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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Lichtspeer dev mentions Nintendo is working on an achievement system for Switch

This would be great. Love me some achievements.

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DialgaMarine said:
GoOnKid said:

To this day I see no reason to like achievements. If this turns out to be true, which I doubt, I will turn them off immediately. I'm not going to let an achievement system dictate HOW I'm supposed to have fun in a game.

 That's not at all how these systems work. They don't dictate anything, unless you yourself let them. They're simply there for the gamers that choose to go the extra mile with their favorite games. They're obviously cosmetic and mean nothing, but amongst gamers, they can seen as a sort of fun bragging right, as well as a metric used to see how much time and effort a person really puts into a game.

Plus, you can't deny it's great to use against those famboys that go around trashing other consoles and games, but don't even put much time in the ones they claim to love, or they simply don't play them period. Exposing can be fun ;)

Nailed it. Nintendo could definitely use an achievement system as well.

I honestly enjoy them and they add more hours to the total time that I played a particular game. Trophies made me play DQ heroes II online something I wouldn't have played if it had no trophies and I honestly enjoyed doing so.

I'm not sure if this is a question of concern, and I'm pretty most early Switch adopters won't care, but how would they implement achievements for games like Zelda? (assuming they do that.)

BOTW is a ridiculously large game, and if NIntendo were to do achievements for it, it would probably take quite awhile to get 100%, so are the people who put in 100+ hours into the game and actually do care about achievements on other platforms screwed?

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

Ka-pi96 said:

What do you mean? Like, would people who want the achievements but already played the game for 100s of hours have to do it all over again if they wanted the achievements for it? Quite possibly! That's what happened for games like Uncharted or Metal Gear Solid 4 on PS3 when Sony added their trophy system. But hey, if you love both the game and achievements that much you'll probably just be like "woo, an excuse to play through Zelda again from scratch yay!!!!"

Speaking of, if they did add an achievement system... would you do it all again?

I already wasted 170 hours of my life for the P5 platinum, so no thanks.

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

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They're cool but my only goal when playing games is to beat them. No amount of artificial goal post shifting is going to change that.

I have mixed feelings about trophies, sometimes i love them and sometimes i completely hate them, it depends on the game and how they handle them, some games have great trophies (as in they present a challenge but a reasonable one and they arent too time consuming), others however are the most infuriating thing ive ever tried to or dealt with, they are either stupidly time consuming (coughDisgaeacough), sometimes completely based on RNG (coughTales ofcough), or have challenges that are both time consuming and with a HIGH chance of not getting nothing in the end, like Killzone 2 that had a trophy for getting into the top 1% best players in the world ranking of the multiplayer...

I really dont understand at ALL my reasons for getting the Platinum in games... i used to think that i got it for games i loved the most but that aint true, afterall i never got the platinum for games like Trails of Cold Steel, Uncharted 4 and not even one platinum in all of MGS, while i do have trophies for other games i loved (DeS and BB for example) at the same time i have the platinum for many games im not even that much of a fan of like COD MW2 and Assassins Creed 2...

I really dont know if i like them or hate them...