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Forums - Politics Discussion - Donald Trump: How Do You Feel about Him Now? (Poll)


Last November,

I supported him and I still do - Americas 91 15.77%
I supported him and I now don't - Americas 16 2.77%
I supported him and I still do - Europe 37 6.41%
I supported him and I now don't - Europe 7 1.21%
I supported him and I still do - Asia 6 1.04%
I supported him and I now don't - Asia 1 0.17%
I supported him and I still do - RoW 15 2.60%
I supported him and I now don't - RoW 2 0.35%
I didn't support him and still don't. 373 64.64%
I didn't support him and now do. 29 5.03%
CaptainExplosion said:
Immersiveunreality said:

White white white,it could almost be called racist if you did put any other skincolour in that place.

And it's not racist to build a pointless concrete wall to keep an entire country out, despite the data that shows most terrorism in America has been done by white people?

I love how people like yourself tun to one statistic and say "See we dont need that!" Why did the Oscars pt up a 10 foot fence around the show? Why do people build fences, walls, install gates etc. around their homes? Why do we have gated communities? security screen doors? Bars on Windows? Because they are all deterrents designed to either slow down or prevent people from entering. That is what the wall is for. 

You have thousands of immigrants coming across daily, illegally.  When you have no wall you have no way to get security cameras or other infrastructure in place to monitor those areas remotely. A wall allows for electricity, cameras, infrared etc. to be placed along in remote areas and provides a guide to a legal point of entry. Will it stop 100% of people from crossing, no. Will it deter a large number of them and stop them as well? Yes.  Other countries have used walls with great success to help stop illegal immigration. 

Around the Network
CaptainExplosion said:
irstupid said:

More info is needed.

What is that increase in?

Is that an increase in staffers sexually assaulting minors?

Yes, and Trump must think of them as "very fine people", like he said about white nationalist terrorists.

White nationalists arent terrorists. ANTIFA are terrorists. As far as Charlottsville, I'll break down what Trump said for you.....Not everyone on both sides were fighting or went to fight....make more sense now?

Runa216 said:
Cubedramirez said:


How the left in the country looks at the act of killing children as some sacred cow of their progressive faith is beyond alarming. They scream about gun violence and how much they exclusively care for children, yet celebrate with glee at the murder of tens of millions over the years. 

There's something beyond ugly about the fact how other people treat their faith in a God, progressives treat abortion. 

On a side note. Trump must live rent-free in the heads of people. This thread just keeps going. The NPC's sure can't let 2016 slide, even after three years. Roaring economy, actually working towards peace with North Korea, not even on the same planet in terms as bloodthirsty Presidents before him (Obama made Bush look like an anti-war President), and finally taking Progressives to task for their almost sexual enjoyment over their support for abortion. Yeah, he's a shoe in for 2020 and how the typical NPC crowd reacts to that is all the more reason to support him. That and watching that complete idiot AOC rage about how much she hates him just keeps stirring the drink for me. 

Disgusting. This post is repugnant. 

The fact that you seem genuinely convinced that people get JOY out of killing babies shows such a fundamental breakdown of ethics and logic and reason and reality in your head that I genuinely feel like you should seek help. The fact that you practically demonize dems/libs to the point where you paint them as people who gleefully murder children shows so much about who you are and how incapable you are at actually having a rational, reasonable discussion on the matter. 

I'll lay it out super simple: Virtually nobody enjoys abortions. I've met people who aborted pregnancies and even they - who are SUPER DUPER LEFT WING PRO-CHOICE people - said it was the most harrowing experience of their life and they wouldn't wish it upon their greatest enemy. IT was invasive, it went against all her instincts, it made her depressed for a month, and she hated herself for it...because it's a terrible thing and EVERYONE knows it. 

