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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your unpopular/controversial gaming opinions

The Dual Shock 4 is the worst controller of this generation - primarily for it's awful battery life, lack of options to improve that, and the barebones charging solution out the box.

While the WiiU gamepad had similarly bad battery life, it came with a charging dock packed in and gave you a lot more interesting features DS4 can't compete with. You also had options in the WiiMote and Pro controller which had better battery life than DS4.

Not as familiar with X1 controller, but I know you can add a rechargeable battery with better battery life. I think it may beat DS4 in terms of build quality too. DS4 just feels light and plasticy in way that feels kinda cheap.

I like build quality of Switch Pro Controller way better than the DS4 - and it has far better battery too.

It amazes me that Sony hasn't produced a DS4 controller with at *least* a 10 hour battery life.

I predict NX launches in 2017 - not 2016

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fleischr said:
The Dual Shock 4 is the worst controller of this generation - primarily for it's awful battery life, lack of options to improve that, and the barebones charging solution out the box

I have a love-hate relationship with the DS4. On one hand, it's a really comfortable controller but on the other hand the build quality is really shoddy especially on the analog sticks and the triggers. I mostly just play RPGs on my PS4 but the analog sticks on one of my controllers is becoming unresponsive and the triggers on the other sound like they're about to break. It annoys me because none of my other first party controllers have these types of issues, including the infamous DualShock 3, and these things cost $80 a piece.



I got a theory Xbox never really had that big of a fan base with its 85+mil last gen and that it was more like 45-55mil due to the fact heaps of people had to buy new ones. Everyone I personal know had to get a 2nd one and more than 50% of the people I knew brought more than 3. Not to mention the double dipping. Just a theory but have found a little bit of evidence to back it up. Every one thinks that the PR for the Xbox One was what fucked them and that might be true I still think it wasn't just the PR.

NATO said:
Streaming capability on consoles is largely pointless.

32gb internal storage on a games console in 2016+ is fucking tiny

It took a non-sega,. non-team sonic developer to make a decent sonic game

Xbox is pretty much irrelevant and nobody would bat an eyelid if they backpeddled their way to being pc only again

Uncharted lost legacy is the best uncharted

The original 3DS was actually pretty fucking crap

Everyone argues that Forza is better than Gran Turismo, but nobody from either side of the argument really plays either

The only reason why Nintendo didn't drop the 3DS is because it's the poor mans Switch, the moment Switch's price drops below $200 is the moment they discontinue the 3DS

Resident Evil is actualy a shit franchise, nobody wants to admit it

Modern day gaming press is less about actually covering games and more about stiring up contraversy because it brings in the money with less effort than a well researched, well written review.

Nintendo should ditch docked mode for Switch and release a cheaper, portable only switch, and leave the home console market entirely, they're better suited to the handheld market and dominate it, where as in the home console market other than the fluke-fad Wii, they've always sold terribly.

The only good Xbox UI was the original 360 blades system, the latest Xbox One UI is the worst designed inteface to ever release on a mainstream hardware product.

They should have released DL-only versions of PS3, X360, PS4, XBO for a cheaper price point for the people who only buy digital

Most indie games are actually fucking terrible, and most gamers don't care about them unless it's using their release to pad out their favored systems library figures in arguments.

I think I agree with like 90% of this haha

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The Persona series is a horrible piece of sh*t.

Nintendo and PC gamer

I think Vandal Hearts is a game worth finishing 12 times !! (At least, I did ...)

OTBWY said:
Trying to think of something, but can't think of anything other than FF7 being horribly outdated (recently tried playing again). Xenogears is way better imo.

Haha, I actually still like FF7, but I do agree that Xenogears is way better.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

I thought of another one while rambling on in another thread:

The best thing to happen to Smash Brothers, since its initial N64 launch, was the Subspace Emissary game mode in Smash Brothers Brawl.

A lot of people hate that mode, but it's the only thing I have found entertaining since Smash's first outing. But for me Smash is a novelty game, the only thing I enjoyed about the last one was the fact that I could fight Link against Cloud. The amiibo stuff was kind of interesting too, but unfortunately, I could never find the ones I specifically wanted - there were lots of the ones I didn't want though.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Oneeee-Chan!!! said:

This thread is sick.

I believe the correct way to say this is "This thread are sick".


- Ocarina of Time has never once been the best in the series for me. ALTTP and Wind Waker are two much better games.
- Among the main series, Final Fantasy X is one of the worst game in the series.
- Halo is nothing special.
- World of Warcraft destroyed Warcraft.
- Nintendo and Miyamoto aren't the Gods of gaming.