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Forums - Politics Discussion - White Supremacist Drives Car into Counter-Protesters (20 Injured, One Dead)

Not sure if anyone is staying up to date on this, but:

1. Trump has offered condolences both to the family of the girl who died (identified as a paralegal) and the families of the officers who crashed the helicopter nearby (which doesn't seem to be getting nearly enough publicity, as it actually does point to some level of incompetence in the police force there).
2. The organizer of the rally condemned the violent action.
3. The mother of the driver has stated that her son has never exhibited any racist tendencies and has at least one black friend of which she's aware.

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Around the Network
o_O.Q said:
VGPolyglot said:

OK, I'll explain my views. Socialism is great. Communism is great. Anarchism is great. Capitalism is bad. Fascism is bad. Nazism is bad. Racism is bad. There


communism and anarchism are directly opposed to each other and anarchism directly supports capitalism so... what is going on there?

fascism in the past, generally flourished under communist systems such as the soviet union...

Modern narchism derived as a left-wing movement, so anti-capitalist. Anarcho-communism existed before anarcho-capitalism. And the Soviet Union wasn't a communist system, nor did they ever claim to have been communist. The rhetoric was that they would one day be communist, not that they were communist.

Hiku said:
Slimebeast said:

Wait a second. The quote you bolded in my post, that's about this car driving terrorist. I'm just speculating that he didn't attend these types of rallies before the protests in Charlotsville. Do you have new information?

And your ridiculous claims that these alt-right leaders like Richard Spencer urge people to commit violence, it's not even worthy of a response.

"Anyone who sings along in a song like that is not a good person." lol, decides who? You? So you completely dismiss black humour?

It's funny that the left portrayes everyone on the right even at the individual level as "evil" persons, but when it comes to people their side committing violence, it's explained away as acts of frustration and discrimination. Hypcrisy.

By speculating that he didn't take part in alt-right meetings, you're trying to portray it like meetings between alt-right white supremacists wouldn't promote hatred and violence. As if these meetings are Care Bear fan clubs. But we're talking about meetings where the leader yells "sieg heil" and people do Nazi salutes.
Richard Spencer doesn't personally verbally ask people to comitt acts of violence. He's not that stupid. But he gets people to do Nazi salutes and chant things like "Siegh heil" and do Nazi salutes. That's more than enough. The rest of the Nazi community will take care of the rest.

The song was written by white supremacists. Humor is not their message. You won't find the same kind of lyrics from that artist about the death of any white supremacist. And that's another example of how they promote hatred and violence in their community, through music.

And anyone on any end of the political spectrum commiting violent acts like this should be condemned. But don't try to equate acts of violence from a perfectly normal political party, to acts of violence from a party that gets the crowd chanting "Sieg Heil".

No, it's actually the other way around. Had this, let's call him terrorist, attended many alt-right meetings in the past, obviously it would be much easier to make the case that it's a consequence of hateful rhetoric. It's common logic.

But instead I believe, based on my experience of how various people connected to these movements work psychologically, that the 20 year old terrorist is more "the lonesome guy with empathy and anger management issues who has nurtured anger and frustration for a long while, got triggered and exploded into rage" than it was a planned, deliberate act commited by a person incited by other supremacists.

This disturbed person was incited by the hateful and tense atmosphere in Charlotsville caused by both sides of protestors, yes.

Caused by ideologically based incitement to commit violence and terror, absolutely no.

Your accusations toward Richard Spencer are plain ridiculous, partly because you base them on assumptions rather than actually having studied his rethorics.

I claim that I know far better than you how a young Jimmie Åkesson works psychologically at a very young age and what caused him to sing along a white supremacist and racist song at a party. There was humour involved, but also a kind of rebellious caught-in-the-moment attitude against what is politically correct at the time. I don't know the details of what the song was to be honest, so I can't comment on your reference to the death of white supremacists or such details.

No, it's not fair to describe the protestors on the left side in Charlotsville as simply "a perfectly normal political party". If you do that, you admit that you have a very big problem denouncing hatred and violence commited by the Antifa.

And where did the crowd chant "Sieg Heil"? I'm not aware that that happened. Source?

VGPolyglot said:
o_O.Q said:


communism and anarchism are directly opposed to each other and anarchism directly supports capitalism so... what is going on there?

fascism in the past, generally flourished under communist systems such as the soviet union...

Modern narchism derived as a left-wing movement, so anti-capitalist. Anarcho-communism existed before anarcho-capitalism. And the Soviet Union wasn't a communist system, nor did they ever claim to have been communist. The rhetoric was that they would one day be communist, not that they were communist.


"Modern narchism derived as a left-wing movement"


well you saying so doesn't make that the case... anarchy is not some political movement that people came up with - it is the nature of humans before they come together in groups to cooperate


where are you getting this idea that anarchy is some politcal ideology that people suddenly came up with recently? that idea on the other hand can definitely be levelled to socialism and communism


" Anarcho-communism"


is an oxymoron unless you are speaking about an incredibly small group of people and even then i'm not so sure it even exists on that level


can you describe for me how a system that is entirely about individual freedom with no centralised enforcement body be connected to a system that is entirely about making sure everyone is contrained to one level or class through the use of a centralised enforcement body?


how do you not see that they are complete opposites?