But you know why she did it anyway? Why she hated the reality of it but she still went ahead and had an abortion? It's because she knew that a child would RUIN her life, she lacked the means or maturity to handle a child in her life, and if she did have the child it wouldn't get the care it deserved. She considered adoption but after doing research and seeing how many children are up for adoption and how too large of a percentage of them live terrible or otherwise unpleasant lives, she rightly assumed that an abortion - terminating life before it really became life - was the lesser of two evils. In her mind, and in the mind of rational, forward thinking people, it was more ethical to terminate the pregnancy before the fetus became a child than it would have been to have the child and not care for it or risk having it out where she no longer was a part of its life. 

Furthermore, pro choice is not pro-abortion.  While I'm sure there are extremists who are pro-abortion and would just love to go around forcing women to end their pregnancies, those people are psychos and are generally treated with the same disdain from within the pro-choice movement as you seem to label us all as. No, pro choice means pro choice. A woman should have the CHOICE to either terminate a pregnancy or not. It's their body, their lives, and their future. Nobody should be punished for the rest of their lives for a simple mistake or - in some cases - the result of a rape/incest. 

What people are saying by being pro-life is that they're really anti-woman. They're saying outright that the life of an unborn child - which in the first and most of the second trimester is mostly just a mass of undeveloped cells without a heartbeat or a working brain - is more important than the life of the mother carrying it. That a person's future is less important than the potential human inside them. That a woman's desire to have autonomy over her body is irrelevant if there's a fetus involved. 

Is abortion terrible? yes. we all agree on this. However, it's a lesser of the alternatives and if you honestly think that bringing more people into this world given our overpopulation problems is more important than making the lives of those already alive in this world (Especially women), then you're a terrible person. 

We've over seven billion people on this planet. That's about 2 billion more than what the world realistically should be at. There's no need to bring more life into the world unless you're prepared to deal with it. Pregnancy should be planned, not accidental. To many, taking a child to term is a life sentence for them. You gotta start thinking bigger and stop disrespecting women. 

And if you get a woman pregnant (or are a woman yourself and get pregnant) by mistake and you chose to take it to term, that is and should be their/your choice. 


Pro-choice. You should be pro-choice. You are, you just don't like others making a choice you don't agree with, and that makes you deplorable. 

Plenty of people's lives suck and are ruined everyday. That's life. Heck, the weather can 'ruin' a woman's wedding. Maybe she should have had it indoors, or if it 'has' to be outside and it rains, cancel the wedding and end the marriage. Problem solved I guess.

How many children are born in second and third world countries who certainly have it worse than a poor, low IQ, first world individual? Why does the world allow this?

What if that child would've had the ability to find the cure for cancer when they grew up? What if the mother herself, ended up with cancer down the road?

The world is overpopulated? Just like the human species is toast in 12 years due to climate change? Y2K? We're not near as insightful about the future as we think we are.

Woman have all the choice in the world, in the west anyway. If you choose to partake in intercourse, and you get pregnant, that's something you have to deal with. If you get into your car tomorrow and your struck and end up paralyzed in a wheelchair for the rest of your life, you have to deal with that. If you step outside your doorstep, and contract an illness, you have to deal with that. It all sucks, but ending lives every time things suck a little bit is not a logical answer to the problem.

Woman who's lives are seriously in danger of ending because of the pregnancy, that's a different story. That's survival. War basically. One life vs another. That's hard to argue, and I wouldn't. In that instance it's up to her, no doubt.

CaptainExplosion said:
irstupid said:


As I said, the article and graph does not break out when those 178 staffers were guilty. It could have been 170 of them in 2015 and 8 in 2017 for all we know. 

Here's proof:

And since he said there are "very fine people" on both sides, then he included the alt right fanatics I mentioned earlier.

Trump is a white trash apologist.

Why is the only thing that's in quotes "very fine people"?

Tomorrow should be fun.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

Why do people only care about Trump ?

There are more conservative presidents in World wide.

Around the Network
Oneeee-Chan!!! said:
Why do people only care about Trump ?

