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Forums - General Discussion - Game Of Thrones Season 7 FINAL episode POLL up



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On the books the Reach had the biggest army in the series, and here the Lannisters, after years of war, still have a fully armed, fully trained army to fuck stuff up.

I call upon judgement with dragon fire on the bullshit Lannister army.

Euron is slighly more entertaining here than the Gary Stu he was on the books.






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High point was easily seeing Ellaria suffer. I hate her so much in the show and how she betrayed Oberyn's legacy it was fitting for her to be beaten and humiliated with her awful daughters dying. Doesn't change how Dorne has been laughably handled (Who rules there now? Nobody? They apparently didn't care when Doran was killed, so I guess they'll continue to be indifferent. Shurgs.)

I liked seeing Bran back, even if bit hard to believe in Winter he got from the Wall to Winterfell so easily, but Jon got to White Harbor on a bullet train so whatever. I liked him showing his disconnect being the Three Eyed Crow.

Euron is terrifying in the book, and yet somehow endearing in the show. He lacks the Blood Red Crow's Eye and the Horn so I'm not sure if he'll summon a Kracken, a Dragon, or become the NIght's King like I suspect, but he sure if fun to watch bitch slap the worst characters here.

Finally see Highgarden (It's only a model) and sadly brief as the Reach falls in an afternoon and one of the other great houses of the seven kingdoms dies given Mace doesn't exist in the show.

North - Stark*
Riverlands - Frey? Tully? Haven't seen Edmure.
Vale - Arryn
Westerlands - Lannister
Reach - Tarley?
Stromlands - Uh...
Dorne - Erm...

*Not sure be Bran, Sansa, or Jon

I'd say this season thus far has not been terrible, just often boring and lazy. I get some satisfaction seeing the biggest blight of the Sand Snakes wiped away, but not really rooting for anyone.

Ka-pi96 said:
Since we're on the topic of Jon's family anyway.... Ned Stark was an absolute dick for not telling him who his parents really were! Can totally understand him not telling anyone else, and also not telling him when he was a kid. But when he was an adult? And going to join the Night's Watch too? He really should have told him then, he deserved to know!

Ned honored the dying wish of his beloved sister and protected the boy his whole life from Robert. A Targaryen walking around with a claim to the throne found out would mean the death of Jon.  Only reason Ned might agree to it is Jon being a memeber of the Night's Watch he would seen as no threat, but only after Robert's death and then things sort of happened fast for Ned and he thought he was going to take the black and see Jon again.  Until joffrey switched it up and executed him.

SecondWar said:
One theory I have which I'm not sure if its been discussed is regarding the ironborns religion. 'What is dead may never die' seems to be at the very least an indirect reference to the white walkers and their wights. Part of me think Euron is playing the game in order to aide the walkers invasion - I certainly can't see him bending the knee to Cersei, marriage or not.

The Ironborn worship the Drowned God.  Euron doesn't follow that, or any god, he's seen them all. He is beyond Ironborn, and I personally think he could be the Night's King seeking a Cropse Queen (possibly Cersei?) to reign the Great Other upon Westeros.  I think he will use the Hellhorn, or Dragonbinder, and claim and kill one of Dany's dragons, likely Viserion.  Then ride it's undead form against Dany breathing frozen fire making him her principle antagonist.

I think he will ultimately fail, and it will be Jon as Azor Ahai that ends the second Long Night and the Song of Ice and FIre.

dark_gh0st_b0y said:

Olenna Tyrell, noooooooooooooo :(

she was amazing all the way, such professional acting

and OMG did anyone expect Jaime to be steps ahead of Tyrion in strategy planning? things are turning out very interesting, didn't expect Daenerys to lose ground as fast

It comes down to experience I think. Tyrion might be masterclasses in the game, but Jaime has had battle and commanding experience.

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I haven't watched the episode yet, but thanks to youtube stupid suggestions, it's all spoiled. I am pissed :)

I wish Arya got to ride Nymeria and lead her pack of wolves into the north against the army of the dead. Would have been bad ass.

I liked it, but I'm starting not to enjoy the pace of the season. Jamie went from kings landing to high garden in half an episode....that's too fast lol.


Augen said:
SecondWar said:
One theory I have which I'm not sure if its been discussed is regarding the ironborns religion. 'What is dead may never die' seems to be at the very least an indirect reference to the white walkers and their wights. Part of me think Euron is playing the game in order to aide the walkers invasion - I certainly can't see him bending the knee to Cersei, marriage or not.

The Ironborn worship the Drowned God.  Euron doesn't follow that, or any god, he's seen them all. He is beyond Ironborn, and I personally think he could be the Night's King seeking a Cropse Queen (possibly Cersei?) to reign the Great Other upon Westeros.  I think he will use the Hellhorn, or Dragonbinder, and claim and kill one of Dany's dragons, likely Viserion.  Then ride it's undead form against Dany breathing frozen fire making him her principle antagonist.

I think he will ultimately fail, and it will be Jon as Azor Ahai that ends the second Long Night and the Song of Ice and FIre.

Yes, but there are some similarities in the wording of the Drowned God - I still fell it could be a vague reference to the white walkers.

Starting to develop more theories, but my track record suggests few will be correct. Given how much of her forces Dany has already lost, I get the feeling Cersei will beat her but I also I have this feeling that Gregor Clegane is a wight, and that Qyburn as well as Euron follow the White Walkers so that would spell Cerseis end.

The biggest failure of this show is showing the passage of time.

Shit happens too quickly.