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High point was easily seeing Ellaria suffer. I hate her so much in the show and how she betrayed Oberyn's legacy it was fitting for her to be beaten and humiliated with her awful daughters dying. Doesn't change how Dorne has been laughably handled (Who rules there now? Nobody? They apparently didn't care when Doran was killed, so I guess they'll continue to be indifferent. Shurgs.)

I liked seeing Bran back, even if bit hard to believe in Winter he got from the Wall to Winterfell so easily, but Jon got to White Harbor on a bullet train so whatever. I liked him showing his disconnect being the Three Eyed Crow.

Euron is terrifying in the book, and yet somehow endearing in the show. He lacks the Blood Red Crow's Eye and the Horn so I'm not sure if he'll summon a Kracken, a Dragon, or become the NIght's King like I suspect, but he sure if fun to watch bitch slap the worst characters here.

Finally see Highgarden (It's only a model) and sadly brief as the Reach falls in an afternoon and one of the other great houses of the seven kingdoms dies given Mace doesn't exist in the show.

North - Stark*
Riverlands - Frey? Tully? Haven't seen Edmure.
Vale - Arryn
Westerlands - Lannister
Reach - Tarley?
Stromlands - Uh...
Dorne - Erm...

*Not sure be Bran, Sansa, or Jon

I'd say this season thus far has not been terrible, just often boring and lazy. I get some satisfaction seeing the biggest blight of the Sand Snakes wiped away, but not really rooting for anyone.