There are more conservative presidents in World wide.

But Trump has much more power and reach as any of them. Even Putin and Xi Jinping don't come close to Trump in actual power.

Bofferbrauer2 said:
Oneeee-Chan!!! said:
Why do people only care about Trump ?

There are more conservative presidents in World wide.

But Trump has much more power and reach as any of them. Even Putin and Xi Jinping don't come close to Trump in actual power.

I think it depends. It's hard to tell who wields the power in an authoritarian system because they're very intransparent but I would say both Putin and  Xi Jinping have way more power over their own population than Trump. In foreign policy I agree with you.

CaptainExplosion said:
Immersiveunreality said:

It is not because it does not focus on race and the population inside of the area that is meant to be protected by the wall allready exists out of different races.

So nope ,a big nope.

Oh really? Don't remember what President Man Baby Pig said on his campaign platform around the time he said he wanted to build his precious wall?

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

How's that not about race?

And how is it not a legit concern that he's meeting with fatty the rocket man again? With those two together, and with fatty unlikely to go through with getting rid of his nukes, we're all very likely screwed.

Its not about race because he didnt mention anything about race. Everything he said was true, they are sending rapists, murderers, drugs etc. Some of them are just looking for a better life however we have legal points of entry that they need to follow. 

Cubedramirez said:
jason1637 said:

Lol what?

The bill makes it a requirement that babies that survive an abortion get medical care lime other babies that would be delivered regularly. The way it is now allows for infanticide to occur. I'm really disappointed that the bill didn't pass. Says a lot.


How the left in the country looks at the act of killing children as some sacred cow of their progressive faith is beyond alarming. They scream about gun violence and how much they exclusively care for children, yet celebrate with glee at the murder of tens of millions over the years. 

There's something beyond ugly about the fact how other people treat their faith in a God, progressives treat abortion. 

On a side note. Trump must live rent-free in the heads of people. This thread just keeps going. The NPC's sure can't let 2016 slide, even after three years. Roaring economy, actually working towards peace with North Korea, not even on the same planet in terms as bloodthirsty Presidents before him (Obama made Bush look like an anti-war President), and finally taking Progressives to task for their almost sexual enjoyment over their support for abortion. Yeah, he's a shoe in for 2020 and how the typical NPC crowd reacts to that is all the more reason to support him. That and watching that complete idiot AOC rage about how much she hates him just keeps stirring the drink for me. 

Which explains the stock market posting the worst December since the Great Depression and drilling a $1.7 hole in the deficit.

That "economy" he loves to hype up so much was trending upwards before him, not because of him:

Last edited by KManX89 - on 27 February 2019

Bofferbrauer2 said:
Jumpin said:

As a representative of the extreme left. There are a few things that we do want.

1. Liberty for everyone.
2. Peace.
3. Fair business ownership - if you work for a business, you should have a share in its ownership, rather than a bunch of corrupt stock traders.
4. Technological advancement.
5. An end to authoritarian regimes - both in government bureaucracies, and corporate bureaucracies.
6. Sustainability - both environmentally and financially (which ties into the energy sector and eliminating many of the inefficiencies).
7. An end to overreaching government powers where they are unnecessary and undemocratic - eliminate things like "executive orders" and government-mandated minimum wages.
8. A sustained effort to end the crisis of climate change and corporate abuse of third world nations.
9. An end to government and corporate corruption: take the money out of politics, an end to anti-scientific lobbying (like climate change denial, sales of weapons to warlike theocracies such as Saudi Arabia), right down to advertising dangerous foods that clueless people gorge on, and haven't an idea as to why their bodies are ruined, and no one wants to fuck them.
10. A sustained effort to liberate people in nations like Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, African countries by peaceful supportive means. Democracy always works better than violent revolts (which almost always end up badly).
11. An expansion of our civilization beyond the scope of our planet - we are already prodding the final frontier, but by 200 years from now, it would be an accomplishment if we had secure, permanent, self-reliant extra-terrestrial colonies capable of growth.

