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I'm sorry but this movie was incredibly dumb and full of plotholes. Let's go over the ridiculous amount of things that didn't make sense, or were just gaping plotholes...

1. Luke wanting to give up on being a Jedi makes no sense at all. He was willing to give Vader a second chance, but the second Kylo turns to the Dark Side he just gives up and hides on a remote planet? The real Luke would have fought to save Kylo. Also, there's no way an apprentice like Kylo would be able to knock out a Master like Luke.

2. An object in motion tends to stay in motion. This means that once a ship runs out of fuel it doesn't slow down. The writers forgot about basic physics making the entire plot of the movie dumb.

3. The entire chase sequence could have been ended by sending fighters out to destroy the fleeing rebel ships.

4. The entire chase sequence could have been ended by calling for backup ships to go to light speed just ahead of where the rebel ships were.

5. The entire chase sequence makes no sense because Vader's Star Destroyer caught Leia's freighter in A New Hope.

6. The entire chase sequence makes no sense because the Rebel Transports that they used towards the end of the movie have their own Hyperdrives.

7. The entire chase sequence makes no sense because the Rebel Transports that they used towards the end of the movie have their own shielding.

8. The rebel fleet is in a desperate retreat, but Finn/Rose can still go to another completely different planet mid-chase without being noticed by the First Order?

9. Leia using the force to Superman herself back into the ship makes no sense.

10. The bridge blowing up makes no sense, because shields have to go down for the entire ship for the bridge to be vulnerable. If a couple of fighters can blow up the main bridge they can destroy the entire ship. In fact, this is what happens to the Super Star Destroyer in RotJ.

11. Rose saving Finn from sacrificing himself makes no sense. She tells Finn not to destroy the things he hates, but fight to save the things he loves. That's what he was doing already! Jeez.

12. If Finn/Rose had time to go to the Casino Planet, have an adventure, and return why couldn't they have gone to an outpost and called for help from the outer rim systems?

13. Why didn't the rebel fleet just drop out of warp in front of the planet that their base was on? It would have been faster.

14. Why didn't Holdo tell the other rebels about her plan to go to the base, and call for help?

15. If going lightspeed and ramming a ship is all it takes to destroy a Star Destroyer, then why not use that tactic for all of Star Wars?

16. Why did Holdo have to sacrifice herself? A droid could have piloted that ship too, ya know.

17. What about the other Star Destroyers that weren't hit by Holdo's ship?

18. How can Rey use the force to lift rocks that weigh more than Luke's X-Wing? Even Yoda had to concentrate to do that, but she can do it easily with no training? She's not a Mary Sue, but jeez that made zero sense. Just like Leia's superman move.

19. How the hell did the First Order get to control the entire galaxy between the first movie and this one?

20. Luke gave Leia Han's dice, but then turns out to be a force projection? So the dice were fake too right? Right?

21. Apparently Rebel Bombers are made out of paper. Sorry but B-Wing model bombers, and Y-Wings can take a serious hit and still fly. Those bombers look like heavily armored B-Wings, yet a single blaster shot from a Tie Fighter blows up 3 of them in a chain reaction? What? 

22. The bomber has a remote controller to drop the bombs. What? Sorry, but no. The drop bombs button is going to be bolted to the cockpit, not on a remote control that you can just lose. That was invented just to create fake tension in the bomb drop sequence. 

23. Space horses can break through rock solid walls, but that doesn't hurt their riders. 

Last edited by Cerebralbore101 - on 30 December 2017