

Funny because those teddy bears saving the galaxy are more of a "Disney" thing (in a bad way) than anything that Disney has made in the new films, and by a huge margin, oh the irony, but of course the original trilogy is super logical, super serious and totally perfect, the news are shit though.

They played a part, but that's all. The movie isn't centered on the Ewoks. You are trying to divert the criticism here. It doesn't work. Rather than deflecting on another movie, you could have tried to answer the holes in the SW8 plot and you could have tried to explain to us why do you think that a spaceship following another spaceship during the 2h30 with lack of fuel as the main background was a good idea.

It's just a bad idead.

Soundwave said:

Star Wars prequels are a giant pile of steaming dog shit. Even Transformers has better acting, I believe Shia LeBeouf and Megan Fox more than the cardboard characters in the Star Wars prequels. None of it works aside from maybe the final half of Revenge of the Sith, and even that is stupid. You love plot holes so you tell me how much sense this makes:

Anakin wakes up at 7 AM ... still a good guy

By 6:30 PM that same day he's knee deep in murdered children and already 100% commited to the Sith, lol. 

You had three movies to show this turn to the Dark Side and THAT is what the best Lucas could come up with? Give me a fucking break, lol. You wanna talk terrible writing? TPM/AOTC are completely useless movies to boot, you don't need to watch them since ROTS establishes Anakin is married to and loves Padme, is friends with Obi-Wan, the Jedi don't trust Palpatine. So basically the previous two movies are just 4 hours of fuck wankery that don't need to exist, and even then the first half of ROTS has a lot of pointless crap like General Greivious (who gave one shit about this character? He is a cartoon). 

The love story in the prequels is not bad. It's TERRIBLE. It's like the "romance" an alien would write trying to extrapolate human emotions, it doesn't even feel like something written by a human being, lol. 

They're all idiots for not seeing that "Darth Sidious" is just the most famous person in the galaxy wearing a damn hood too. 

First Matrix was great, next two movies are just dumb shit. What the hell is even the point of Neo fighting 1000 Agent Smiths? He's never one in any danger. The only thought provoking thing about the Matrix sequels was how Morpheus' "digital self" included him gaining 20 pounds around the belly.

To me Star Wars 8 The Last Jedi is a giant pile of steaming dog shit as you would say. It's by far inferior to any prequel and by far the worst Star wars movie, because in reality it isn't a star wars movie.

As for revenge of the Sith, you must have forgotten that Anakin had a borderline personnality that has its root in how  he was separated from his mother. The premonitions he had about Padme death, following the death of his mother, was the breaking point. Sidious really convinced him he was the only one that could save Padme, when Yoda offered no other advices than stopping to care. When Windu was about to kill Sidious, he made its final choice and from there, he could never come back, he had betrayed the jedis and had only Sidious. Then he was completley gone into the dark side.

I thought it was really well shown.

The two other movies are necessary to expand the background: they show how was the republic, how the clone wars started, how the stormtroopers were created (and they started as good guys with that), how Palpatine cleverly rised to power, who was Luke and Leia mother and so on.

Star wars fans care about background and the universe a lot. Story wise it was great. The movies had flaws and the acting wasn't perfect as I said earlier, but it still much much better than the shitty The Last Jedi who isn't a true SW movie.

Alll Matrix movies are leagues ahead SW8, you did not like them, they are still much better than SW8, who is at the very end of the pack.

Goodnightmoon said:
Lucas-Rio said:

The point is that the script is awful.

The main plot is about a spaceship that can't escape hyperspace because it can be tracked and that will run out of fuel. Don't you see how stupid it is for a main plot? It has so many holes, the First Order could have intercepted them so many times. They just had to send a second ship into hyperspace to cut the rebel escape.

Also, Finn and Rose escape the rebel ship on a tiny ship and are undetected by the First order. Why they  don't all escape like that earlier?

Finn is about to suicide himself and is prevented by Rose, they crash right in front of the first order, far from the rebel base. Why  they are not killed by the First Order? How do they get back without being killed?

How do Finn know about the hyperspace tracker, and how does he know its exact location on the main FO ship? Even Snoke wasn't aware they had this tracker.

I can demolish all the plots of this movie fairly easily. It was so badly written and executed.

Sure, but when a completley random tribe of teddy bears save the whole galaxy killing the imperial enemies with stick and rocks because they believe C3PO is God, now that's a great script and real star Wars, not Disney bullshit xD You don't seem to understand what SW is to beggin with.

You overanalize a family blockbuster as it was a Dostoievski book, which is sad as fuck, none of the points you make are unexplicable at all specially in a universe like Star Wars that always takes a lot of freedom, if those are the reasons why you think the script is bad then you should probably think the whole saga is terrible.I

I keep seeing this "Teddy bear/3-PO is God" comment.


At the end of Return if the Jedi, there were three battles going on at the same time. Luke fighting Vader and facing theEmperor,Land


Fuck it m something crazy is going on with my quotes putting random letters and spaces in there. a

Anyway, the Ewoks didn't defeat the empire. They were actually getting their assess kicked (though Lucas was fond of the idea of a primitive civilization defeating a more advanced civilization.). All the Ewoks did was help the rebels while they disabled the shield generator so that Lando could blow the Death Star. They pretty much sacrificed themselves.

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People here need to stop talking about film. It is painful listening to most of you guys.

JakDaSnack said:
Azuren said:

Understood them. They were just some of the most ignorant comments I've seen anyone make about Star Wars.


Oh no, like I said: it's a shame all the important ones already like her.


Seemed pretty keen on training her then, too.


So she didn't escape, she was killed, and Episode 9 has a chance to not suck?


