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Forums - Sony Discussion - Skyrim VR is my Game of the Year

KBG29 said:

I hopped back on for another 2 hours. I really worked on my strafing skill with the left move. For stair ways I just started riding the wall and rotating the move to stay glued, may mean I am going backwards at points, but it is a lot less taxing on me than the snap turing. I am not a big fan of the way they slow you down when you look to the side either. Thesus did this as well, and when it happened here, I was like, not again. The only reason I can see this is because it may cause discomfort for some, but it would be nice if we could turn it off if it doesn't bother us.

The gameplay is definitly not built from the ground up for VR. I honestly don't know the answer to those questions. I tried the long sword, and I din't really like it, moved to the bow and felt broken after all the time I have spent with Sports Champions and Ancient Amuletor, now I am sticking with Sword and Sheild or Magic and Shield. Like you said, you are free to swing as wild as you want, but just waggling gets the job done. I was going pretty wild, after I realised that I reeled it in a bit. Not looking to tear a rotator cuff during this 100 hour campaign.

There is definitly work to be done, to figure out how to make great gameplay in VR. I hope the team will continue to make refinements to this for a while. They seem to be taking a lot of feedback. As I have been saying, I think now is the perfect time to be learing the trade of VR development. Working together with the community, they will be able to build great gameplay that can be ready for mass market products in the future.

The bow takes some getting used to. You aim with your bow hand, the arrow hand only determines how far the arrow goes. You also need to pull back the arrow hand behind your head for full power. And it works better if you keep the bow slightly to the side of you as move controllers too close or in front of the headset never work well. Sports champions did it much better as well as the swordplay in gladiator duel. Gladiator duel was quite tiring though at the higher levels.

I like rushing them with the sword out in front of me, give them a good stab right in the face :) Then knock them down from above followed up with a couple slashes from the side. I hardly use the shield as holding that up to block makes it so you can't move since the left move is then sideways. Perhaps I should check how it works with realistic shield grip unchecked. Instead of using the shield I use spells in my other hand.

It's better than DS4 gameplay anyway, I have no intention to go back to that despite the movement issues. Hopefully that patch comes soon.

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So I have just got this yesterday, having played about an hour, at this point I'm going to say I really regret spending that £300 on it.

I've tried all the adjustments, and the resolution just looks terrible to me, I can barely read the writing, and I had an eye test just 2 months ago and the optician said my eyesight is perfect.. So either I'm doing something wrong, my headset is broken or you are all raving about ps2 style graphics.

Honestly it looks worse than the original release on the Xbox 360..

The move Controls are clunky, although I'm sure with time I would get used to them, however the head tracking seems permanently out, I'm pressing the move button and it's advancing me 45degrees to my left, constantly.

The fact you can't walk backwards seems a major flaw and obstacle in this game, and for half the time I've been playing so far, one of my weapons (dual wielding) has been floating 2 meters in front of me (although handy for hitting people running towards you, it destroys immersion)

Perhaps there's something im doing wrong (completely open to that possibility given I'm a VR newb) maybe my headset doesn't work (brand new, in a box with sticky clear disc seals attached, and all packaging correct, twist tied wires in individual plastic etc) or I just don't suit VR.

I have never in my life been motion sick before, but the tracking issue (running at an angle to fov) seems to be giving me it!

Ivant said:
So I have just got this yesterday, having played about an hour, at this point I'm going to say I really regret spending that £300 on it.

I've tried all the adjustments, and the resolution just looks terrible to me, I can barely read the writing, and I had an eye test just 2 months ago and the optician said my eyesight is perfect.. So either I'm doing something wrong, my headset is broken or you are all raving about ps2 style graphics.

Honestly it looks worse than the original release on the Xbox 360..

The move Controls are clunky, although I'm sure with time I would get used to them, however the head tracking seems permanently out, I'm pressing the move button and it's advancing me 45degrees to my left, constantly.

The fact you can't walk backwards seems a major flaw and obstacle in this game, and for half the time I've been playing so far, one of my weapons (dual wielding) has been floating 2 meters in front of me (although handy for hitting people running towards you, it destroys immersion)

Perhaps there's something im doing wrong (completely open to that possibility given I'm a VR newb) maybe my headset doesn't work (brand new, in a box with sticky clear disc seals attached, and all packaging correct, twist tied wires in individual plastic etc) or I just don't suit VR.

I have never in my life been motion sick before, but the tracking issue (running at an angle to fov) seems to be giving me it!

VR as it stands just seems more trouble than its worth. I recall playing RE Revelations on the 3ds under my bed covers and that was very immersive. Didn't break the bank either.

