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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread: The Greatest Games Event 2017 - FINISH YOUR LISTS

mZuzek said:
Slarvax said:
So a witch, a blonde dude and a monkey walk into a bar...
There's also a fox, a plumber, a ninja. They're all fighting.

This is a multiplayer series that has showed up twice already on my list. This was the first time you could play online, or offline as usual (and you only needed one copy of the game!)

Smash 4 and Mario Kart DS?


Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988

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Mnementh said:

game #23

Hint 1: You probably want Ivan on your starting team.

Hint 2: You learn to know Reuban and his feat with a hedge trimmer.

Hint 3: Fidel is good with explosives and with a gun.

Hint 4: Seemingly mercenaries are a bunch of drama queens.

Hint 5: You fight for honor. You fight for justice. You fight for the right thing. You fight about... trees?

Hint 6: You hire and fire your troops through the Association of International Mercenaries (A.I.M.).

Sadly nobody got that. It is Jagged Alliance.

Jagged Alliance was a tactical game, where you controlled your set of mercenaries to win back control over the island Metavira. It was kinda hard. If a mercenary died on the field, he was gone, and the other mercenaries you could hire became suspicious if too many guys died under your command. Even if only hurt, the merc was out for several days.

The back-story is, that the guys that hire you found out, that some trees on the island of Metavira developed a sap that could be used in the production pharmaceuticals. A companion of them started to take over the island to get the profits of this for himself, and he brought armed guys to take control. So you're hired and you're armed with a notebook from A.I.M., the Association of International Mercenaries. With this you can hire mercs and they are flown in the next day per helicopter.

You're not only in charge of recapturing the island, you also have to look out to hire workers to get the tree sap, because without that you cannot get more funds. Also you should hire guards, because the enemy makes counter-attacks.

This game is turn-based, but punishes errors very hard. You should always look out for your funds, for the layout of the map and other developments.

The game was initially released on DOS. There was a port to the DS, but stay away from that, it is a bad port. Better play the original game under Windows or with DOSBOX under different systems. GOG has it in the catalog.

Wikipedia, MobyGames, OGDB, IGDB

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

game #22

Hint 1: Tactical turn-based RPG on a hexgrid.

Hint 2: Level-up into an advanced class.

Hint 3: Fight with knights, mages, elves, thieves or ... merfolk?

Hint 4: Sprites for the units on the map and comic-graphics for overlayed people in conversations.

Hint 5: Currently way more than 10 official single-player campaigns and much more as user-generated content.

Hint 6: Heir to the Throne, A Tale of Two Brothers, The Hammer of Thursagan or Under Burning Suns? Which do you want to play?


game #21

Hint 1: Oh no! They can mind-control my troops!

Hint 2: The door is to well-guarded? Blow a new entry into the wall.

Hint 3: If the enemies make too much terror-attacks, the countries that are funding my troops will reduce their payment or even make a contract with the enemy.

Hint 4: There are a lot of alien races attacking earth together.

Hint 5: Elirium 115


game #20

Hint 1: If I would've played this game, this should be not lower on the list than #20.

Hint 2: Sword-fighting obviously is won by best banter.

Guessed by Liquid_Laser: The Secret of Monkey Island.


game #19

Hint 1: The rebels of the dawn brigade are lead by the silver-haired girl.

Guessed by Liquid_Laser: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.


game #18

Hint 1: You have three days.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Mnementh said:

game #22

Hint 1: Tactical turn-based RPG on a hexgrid.

Hint 2: Level-up into an advanced class.

Hint 3: Fight with knights, mages, elves, thieves or ... merfolk?

Hint 4: Sprites for the units on the map and comic-graphics for overlayed people in conversations.

Hint 5: Currently way more than 10 official single-player campaigns and much more as user-generated content.

Hint 6: Heir to the Throne, A Tale of Two Brothers, The Hammer of Thursagan or Under Burning Suns? Which do you want to play?


game #21

Hint 1: Oh no! They can mind-control my troops!

Hint 2: The door is to well-guarded? Blow a new entry into the wall.

Hint 3: If the enemies make too much terror-attacks, the countries that are funding my troops will reduce their payment or even make a contract with the enemy.

Hint 4: There are a lot of alien races attacking earth together.

Hint 5: Elirium 115


game #20

Hint 1: If I would've played this game, this should be not lower on the list than #20.

Hint 2: Sword-fighting obviously is won by best banter.