No, I think that you just keep trying to move goalposts to say she isn't a Mary Sue. "Find things that make her Mary Sue that don't originate from TFA! Ha!"


Guess what? Still a Mary Sue, because TFA still happened. Moving the goalposts to exclude TFA doesn't magically make her not a Mary Sue

Lol so were yours. Cool. Yup. Nope. Lol, if you don’t have a counter than just admit that the problem with her character was with TFA and not TLJ. If you say so lol.  Anyways, it’s been fun, I’d say we are done. But you seem hell bent on proving to everyone that she is a Mary Sue, so I’m sure I’ll bump into you again.  Till next time, peace!

Care to elaborate? Because I pointed out how you were stubborn enough to believe that factual happenings in ANH were just "bragging". And they only one without a counter is the person who seems to think that someone magically stops being a Mary Sue from one movie to another. And yeah, I'd say we are done. You've gone from saying "Luke is a Mary Sue, too" to saying "give me evidence of Rey exaggerating her Sue symptoms in TLJ". By the way, classic goalpost move. Can't prove Luke is a Mary Sue, so you resort to saying "but she didn't get any more Mary Sue". Which doesn't disprove her being a Mary Sue, by the way. Good luck with your denial.

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I'm sorry but this movie was incredibly dumb and full of plotholes. Let's go over the ridiculous amount of things that didn't make sense, or were just gaping plotholes...

1. Luke wanting to give up on being a Jedi makes no sense at all. He was willing to give Vader a second chance, but the second Kylo turns to the Dark Side he just gives up and hides on a remote planet? The real Luke would have fought to save Kylo. Also, there's no way an apprentice like Kylo would be able to knock out a Master like Luke.

2. An object in motion tends to stay in motion. This means that once a ship runs out of fuel it doesn't slow down. The writers forgot about basic physics making the entire plot of the movie dumb.

3. The entire chase sequence could have been ended by sending fighters out to destroy the fleeing rebel ships.

4. The entire chase sequence could have been ended by calling for backup ships to go to light speed just ahead of where the rebel ships were.

5. The entire chase sequence makes no sense because Vader's Star Destroyer caught Leia's freighter in A New Hope.

6. The entire chase sequence makes no sense because the Rebel Transports that they used towards the end of the movie have their own Hyperdrives.

7. The entire chase sequence makes no sense because the Rebel Transports that they used towards the end of the movie have their own shielding.

8. The rebel fleet is in a desperate retreat, but Finn/Rose can still go to another completely different planet mid-chase without being noticed by the First Order?

9. Leia using the force to Superman herself back into the ship makes no sense.

10. The bridge blowing up makes no sense, because shields have to go down for the entire ship for the bridge to be vulnerable. If a couple of fighters can blow up the main bridge they can destroy the entire ship. In fact, this is what happens to the Super Star Destroyer in RotJ.

11. Rose saving Finn from sacrificing himself makes no sense. She tells Finn not to destroy the things he hates, but fight to save the things he loves. That's what he was doing already! Jeez.

12. If Finn/Rose had time to go to the Casino Planet, have an adventure, and return why couldn't they have gone to an outpost and called for help from the outer rim systems?

13. Why didn't the rebel fleet just drop out of warp in front of the planet that their base was on? It would have been faster.

14. Why didn't Holdo tell the other rebels about her plan to go to the base, and call for help?

15. If going lightspeed and ramming a ship is all it takes to destroy a Star Destroyer, then why not use that tactic for all of Star Wars?

16. Why did Holdo have to sacrifice herself? A droid could have piloted that ship too, ya know.

17. What about the other Star Destroyers that weren't hit by Holdo's ship?

18. How can Rey use the force to lift rocks that weigh more than Luke's X-Wing? Even Yoda had to concentrate to do that, but she can do it easily with no training? She's not a Mary Sue, but jeez that made zero sense. Just like Leia's superman move.

19. How the hell did the First Order get to control the entire galaxy between the first movie and this one?

20. Luke gave Leia Han's dice, but then turns out to be a force projection? So the dice were fake too right? Right?

21. Apparently Rebel Bombers are made out of paper. Sorry but B-Wing model bombers, and Y-Wings can take a serious hit and still fly. Those bombers look like heavily armored B-Wings, yet a single blaster shot from a Tie Fighter blows up 3 of them in a chain reaction? What? 

22. The bomber has a remote controller to drop the bombs. What? Sorry, but no. The drop bombs button is going to be bolted to the cockpit, not on a remote control that you can just lose. That was invented just to create fake tension in the bomb drop sequence. 

23. Space horses can break through rock solid walls, but that doesn't hurt their riders. 

Last edited by Cerebralbore101 - on 30 December 2017

Goodnightmoon said:
Pavolink said:

Good effects are not going to save a movie. The  effects of sacrifice of tha captain are not going to save Luke's scene drinking disgusting green milk. The great effects in the set where Kylo wants to convince Rey after defeating Snoke and his guards are not going to chance the boring beggining.


It is worse than I expected. Not only you don't care for good writing. You are satisfied with great effects only. It seems that disney movies are for you.

 If you believe I'm talking about special effects (lol) in my message then is clear you don't understand nothing at all, but then again, that was clear enough already, read my conversation with Mzuzek about the language of cinema and see if you can grasp something about what I'm trying to say, cause right now you are far away.

You say about the language of the cinema. And then calls tlj a good movie...


It's pretty obvious that most people don't know about your exclusive cinema language. It may be based on low standards.

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Cerebralbore101 said:

Great post really.

This movie makes absolutely no sense from a plot and Star Wars perspective. You know a movie is bad when you have to roll your eyes because the trick used by the director is so obvious and badly executed. That happenned multiple times to me when I watched this movie.