I admit was very skeptical of VR until I actually tried PSVR quite recently.
I had a very nice experience, but at the same time it seems to me like the thing is still in its early stages.
Definition for instance is certainly an issue now that I accostumed played the same games at 1080p.

I believe VR will really start to take off on next-gen consoles.

Ivant said:
So I have just got this yesterday, having played about an hour, at this point I'm going to say I really regret spending that £300 on it.

I've tried all the adjustments, and the resolution just looks terrible to me, I can barely read the writing, and I had an eye test just 2 months ago and the optician said my eyesight is perfect.. So either I'm doing something wrong, my headset is broken or you are all raving about ps2 style graphics.

Honestly it looks worse than the original release on the Xbox 360..

The move Controls are clunky, although I'm sure with time I would get used to them, however the head tracking seems permanently out, I'm pressing the move button and it's advancing me 45degrees to my left, constantly.

The fact you can't walk backwards seems a major flaw and obstacle in this game, and for half the time I've been playing so far, one of my weapons (dual wielding) has been floating 2 meters in front of me (although handy for hitting people running towards you, it destroys immersion)

Perhaps there's something im doing wrong (completely open to that possibility given I'm a VR newb) maybe my headset doesn't work (brand new, in a box with sticky clear disc seals attached, and all packaging correct, twist tied wires in individual plastic etc) or I just don't suit VR.

I have never in my life been motion sick before, but the tracking issue (running at an angle to fov) seems to be giving me it!

Keep playing with your set up. It took me a while to realise some games work better with the unit on top of the TV and some games work better with the unit under the TV. I have the Camera set up on top of the TV for Skyrim, and I have not been having too much of an issue. 

You may be running sideways because your Move has drifted. Look at the position of the controller when you have your weapons unequiped, if it looks off, shake it around, and it should snap back to center. 

As for the graphics, well this is early VR. The draw distance is not great, so objects look rough until you get up close, things like road signs for example. Just make sure you check your headset position in the quick menu when you start playing to make sure you have it as focused as possible.

Also, you can run in any direction with the move. Whichever way you point it, determines the direction you run.

Keep at it. If you don't find enjoyment in Skyrim, definitly try out as many free demos as you can. There are a lot available on the store. I have enjoyed PSVR more than anything else this year, only Mario Odyssey and Horion Zero Dawn/Frozen Wilds have kept my interest outside of VR. I'm sure you will find something you like.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


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freebs2 said:
I admit was very skeptical of VR until I actually tried PSVR quite recently.
I had a very nice experience, but at the same time it seems to me like the thing is still in its early stages.
Definition for instance is certainly an issue now that I accostumed played the same games at 1080p.

I believe VR will really start to take off on next-gen consoles.

I think your right. Current VR is definitly not mass market ready. Right now this is a good test bed for the core consumers and the developers to iron it out for next gen. It is very exiting times, just like early PS1/N64 days when we were discovering 3D.

If they can deliver image quality at a simlar pixel density tp yopur average 42" 1080p display, with 99.9% reliable tracking, next gen will definitly be the shift from traditional displays and controls to VR and motion. Going to be extreamly freeing to get out of the wheel chair, take of the head brace, and handcuffs, and step through the tiny window into the world.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


Ivant said:
So I have just got this yesterday, having played about an hour, at this point I'm going to say I really regret spending that £300 on it.

I've tried all the adjustments, and the resolution just looks terrible to me, I can barely read the writing, and I had an eye test just 2 months ago and the optician said my eyesight is perfect.. So either I'm doing something wrong, my headset is broken or you are all raving about ps2 style graphics.

Honestly it looks worse than the original release on the Xbox 360..

The move Controls are clunky, although I'm sure with time I would get used to them, however the head tracking seems permanently out, I'm pressing the move button and it's advancing me 45degrees to my left, constantly.

The fact you can't walk backwards seems a major flaw and obstacle in this game, and for half the time I've been playing so far, one of my weapons (dual wielding) has been floating 2 meters in front of me (although handy for hitting people running towards you, it destroys immersion)

Perhaps there's something im doing wrong (completely open to that possibility given I'm a VR newb) maybe my headset doesn't work (brand new, in a box with sticky clear disc seals attached, and all packaging correct, twist tied wires in individual plastic etc) or I just don't suit VR.

I have never in my life been motion sick before, but the tracking issue (running at an angle to fov) seems to be giving me it!

I'm a VR fan but I passed on Skyrim. I say download that Resident Evil Beginning Hour demo if you want to be impressed with what VR can do. 

Ivant said:
So I have just got this yesterday, having played about an hour, at this point I'm going to say I really regret spending that £300 on it.