Eventually, we would like to see technological levels to a point where nature can thrive on earth alongside large-sized human populations (whether we're mainly here, perhaps in arcologies, or elsewhere - and expanding nature in other regions of the solar system, or beyond). Global technological levels are at a point where food production, construction, and and clothing production are largely automated. A post-scarcity society where the sum of humanity has shifted focus from survival to prosperity; many in the Western world are already there. Where people are provided with ample opportunity to explore the greatest potential of their abilities; again, many well-off people are already doing today, Youtube and the Patreon platform is a good example of a platform that supports this sort of thing, but mainly, I am looking at the next level - where society will be in 50 or 500 years rather than 5 years. Ultimately, scientific technology leading to longevity treatments would be interesting - allow people to live as long as they wish.

I am against the right and conservatism in general. If the conservatives had their way, the progressive golden ages of civilizations would have never occurred, the rennaissance and modern era would never have occurred, and humanity would mainly still be living in theocracies and authoritarian monarchies with relatively terrible living conditions.Any peep of science and new technology would be considered "fake news" as much of the right classify it today (and historically), and chances are likely most people in these forums (were they born into such a world) would spend their life toiling in a field or quarry, losing fingers and toes, and dead of pneumonia, typhus, or consumption before the age of 28.

As a adherent of the party of the left in Luxembourg with connections to the leftist parties (all 3 of them, pretty easy in Luxembourg due to the small territory), I concur to all those points, and the last one is even part of the future vision for Luxembourg (currently with space mining, but no doubt with the intention to grow past that point at a later date).

As a historian however, I can't agree with the last part as most of it is false cause. Theocracies as they are known today are newer than you'd think. Historically, there has been only one in Europe: The Vatican. And even then their anti-tech and anti-science stance is also pretty new, that came mostly in the 19th and 20th century when people started to not believe in religions anymore due to tech disproving much of the concept.

For instance, Galileo didn't get into trouble with his heliocentric views (The catholic church was already shifting towards that stance as it had been increasingly obvious by that point), but because he argued that the bible had passages that could be considered geocentric and ordered the pope (who was supporting Galileo until that point) to change the texts, which is considered heresy. He backed out of it, only for years later, when he got support from the next Pope, he made an utter caricature of him as a dumb fool who argued in favor of geocentrism without listening to reason. Naturally, the Pope was furious about that, and considering what Galileo did before, considered him an unsalvageable heretic. Alienating the scientists who came ho his aid (Schreiner by stealing his work and declaring himself the discoverer of the Sunspot, right down to plagiarizing his entire work, and Grassi because Galilei insisted his observations on comets were wrong (they were correct and Galilei was wrong) naturally didn't help matters, and so got put under house arrest - in a mansion and with a manservant to boot, so not exactly all that bad. Oh, and he never got tortured, though he did got threatened to (which was common practice back then. In fact, any secular court would have tortured him).

At the time of the Spanish inquisition many cursed just to get under their jurisdiction, as they were the most progressive court in all of Europe back then, and the only one who considered anybody innocent until proven wrong and forced the accused to prove the misdeeds of the accused and not the other way around. One also couldn't just go to them and tell them "She's a witch", as that would have landed you into prison (since you just proved to them that you believe in witches, and thus the heresy of witchcraft), not the person you wanted to accuse. The Inquisition got it's bad reputation from Calvinists who wanted to show the Catholic church in a bad light. In fact, most of the worse misdeeds in Catholic countries and the catholic church in particular just boil down to Calvinists painting them in an extremely bad light.