Guessed by Liquid_Laser: The Secret of Monkey Island.


game #19

Hint 1: The rebels of the dawn brigade are lead by the silver-haired girl.

Guessed by Liquid_Laser: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.


game #18

Hint 1: You have three days.

18 is LOZ Majora's Mask?

Ka-pi96 said:
S.Peelman said:


I do agree with you guys on Napoleon. I have it, but didn't play it much. It's scope was too limited, especially coming off the huge Empire. Never played Attila, still seems interesting and kind of want to play it, but I heard they're working on a new one set in an era they didn't visit yet, so can't wait to see it.

But anyway, yeah the first Rome is still the best.

Nice! Just hope it gets announced (and of course released) soon. I know Warhammer is supposed to be a trilogy, so hopefully we don't have to wait until they've finished that trilogy before we get another historic one.

Really wondering where/when they're going though. That could make or break the game for me. Honestly I'd much rather they do a Medieval 3 rather than do a different era/region, but hopefully it will be good still.

I'd also like a Medieval 3. With huge unique castles on the map, would be so epic.

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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

  • Sony PlayStation 3
  • 2009
  • Action-adventure
  • Naughty Dog

The 'Uncharted' series was one of the best things to come out of the 7th Generation and some might say it really was the best period. Maybe I am part of that "some". 'Uncharted 2' was the epitome where everything seemed to have fallen right into place and was polished up as far as possible.

The series is undoubtedly inspired by adventure movies and games like Indiana Jones and the original Tomb Raider series respectively, but does enough to be unique in it's own right. And that's a good thing. In the second game, protagonist Nathan Drake follows in the footsteps of renaissance explorer Marco Polo and tries to find the mystical city of "Shambala", said to contain countless riches, among which a precious stone. The quest takes Drake through a variety of locales from Istanbul to Borneo to Nepal, all gorgeously portrayed.

After having played the first game, which was already impressive, the second game really took it all the way and made the first game look outdated pretty much immediately. Not in a bad way, mind, the first game remains wonderful, but I was blown away by every minute of the second game and each level remains memorable like a true classic should be.

In this game you must find a balance between your two polar opposite settlements to make them thrive, where one culminates in the construction of a towering cathedral, and the other in a spectacular mosque.

mZuzek said:

#20 - A game actually criticized for making the player's hands hurt. I'm not sure if it's the game's fault or the console's, but it's true.
(edit: oh and just so no one starts thinking about weird control schemes, no, this game uses traditional controls.)

Not sure if it fits with this hint but.. Mario Party?

mZuzek said:
Farsala said:

18 is LOZ Majora's Mask?


I'm gonna go ahead and move into the top 20 now. I'm not sure I can do it elegantly as I promised (oh no), but eh, whatever, let's go.

This is the moment where I wanna say something like "these next 20 games are the real shit" and stuff, but the reality this year is that the "real shit" level games have already started at #22 (sorry Ocarina of Time, you're just missing out... again). Sadly, as it is, the top 20 is what gets all the glory, so Gold & Silver and Hyper Light Drifter will just have to miss out on that status - well if anything, at least Gold & Silver have already been there in the past, and I wouldn't doubt HLD moving up and breaking into it next year.
Either way, top 20 time!

#20 - A game actually criticized for making the player's hands hurt. I'm not sure if it's the game's fault or the console's, but it's true.
(edit: oh and just so no one starts thinking about weird control schemes, no, this game uses traditional controls.)

Kid Icarus: Uprising?

mZuzek said:
Farsala said:

18 is LOZ Majora's Mask?


I'm gonna go ahead and move into the top 20 now. I'm not sure I can do it elegantly as I promised (oh no), but eh, whatever, let's go.

This is the moment where I wanna say something like "these next 20 games are the real shit" and stuff, but the reality this year is that the "real shit" level games have already started at #22 (sorry Ocarina of Time, you're just missing out... again). Sadly, as it is, the top 20 is what gets all the glory, so Gold & Silver and Hyper Light Drifter will just have to miss out on that status - well if anything, at least Gold & Silver have already been there in the past, and I wouldn't doubt HLD moving up and breaking into it next year.
Either way, top 20 time!

#20 - A game actually criticized for making the player's hands hurt. I'm not sure if it's the game's fault or the console's, but it's true.
(edit: oh and just so no one starts thinking about weird control schemes, no, this game uses traditional controls.)

First thing that came to mind was Smash bros Melee, but you said its a decade old so Smash bros Brawl.