" And the Soviet Union wasn't a communist system"


and what was the soviet union therefore?

Azuren said:

3. The mother of the driver has stated that her son has never exhibited any racist tendencies and has at least one black friend of which she's aware.

Would be an interesting turn of events if the driver was an anti protestor and tried to run over the white supremacists.

Around the Network
o_O.Q said:
VGPolyglot said:

Modern narchism derived as a left-wing movement, so anti-capitalist. Anarcho-communism existed before anarcho-capitalism. And the Soviet Union wasn't a communist system, nor did they ever claim to have been communist. The rhetoric was that they would one day be communist, not that they were communist.


"Modern narchism derived as a left-wing movement"


well you saying so doesn't make that the case... anarchy is not some political movement that people came up with - it is the nature of humans before they come together in groups to cooperate


where are you getting this idea that anarchy is some politcal ideology that people suddenly came up with recently? that idea on the other hand can definitely be levelled to socialism and communism


" Anarcho-communism"


is an oxymoron unless you are speaking about an incredibly small group of people and even then i'm not so sure it even exists on that level


can you describe for me how a system that is entirely about individual freedom with no centralised enforcement body be connected to a system that is entirely about making sure everyone is contrained to one level or class through the use of a centralised enforcement body?


how do you not see that they are complete opposites?


" And the Soviet Union wasn't a communist system"


lol and what was the soviet union therefore?

VGPolyglot is young and I think has this very romanticized image of communism. His mind is not available to change position by rational arguments, he will have to realize the truth by himself and with time, by emotionally experiencing the true evil caused by communists throughout all of history and emotionally experience their selfish, disturbed nature.


jason1637 said:
Azuren said:

3. The mother of the driver has stated that her son has never exhibited any racist tendencies and has at least one black friend of which she's aware.

Would be an interesting turn of events if the driver was an anti protestor and tried to run over the white supremacists.

Wouldn't that just make the media shit their pants?

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jason1637 said:
Azuren said:

3. The mother of the driver has stated that her son has never exhibited any racist tendencies and has at least one black friend of which she's aware.

Would be an interesting turn of events if the driver was an anti protestor and tried to run over the white supremacists.

What I find funny is that we don't have an idea on whether the driver was a white supremicist or not. Mother says one thing, his teacher says another, but the left is trying to blame Trump for the tendencies on one fucked up person. 

Made a bet with LipeJJ and HylianYoshi that the XB1 will reach 30 million before Wii U reaches 15 million. Loser has to get avatar picked by winner for 6 months (or if I lose, either 6 months avatar control for both Lipe and Hylian, or my patrick avatar comes back forever).

barneystinson69 said:
jason1637 said:

Would be an interesting turn of events if the driver was an anti protestor and tried to run over the white supremacists.

What I find funny is that we don't have an idea on whether the driver was a white supremicist or not. Mother says one thing, his teacher says another, but the left is trying to blame Trump for the tendencies on one fucked up person. 

We have pictures of the driver demonstrating with Vanguard America, a group the Anti-Defamation League describes as "a white supremacist group that opposes multiculturalism and believes America is an exclusively white nation". Is there really debate on which side this person stands on?

Slimebeast said:
o_O.Q said:


"Modern narchism derived as a left-wing movement"


well you saying so doesn't make that the case... anarchy is not some political movement that people came up with - it is the nature of humans before they come together in groups to cooperate


where are you getting this idea that anarchy is some politcal ideology that people suddenly came up with recently? that idea on the other hand can definitely be levelled to socialism and communism


" Anarcho-communism"


is an oxymoron unless you are speaking about an incredibly small group of people and even then i'm not so sure it even exists on that level


can you describe for me how a system that is entirely about individual freedom with no centralised enforcement body be connected to a system that is entirely about making sure everyone is contrained to one level or class through the use of a centralised enforcement body?


how do you not see that they are complete opposites?


" And the Soviet Union wasn't a communist system"


lol and what was the soviet union therefore?

VGPolyglot is young and I think has this very romanticized image of communism. His mind is not available to change position by rational arguments, he will have to realize the truth by himself and with time, by emotionally experiencing the true evil caused by communists throughout all of history and emotionally experience their selfish, disturbed nature.


Have to agree with you here. Communism can never work as an economic system in society. Giving money away to people in society will make that society broke. And as with the case of all communist societies, it usually is a fertile breeding ground for oppressive dictatorships. You can ask my mother who grow up in Eastern Europe when the iron curtain still existed how that was like.

Made a bet with LipeJJ and HylianYoshi that the XB1 will reach 30 million before Wii U reaches 15 million. Loser has to get avatar picked by winner for 6 months (or if I lose, either 6 months avatar control for both Lipe and Hylian, or my patrick avatar comes back forever).