While the Monarchies were Authoritarian in nature, they were very much in favor both of science and technology, some even on their deathbed (As an anecdote, Louis XVI. has for instance perfected the Guillotine while he was imprisoned and learned that he will get killed by it. But as a passionate engineer he immediately saw some flaws in the design and improved it with a straight blade weighted to one side instead of the ax-like curved blade it had until then.). They were constantly advancing technologies. There was no Dark Age, technology did move on faster during the medieval ages than during all of antiquity. What did change was it's Schwerpunkt: Rome was only able to afford all those monuments and bathhouses due to massive slave labor and because Rome itself wasn't threatened. But serfdom gave the former slaves a least some rights, and with feudalism there was some constant threat from the neighbors present. Hence why most early medieval technologies were more architectural and in context of weaponry, but the technology of the Romans wasn't lost - just rarely used as nobody could afford it anymore. Alchemists didn't get burned for new technologies, but because most of them called, like Galileo, to edit the Bible if they didn't outright called them liars. That, of course, if the Alchemists in question weren't charlatans (many tried to sell worthless things to the people under the guise of alchemic essences during the Renaissance). That at a time when the tensions between Catholics and Protestants were at their highest made both churches very twitchy. Alchemy is also much older as many think, having it's roots in the Roman Empire. One should also note that they din't just research technology, but also Philosophy and Mysticism.

Also, on a more general note, how could the church be anti-knowledge when the clerics were the teachers in every western country until the early 20th century? There were parts they didn't back at first, but in general they were never against new knowledge. Monasteries were copying all kinds of books for centuries until the invention of the book press became widespread. I am not religious at all, but credit where credit is due, please.

Besides, you write the Renaissance wouldn't have occurred. Do you even know why it's called the Renaissance? It's because the dominance of the heavy cavalry was broken and the infantry saw it's rebirth (or renaissance) as the mainstray of military tactics. It has nothing to do with enlightenment or any other such movements.

You make good points. So I won't say "Theocracies" as we currently know them. And you are absolutely right about the religious side of things - it's easy to get swayed (as I did) by the very recent far-right religious movements. Interesting, when looking back at the early Christian and Islamic movements, a lot of them heavily resemble what would be labeled as fairly left-wing today: expanding education (in the Caliphate to men and women), aiding the poor (to some extent, giving up all your wealth to aid the poor, it's RIGHT in the book of Acts). It was definitely unfair of me to pigeonhole religion and medieval governments into one thing. I totally agree that the period of the medieval era saw more advancement than classical antiquity.

Another thing about the Inquisition is it's often labeled as torture of Jewish and Islamic people, but it was far more about a unified Catholicism - as you were right, Iberia was a very cosmopolitan and liberated region compared to most of the world at the time (and had been through since Roman times), but there was a wish for stability - and that was their plan, a unified version of the Catholic Church (and such government mandated things date all the way back to the era of Constantine, and on an apologetics level, back to at least the 2nd century... and before when you consider the Hellenized Jewish world with the Pharisees). 

I also want to mention that medieval technology in Europe had some very vital developments to the spread of Western culture, and it is part of the tapestry of combining culture and technology from around the world that built the modern era.

Let's just leave it at "You schooled me with facts" and call it a day =P


I'll redact my point to simply "I'm far left and oppose reactionary right winged conservatism" without applying "reactionary regressive right-wing conservatism" to all dictatorships and religious organizations. There are a plethora of examples through history where they are quite benevolent and foster technological growth and equality among the people - for example, the Islamic Caliphate in the medieval era educated women and men; it is a pale resemblance to the hardline right-wing theocracies we see over Iran and Saudi-Arabia; speaking of Iran, in my experience (and I haven't been there myself, but work with people who have), the people from there are very nice, and far more left-minded than their ruling culture suggests they should be. Part of the reason why I strongly believe that any kind of violent revolution or invasion to overthrow that ruling culture is exactly the wrong way to go about it; we simply co-operate with the nationals in Iran, and help them prosper, and history has shown that the democratic process is the most peaceful and effective means to advance - it's not the easiest path, it's a lot of work - but revolutions... no matter how good the intentions, they always seem to end up in some weird place that only vaguely resembles the goals.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.