I've tried all the adjustments, and the resolution just looks terrible to me, I can barely read the writing, and I had an eye test just 2 months ago and the optician said my eyesight is perfect.. So either I'm doing something wrong, my headset is broken or you are all raving about ps2 style graphics.

Honestly it looks worse than the original release on the Xbox 360..

The move Controls are clunky, although I'm sure with time I would get used to them, however the head tracking seems permanently out, I'm pressing the move button and it's advancing me 45degrees to my left, constantly.

The fact you can't walk backwards seems a major flaw and obstacle in this game, and for half the time I've been playing so far, one of my weapons (dual wielding) has been floating 2 meters in front of me (although handy for hitting people running towards you, it destroys immersion)

Perhaps there's something im doing wrong (completely open to that possibility given I'm a VR newb) maybe my headset doesn't work (brand new, in a box with sticky clear disc seals attached, and all packaging correct, twist tied wires in individual plastic etc) or I just don't suit VR.

I have never in my life been motion sick before, but the tracking issue (running at an angle to fov) seems to be giving me it!

if you want to perfectly calibrate your PSVR you should try this:

you only need to do this once and after that's done you shouldn't encounter any tracking issue with the headset anymore (as long as you are inside the camera view, you should be at a distance of 1.5-2m from the cam)

in Settings->Devices you can adjust your IPD (distance between the eyes) and by slightly moving the PSVR up and down etc you should be able to find the "lens sweet spot" were you get the sharpest image the device can output


the Moves are unfortunately more prone to tracking issues, especially when held closely to the tracking lights of the headset itself - shacking or setting them 10s on a level surface should make them reset tracking

btw you move backwards by pointing the Move behind you and pressing the Move button


you should take a rest if you feel the first signs of motion sickness coming and only return to the game after you feel normal again - forcing yourself to play more will not result in more resilience to the phenomenon, but sometimes even the opposite by conditioning your body to feel sick when putting on the HMD

Last edited by Lafiel - on 25 November 2017

Ivant said:
So I have just got this yesterday, having played about an hour, at this point I'm going to say I really regret spending that £300 on it.

I've tried all the adjustments, and the resolution just looks terrible to me, I can barely read the writing, and I had an eye test just 2 months ago and the optician said my eyesight is perfect.. So either I'm doing something wrong, my headset is broken or you are all raving about ps2 style graphics.

Honestly it looks worse than the original release on the Xbox 360..

The move Controls are clunky, although I'm sure with time I would get used to them, however the head tracking seems permanently out, I'm pressing the move button and it's advancing me 45degrees to my left, constantly.

The fact you can't walk backwards seems a major flaw and obstacle in this game, and for half the time I've been playing so far, one of my weapons (dual wielding) has been floating 2 meters in front of me (although handy for hitting people running towards you, it destroys immersion)

Perhaps there's something im doing wrong (completely open to that possibility given I'm a VR newb) maybe my headset doesn't work (brand new, in a box with sticky clear disc seals attached, and all packaging correct, twist tied wires in individual plastic etc) or I just don't suit VR.

I have never in my life been motion sick before, but the tracking issue (running at an angle to fov) seems to be giving me it!

Sounds to me like your camera isn't configured correctly. Positioning and especially the lighting environment is crucial for the tracking to work correctly. Skyrim VR has several VR options to configure the step turning with the Moves. They are working on a patch to enable smooth turning. The step turning is there to prevent motion sickness.

The resolution is something you can't really do something about, unless you own a PS4 Pro. The Pro uses supersampling to noticeably increase image quality in VR (and without it).

One hour is nothing. Give yourself some more time to adjust to it. Of course the low resolution seems off-putting at first but the increased immersion greatly makes up for it imho. 

You also need to earn your VR legs...A lot of people experience motion sickness after playing it for the first amount of time, but most people adapt to it. Your brain needs to learn the new circumstances, it's your body standing or sitting still while your brain keeps telling you that you're moving. Most people can adapt to it, but it takes a while. Just make sure you don't try to "push trough"...If you're experiencing motion sickness, take a break. 

Maybe try some less taxing VR experiences first. Like the things on the demo disks...

Last edited by Errorist76 - on 25 November 2017

OhNoYouDont said:
SegataSanshiro said:

Ah, Hyperbole the internets favorite word to try and put someone down. Not working. VR is a dumb gimmick. It's been around since the 80s. Remember VR Cafes? I do. Skyrim is bad. That's just a fact. It's badly made for an actual RPG.

What do you think a fact is?

Does anyone know is there a VR edition of this great game out yet?

But yeah pretty much any time I hear phrases like

"this is the only way to play a game"


"this is unplayable"

When people talk about the way others enjoy or don't enjoy their games I just feel as though they are disconnected from the reality of.... everyone is different.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at