quickrick said:
Nautilus said:
Oh my, such knowledge!Its so much that I can even see it spilling out of my monitor!
While I will agree that the first year of any console is mostly bought and carried by the fans of the company of said product, the Switch is attractive to everyone.Not only on this forum, but go to any forum and you will see users that havent touched a Nintendo console in years buying a Switch or really wanting one.If forums are not enough, there are articles about the subject.
And its not as if Nintendo only has Mario Zelda, Splatoon and Xenoblade.Bayo 3 has just been announced, FE is comming next year, Metroid Prime 4 is comming sometime, and Pokemon and Animal Crossing is comming sometime too.And thats just to name a few, and not even naming sequels on franchises that already had an entry.
well see how it sales next year, looking at november sales, i'm expecting huge declines.
Huge decline?How huge?How many?You are being too vague.Lets say the Switch sold 10 millions this whole year(just a random number), will you say that it will only sell 6 millions next year, having a 40% drop?Or will it sell 4 millions, having a 60% drop?Be more specific, because even I can be vague.
And I mean, its the first holiday for the Switch.With no discounts.On almost anything.I personally expected the PS4 to win this month, though with not a gap as big as this one.But only November was a bit below the fans expectation.But what about the whole year up until now?I mean, you are looking at a month that the Switch did well, but wasnt a monster in sales, and you are expecting huge declines?
I would be happy if you explained your resoning better.