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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread: The Greatest Games Event 2017 - FINISH YOUR LISTS

Time for more hints, entering the TOP 10 on the way.


game #11

Hint 1: Crossover of two well-known game-series that never before shared the same platform.

Hint 2: Draw the map on graph paper in your school notebook.


game #10

Hint 1: This first-person-shooter is set in a universe more well-known for it's space fights.

Hint 2: The first mission in this game helps set the events of the first movie into motion.


game #9

Hint 1: You must leave the keep you were raised at the beginning of the game. You'll find more friends along the way, and have to decide which one travels with you and who will not.

HInt 2: This game changes a turn-based RPG-system in the backgrounds into a real-time game with pausing. This sort of gameplay was setting new standards for the time.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Around the Network
S.Peelman said:
Slarvax said:
This is a 3D fighter from the most popular anime in the west

Pokken Tournament?

Maybe 2nd biggest anime?

Mnementh said:
Slarvax said:
This game got banned from Twitch, even though it's "just" a management game
Your work is to force a bunch of cute girls to buy things, go to photoshoots and stream

I asked myself if HuniePop is worthy as a game or only sells because of cute girls. Maybe you can answer it.

You almost had it. HuniePop is boring imo. On the other hand...

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988

Mnementh said:

Time for more hints, entering the TOP 10 on the way.


game #11

Hint 1: Crossover of two well-known game-series that never before shared the same platform.

Hint 2: Draw the map on graph paper in your school notebook.


game #10

Hint 1: This first-person-shooter is set in a universe more well-known for it's space fights.

Hint 2: The first mission in this game helps set the events of the first movie into motion.


game #9

Hint 1: You must leave the keep you were raised at the beginning of the game. You'll find more friends along the way, and have to decide which one travels with you and who will not.

HInt 2: This game changes a turn-based RPG-system in the backgrounds into a real-time game with pausing. This sort of gameplay was setting new standards for the time.

#9: Final Fantasy VIII?

Signature goes here!

mZuzek said:

#11 - In a certain section of this game, you essentially become a ball and have to do a really weird race where you're just bouncing all around the circuit trying to get more momentum in the slopes and stuff.

Might be a misleading hint but I'll say Super Mario Odyssey (and that part sucks!)

Signature goes here!

Slarvax said:
S.Peelman said:

Pokken Tournament?

Maybe 2nd biggest anime?


Around the Network
Mnementh said:

Time for more hints, entering the TOP 10 on the way.


game #11

Hint 1: Crossover of two well-known game-series that never before shared the same platform.

Hint 2: Draw the map on graph paper in your school notebook.


game #10

Hint 1: This first-person-shooter is set in a universe more well-known for it's space fights.

Hint 2: The first mission in this game helps set the events of the first movie into motion.


game #9

Hint 1: You must leave the keep you were raised at the beginning of the game. You'll find more friends along the way, and have to decide which one travels with you and who will not.

HInt 2: This game changes a turn-based RPG-system in the backgrounds into a real-time game with pausing. This sort of gameplay was setting new standards for the time.

#11 I feel like I should know this, but I don't have it yet.  My wild guess is Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

#10 is some sort of Star Wars FPS.  I'll guess Star Wars: Dark Forces.

#9 is Baldur's Gate?

13. Ninja Gaiden Sigma

Ninja Gaiden Black for the Original Xbox was the first Hack n' Slash I ever played. It's also one of the most difficult hack n' slashes I've ever played in my life. Yes, more difficult than Dark Souls. The great thing about this game is that it forces you to learn how to play. The first boss is a thousand times harder to beat until you learn how to do ultimate moves with good timing. I swear I died 400 times to him the first night I played. The Black Samurai has some attacks that are too powerful to be blocked, and some attacks that are too fast to be dodged, so you have to learn to use both dodging and blocking. Then after you've mastered all that, he starts to throw a grab move in for good measure. There are a ton of weapons, which all look and feel different from one another. Sigma is the ultimate edition of Ninja Gaiden, so it makes the list over the OG Xbox titles. 

P.S. Ninja Gaiden Black, Halo, Jade Empire, Morrowwind, and KotOR were why I loved the OG Xbox so much. Once the 360 came out and dominated the generation, I thought MS was here to stay. But no, the times are a changin. They got greedy with DRM, dropped nearly all 1st party exclusive support, and are chasing graphics with the XB1X. 

#14 Rock Band


Why did it make the list?
Because you can be in a friggin’ rock band!  Really, whoever thought up the idea of this game and also Guitar Hero is a super genius.  This is one of the best ideas anyone has ever had for a video game.  Just play it and you’ll be into it.

On top of that this is the type of game I can get out and anyone wants to play it.  In fact, none of my brothers or sisters are gamers, but I remember them coming over for the holidays and then they asked me to get the game out.  It has that broad appeal, and really my family and I are more music people than sports people, so for me it beats out Wii Sports for “party game that I can play with anyone”.  It is also great to play as a single player as well.

Original experience:
I really loved Guitar Hero, but Rock Band took that style of game to a whole new level.  I love co-op games, so the first time I played Rock Band with a group of people it was like a dream come true.  This game really does feel like you and your friends are a rock band performing together.


How does it hold up today:
This game does not get old.  It’s a music game, so graphics don’t really matter that much.  The only drawback is finding a place to store all of these bulky instruments.

mZuzek said:
TruckOSaurus said:

Might be a misleading hint but I'll say Super Mario Odyssey (and that part sucks!)

You're wrong, because that part doesn't suck (well at least it didn't for me, but I only played that dumb game once, so there's that).

Oh, the guess? Yeah, that one's right.

That explains it. There's a post-game moon that is very annoying to get from that mini-game. The first time you do it it's not so bad.

Signature goes here!




Kula World (US: Roll Away)

  • Sony PlayStation
  • 1998
  • Puzzle-platformer
  • Game Design Sweden

The best game to ever grace a PlayStation console wasn't something high profile, but it was the puzzle-game 'Kula World', known as 'Roll Away' in the US. It is a very obscure game. And it's a shame it is.

The player controls a beach-ball around an obstacle course. The ball can roll around all sides of floating blocks and beams and jump from one to another to try to reach the coins, fruits and most importantly the keys, which open up the exits of the levels. Getting the ball on the correct side of the beams is the real puzzle here becaus you can go around a side at the ends, and it's very challenging. It's addicting, but there are however so many levels, that I never even finished it. When the player gathers five pieces of fruit, the game proceeds to a bonus level to gather extra points and lives.

It's a timeless game, even if the graphics are dated today and weren't even that good to begin with back then. I've never played another puzzle-game that's as addictive as this one was. Never a platform-game that had you think about your next step, ten steps in advance like this one did. Due to this, it's the only digital "classic" I bought off the PSN store to own a second time, the only one worthy.