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Forums - Politics Discussion - Texas church shooting leaves many dead (atleast 27).

Ka-pi96 said:
monocle_layton said:

What if we implemented universal background checks and updated our gun laws to prevent discrimination? I feel that would check off your (justified) causes for concern

There isn't already universal background checks for people that want to buy guns? Yeah... that should be fixed asap!

Gun control is a mess in the US. I'm actually legally allowed to sell to someone in the same state without needing to register it, meaning I can sell a gun to a potential criminal legally according to the ATF.

mountaindewslave said:

disturbing stuff. I wouldn't jump the gun though (no pun intended) regarding gun rights in the USA though. A huge amount of crimes are commited with guns sold on the black market or that have been stolen, so the concept that you could simply limit guns and have some massive effect is sort of naive. Bear in mind the size of the United States. If it's been impossible to stop the drug cartels from getting massive amount of goods into the states (despite the USA wasting billions to try and combat that with the DEA) then why on Earth do you think it would work with other things?

not to mention, for every story of some madman massacring with a gun- there's a story of someone STOPPING a criminal because they had a gun for self defense. It goes both ways. 

Crazy people will always manage to kill in some shape or form. I think the higher frequency of it happening these days falls on two things: there are more and more people in the world and the MEDIA allows for people to get recognition (in a way) for committing crimes. It's like a payoff for them. Attention. That and 50 years ago when a crime occured you didn't necessarily hear about it that day because news was so much slower at getting around

Anyway. Terrible tragedy, hope the families make it through the loss, and that the dead rest in peace. 

Impossible, at church of all things, to predict something like this happening. The shooter must be a real bastard 

Guns are used often to protect people, but let's not act as though regulating gun purchases doesn't make a difference. Even if the black market is still there, we can potentially decrease firearm homicides and the amount of suicides by introducing background checks and attempting to regulate sales.

There is a massive correlation between gun ownership and gun homicides per state, and we shouldn't do nothing about it because a mass shooting may occur. Mass shootings are <1% of all non-suicidal firearm homicides. Yes, a shooter will break out here and there, but the positive benefits of implementing gun restrictions cannot be ignored.


No one is arguing that we shouldn't allow guns. They definitely are used often in self defense and can be used positively (along with helping people being less prone to attacks). We may simply need better laws to not have the US' firearm homicide rate be ridiculously large in comparison to other high income countries

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Mental illness is often used as a scapegoat whenever something like this happens, but in actuality, it is a pretty poor predictor of violence. Removing the rights of thousands of people who pose a minimal risk does virtually nothing to increase our safety. (I should clarify, some individuals are clearly unfit to possess firearms, but there is little need to broadly expand the definition of "mentally ill")

If you wish to increase safety, instead of going after the mentally ill, reduce access to guns of individuals with violent misdemeanors or a history of drug or alcohol abuse or temporary restraining orders.

Last edited by sundin13 - on 05 November 2017

monocle_layton said:
Jranation said:
A prayer can also be an action.

I rather have people praying than doing nothing at all. Obviously there are more effective actions that people can do, but after hearing the news....... praying for their families and loves ones should be the first thing to do.

It's fucking irritating to see someone say 'thinking/praying about X' and Professor Edge Dicklord 1st must take out his intelligence and 'expose' how useless praying is. 


Do these people have no idea what being empathetic is? I feel as though they're the type of people who boast about how 'blunt' they are while they complain about being hated by almost everyone in their social circle(s). 


Sure, sending prayers may not do anything, but it's considerate. If someone tells me they're doing terrible, I'll always tell them I hope their day improves. May do nothing, but it shows you aren't a heartless dick who always needs to prove a point.

Exactly!!! And I bet these people would be saying the opposite if it involves someone close to them. 

Pocky Lover Boy! 

Of course this is a conspiracy of the Hillary Clinton administration.

He doesn’t fit the profile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

sundin13 said:

Mental illness is often used as a scapegoat whenever something like this happens, but in actuality, it is a pretty poor predictor of violence. Removing the rights of thousands of people who pose a minimal risk does virtually nothing to increase our safety. (I should clarify, some individuals are clearly unfit to possess firearms, but there is little need to broadly expand the definition of "mentally ill")

If you wish to increase safety, instead of going after the mentally ill, reduce access to guns of individuals with violent misdemeanors or a history of drug or alcohol abuse or temporary restraining orders.

Ignoring homicides, gun suicides are a problem too. Besides investing in programs for suicide prevention, shouldn't we reject anyone buying a gun who is medically diagnosed with depression? I know Australia managed to decrease gun suicides by implementing certain restrictions, and I honestly think it's worth tackling.

Jranation said:
monocle_layton said:

It's fucking irritating to see someone say 'thinking/praying about X' and Professor Edge Dicklord 1st must take out his intelligence and 'expose' how useless praying is. 


Do these people have no idea what being empathetic is? I feel as though they're the type of people who boast about how 'blunt' they are while they complain about being hated by almost everyone in their social circle(s). 


Sure, sending prayers may not do anything, but it's considerate. If someone tells me they're doing terrible, I'll always tell them I hope their day improves. May do nothing, but it shows you aren't a heartless dick who always needs to prove a point.

Exactly!!! And I bet these people would be saying the opposite if it involves someone close to them. 

That's how life goes honestly. Some people are fine with being insensitive (such as saying 20 migrants killed is nothing) until they have to deal with it themselves. They'll never have to imagine how it feels to run away from a wartorn country and automatically be hated for your race/origin/religion.

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Jumpin said:

Of course this is a conspiracy of the Hillary Clinton administration.

He doesn’t fit the profile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I remember making a thread pointing out r/The_Donald users were calling the vegas shooting a conspiracy AFTER seeing he's white. Prior to that, they were having a fiesta on how muslims must now be removed lmao


Not sure if I can find the thread, but it was a goldmine. Some people criticized me for it as well 

Another Mass Shooting.
Another few dozen people murdered that could have been alive today.

When will you Americans wake up to the fact that Gun Control works rather than continue to bend over backwards to back the gun lobbyists and their rubbish?

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

more guns for everyone...

this is not newsworthy anymore as long as it keeps happening in the US.

if the majority of the US population still doesn't see a problem, then stop reporting it as a tragedy every time it happens.

it's mass insanity at this point there. some 3rd world level shit

Mentally sick and gun control is the subject of the discussion since the attacker is none Muslim. Why no one is calling him an American Terrorist? People will say it is not religion related, but the guy attacked a church? How is that not religion related?

American hypocrisy at its best.....

Frank_kc said:
Mentally sick and gun control is the subject of the discussion since the attacker is none Muslim. Why no one is calling him an American Terrorist? People will say it is not religion related, but the guy attacked a church? How is that not religion related?

American hypocrisy at its best.....

You're guessing here at what people will or will not say.

And there's a difference between a terrorist act and some guy that simply wants to kill a bunch of people.

Terrorist acts have the intention of creating political/societal change through the use of violence. A rando shooting up a church/movie theatre/concert for personal reasons is not an act of terrorism.

Words have meaning, and it has nothing to do with this murderer being muslim or not.

The IRA was a terrorist organization and none of their members was muslim afaik.