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NATO said:
Streaming capability on consoles is largely pointless.

32gb internal storage on a games console in 2016+ is fucking tiny

It took a non-sega,. non-team sonic developer to make a decent sonic game

Xbox is pretty much irrelevant and nobody would bat an eyelid if they backpeddled their way to being pc only again

Uncharted lost legacy is the best uncharted

The original 3DS was actually pretty fucking crap

Everyone argues that Forza is better than Gran Turismo, but nobody from either side of the argument really plays either

The only reason why Nintendo didn't drop the 3DS is because it's the poor mans Switch, the moment Switch's price drops below $200 is the moment they discontinue the 3DS

Resident Evil is actualy a shit franchise, nobody wants to admit it

Modern day gaming press is less about actually covering games and more about stiring up contraversy because it brings in the money with less effort than a well researched, well written review.

Nintendo should ditch docked mode for Switch and release a cheaper, portable only switch, and leave the home console market entirely, they're better suited to the handheld market and dominate it, where as in the home console market other than the fluke-fad Wii, they've always sold terribly.

The only good Xbox UI was the original 360 blades system, the latest Xbox One UI is the worst designed inteface to ever release on a mainstream hardware product.

They should have released DL-only versions of PS3, X360, PS4, XBO for a cheaper price point for the people who only buy digital

Most indie games are actually fucking terrible, and most gamers don't care about them unless it's using their release to pad out their favored systems library figures in arguments.

I think I agree with like 90% of this haha