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The Dual Shock 4 is the worst controller of this generation - primarily for it's awful battery life, lack of options to improve that, and the barebones charging solution out the box.

While the WiiU gamepad had similarly bad battery life, it came with a charging dock packed in and gave you a lot more interesting features DS4 can't compete with. You also had options in the WiiMote and Pro controller which had better battery life than DS4.

Not as familiar with X1 controller, but I know you can add a rechargeable battery with better battery life. I think it may beat DS4 in terms of build quality too. DS4 just feels light and plasticy in way that feels kinda cheap.

I like build quality of Switch Pro Controller way better than the DS4 - and it has far better battery too.

It amazes me that Sony hasn't produced a DS4 controller with at *least* a 10 hour battery life.

I predict NX launches in 2017 - not 2016