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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread: The Greatest Games Event 2017 - FINISH YOUR LISTS

#30 Okami

Nintendo let Capcom work on a few handheld Zelda titles back in the day. Those games were innovative for the series due to having weapons that strayed from the norm of the Zelda series. So what does Capcom decide to do after Minish Cap? Well they started making their own Zelda clone, and it wound up being a gorgeous classic. Honestly, this is the third best Zelda style action adventure game ever made. 

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Mnementh said:

game #32

Hint 1: Why does the earth rumble?

Hint 2: I make a hat out of my defeated enemies!

Hint 3: The city at the edge of the desert is replaced by a port town in the remake.

Hint 4: Something Devilish can turn up unexpectedly in other battles.

Hint 5: Cha-Cha or Kayamba?

Hunt 6!

Hint 7: The franchise for this games makes people on the internet angry each time it switches the platform. With this game it switched with the original AND the remake to Nintendo.

Hint 8: Really? No one got it yet? Well in this series you go on a hunt and meet Monsters.

Flilix said:

Monster Hunter 3?

As guessed by Flilix, it is Monster Hunter Tri or 3 Ultimate (also 3G in Japan).

I was triple-dipping for the game, on Wii, on 3DS and WiiU. But 3DS in my opinion wasn't a good platform for this game, so I only count Wii and WiiU versions for this list. The remake on WiiU had some graphical improvements, most notably obviously the resolution upgrade to HD. Also it contained a lot more content. Still, I consider the base game relevant here, the basic gameplay is what makes this game so addictive. So I count both versions together.

The basic gameplay is killing monsters. The fun in it is, that this is no easy task (at least for the big monsters). It may take half an hour to bring down a new monster you haven't met before.  You must learn it's moves, learn to dodge and wear the monster out until you can place some hits of your own. Also good preparation is important, each monster has unique strengths and weaknesses, choosing the correct equipment can make a difference.

I am not alone, especially in Japan this game series is very successful. As it is an exclusive mostly, this spawns regularly heated discussions if it switches the platform.

This game also incites artists. Look at my avatar for reference, or this:

Overall a great fun package, you shouldn't miss out.

Wikipedia, MobyGames, OGDB, IGDB

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

mZuzek said:


...oh god it's #28 day already. I'm screwed.

Well, it's pretty late here, I'm not sure I'll carry on much longer today, but do keep in mind true spam will be on the way. In the meantime, I guess I'll just drop some more hints (and I guess I'll make them easy since I need to catch up fast)...

#35 - This fighting game was notable for having a frustrating final boss who shot fireballs out of his... belly mouth.
Hint 2 - That final boss is the father of another playable character in the game, who is the father of another character, who is the father of the series' main protagonist. Quite a lengthy family, really.

#31 - Probably the only Rockstar game where you can ride a skateboard..? (I really don't know, haven't played many)
#30 - When coming up against an octopus and a former ally, just make it rain.
#29 - Though it is "another" remake, it was actually the first of two remakes this dated game received.
#28 - Cake.
#27 - Two days prior to its release, there was an anime short made to promote the game. Most would say it was better than the game itself, which is quite infamous for bad controls.

27 - Star Fox Zero

mZuzek said:


...oh god it's #28 day already. I'm screwed.

Well, it's pretty late here, I'm not sure I'll carry on much longer today, but do keep in mind true spam will be on the way. In the meantime, I guess I'll just drop some more hints (and I guess I'll make them easy since I need to catch up fast)...

#35 - This fighting game was notable for having a frustrating final boss who shot fireballs out of his... belly mouth.
Hint 2 - That final boss is the father of another playable character in the game, who is the father of another character, who is the father of the series' main protagonist. Quite a lengthy family, really.

#31 - Probably the only Rockstar game where you can ride a skateboard..? (I really don't know, haven't played many)
#30 - When coming up against an octopus and a former ally, just make it rain.
#29 - Though it is "another" remake, it was actually the first of two remakes this dated game received.
#28 - Cake.
#27 - Two days prior to its release, there was an anime short made to promote the game. Most would say it was better than the game itself, which is quite infamous for bad controls.

