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JakDaSnack said:
Azuren said:

Understood them. They were just some of the most ignorant comments I've seen anyone make about Star Wars.


Oh no, like I said: it's a shame all the important ones already like her.


Seemed pretty keen on training her then, too.


So she didn't escape, she was killed, and Episode 9 has a chance to not suck?


No, I think that you just keep trying to move goalposts to say she isn't a Mary Sue. "Find things that make her Mary Sue that don't originate from TFA! Ha!"


Guess what? Still a Mary Sue, because TFA still happened. Moving the goalposts to exclude TFA doesn't magically make her not a Mary Sue

Lol so were yours. Cool. Yup. Nope. Lol, if you don’t have a counter than just admit that the problem with her character was with TFA and not TLJ. If you say so lol.  Anyways, it’s been fun, I’d say we are done. But you seem hell bent on proving to everyone that she is a Mary Sue, so I’m sure I’ll bump into you again.  Till next time, peace!

Care to elaborate? Because I pointed out how you were stubborn enough to believe that factual happenings in ANH were just "bragging". And they only one without a counter is the person who seems to think that someone magically stops being a Mary Sue from one movie to another. And yeah, I'd say we are done. You've gone from saying "Luke is a Mary Sue, too" to saying "give me evidence of Rey exaggerating her Sue symptoms in TLJ". By the way, classic goalpost move. Can't prove Luke is a Mary Sue, so you resort to saying "but she didn't get any more Mary Sue". Which doesn't disprove her being a Mary Sue, by the way. Good luck with your denial.

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