30: Splatoon 2

29: Another Metroid 2 Remake




Metroid Fusion

  • GameBoy Advance, Nintendo 3DS
  • 2002
  • Action-adventure
  • Nintendo R&D1

I'm still kicking myself about the fact that I missed 'Metroid Fusion' during the time the GameBoy Advance was the prominent Nintendo handheld. As it turned out, it was the best game in the franchise and the best original game on the system. It even was one of the best handheld games ever. If only I knew sooner, but I had mostly abandoned the handheld and consoles beforehand sadly.

Contrary to earlier games in the series, the game focuses more on the story progression and less on the exploration, though there's still enough exploring to do after the game opens up later on. The story is almost that of a survival horror game, and takes the series's example, the movie 'Alien', further than ever before. Famous series protagonist Samus is stranded on an abandoned space station after answering a distress call and finds a species of parasites have taken over all life. One of the parasites takes the shape of Samus herself after she was infected and needed to part with her famous suit.

 This antagonist is named "SA-X", and is certainly one of the best antagonists in video-game history. It haunts you throughout the game, and an encounter, even though scripted in the story, is genuinely terrifying. All you want is flee and hide when it appears. The whole game is able to ooze that eerie atmosphere all-around, and had I played it when it came out, it would even have severely helped my perception of the GameBoy Advance system as a whole.

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The first game in this series has a name that just calls it what it is, but this second "first" game actually names the blade.

S.Peelman said:
The first game in this series has a name that just calls it what it is, but this second "first" game actually names the blade.

If it's Soulcalibur, the original SoulBlade actually was Soul Edge in Japan.

VGPolyglot said:
S.Peelman said:
The first game in this series has a name that just calls it what it is, but this second "first" game actually names the blade.

If it's Soulcalibur, the original SoulBlade actually was Soul Edge in Japan.

SoulCalibur is correct! And yeah I was refering to the Soulblade name. Tough to come up with a good hint for this one.

#29  This MMO was controversial among fans of the series, because it had a number in the title.
Hint 2: It's not FFXIV.
Hint 3: This MMO was released before World of Warcraft

No one guessed my #29, which was Final Fantasy XI

Ka-pi96 said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:

#22 If the Joker were put into a fantasy game, then he would be the main antagonist to this SNES RPG.

Final Fantasy 6?



mZuzek said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:

31 Bully
28 Portal

Both are right, but...

Ka-pi96 said:


Ka-pi here was so close after you and he still hasn't guessed a game on my list, so I'm giving it to him. Sue me, Liquid_Laser, but you've been on my list too many times already, I'm gonna allow some variety!

What?  I object!  Actually I'm not a big fan of Pheonix Wright, are "sustained".


S.Peelman said:
The_Liquid_Laser said: 

Here are my next few games:

#25 Build a theme park the way you want in second installment of this PC series.

#24 For the intro to this arcade game, your girlfriend gets punched in the gut.

#23 This game had you fight the heavyweight champion of the world.


25: Rollercoaster Tycoon 2. Nice.

24: Double Dragon?

23: Mike Tyson Punchout

All three are correct!  And I see you are also a connoisseur of fine Roller Coaster games. 8)


Platina said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:

People are close to guessing this one so I am going to throw another clue out.

Hint 3: This MMO was released before World of Warcraft


Here are my next few games:

#25 Build a theme park the way you want in second installment of this PC series.

#24 For the intro to this arcade game, your girlfriend gets punched in the gut.

#23 This game had you fight the heavyweight champion of the world.

#22 If the Joker were put into a fantasy game, then he would be the main antagonist to this SNES RPG.

#21 A popular action adventure series tried something different by giving the over world a Dragon Quest look in this game.

21: Zelda 2?


The list goes on!

30: Hint 1: Animals versus old women in this sequel.
Hint 2: This game is a 5th gen game but it released after the PS2, and was still highly praised.

28: Hint 1: Features a zombie mode with one of my favorite voice actors (Steven Blum) as one of the 4 characters, who also happens to be in the anime of my avatar :P.