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RolStoppable said:
Who bought Golf Story and has an idea about how long it is?

It took me 12 hours to finish the story mode. Do you like golf games? Any of the Mario Golf games, for example? Golf Story is most similar to Mario Golf on GBC and Mario Golf Advance Tour on GBA, though Golf Story has much more variety in its gameplay, and the story is more complex.

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What's your take on Golf Story, guys? I'm thinking about buying based on the positive buzz it's getting between the Ninty fanbase, but it went unnoticed by professional reviewers, so I couldn't read a lot about it. And I prefer to avoid LPs if it's possible.

Volterra_90 said:

What's your take on Golf Story, guys? I'm thinking about buying based on the positive buzz it's getting between the Ninty fanbase, but it went unnoticed by professional reviewers, so I couldn't read a lot about it. And I prefer to avoid LPs if it's possible.

If you've ever liked any golf game ever: Definitely buy it.

If you haven't, then you might want to wait for more opinions from other people who usually don't like golf games. I can say this, though: I never expected to like a golf game before playing Mario Golf, and Golf Story is just as good.

Nintendo Life rated it a 9/10, and I agree with that score.

RolStoppable said:
StarDoor said:

If you've ever liked any golf game ever: Definitely buy it.

If you haven't, then you might want to wait for more opinions from other people who usually don't like golf games. I can say this, though: I never expected to like a golf game before playing Mario Golf, and Golf Story is just as good.

Nintendo Life rated it a 9/10, and I agree with that score.

I think it was Nintendo Life who rated Implosion: Never Lose Hope a 9/10. They cannot be trusted because it looks like they would give anything a 9/10 or at least an 8/10.

Sure, even a broken clock is right twice a day, but that doesn't make Nintendo Life any good.

Oh. I just used them because they have the only scored Metacritic review available so far.

Although they weren't quite so generous with Implosion:

I just picked up my SNES Mini from Dreamland store in Belgium. I saw their stock of it and there were like maybe a hundred other waiting for pickup and perhaps empty room which housed another hundred a couple days ago.

It looks like stock issues will not be that great for the SNES Mini.

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.

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RolStoppable said:
StarDoor said:

If you've ever liked any golf game ever: Definitely buy it.

If you haven't, then you might want to wait for more opinions from other people who usually don't like golf games. I can say this, though: I never expected to like a golf game before playing Mario Golf, and Golf Story is just as good.

Nintendo Life rated it a 9/10, and I agree with that score.

I think it was Nintendo Life who rated Implosion: Never Lose Hope a 9/10. They cannot be trusted because it looks like they would give anything a 9/10 or at least an 8/10.

Sure, even a broken clock is right twice a day, but that doesn't make Nintendo Life any good.

Game Informer also gave a 9/10 and Eurogamer was very positive as well (they don't give numeral scores to their games though). Would like to see some more sites review it before I jump in though. 

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides

RolStoppable said:

People are bashing it or writing it off as negligible because it's a third party game exclusive to a Nintendo console. They are scared of the thought that Nintendo fans have something good that they can't get on their own consoles. Their fears are justified.

So are you enjoying it then? It's weird that an exclusive which was hyped by the Nintendo fandom for months doesn't get more professional reviews, that's for sure. But the fact that Nintendo promoted the game was what kept the game on the radar of many fans, I guess they saw potential in it.

StarDoor said:

If you've ever liked any golf game ever: Definitely buy it.

If you haven't, then you might want to wait for more opinions from other people who usually don't like golf games. I can say this, though: I never expected to like a golf game before playing Mario Golf, and Golf Story is just as good.

Nintendo Life rated it a 9/10, and I agree with that score.

I've never played a golf game before, except for some golf game on PC when I was really young XD. What attracts me though is the RPG elements and the Earthbound-like witty humour and atmosphere. I'm more interested in that part of the game, but if the gameplay is solid, good then. I wonder if the golf part is varied enough in the game. Like, different types of quests. Or is just a bunch of courses without any meaningful difference.

Adult film company makes live action VR porno starring Twintelle

This is the track that plays during the new Remix 10 mode from Super Mario Run, is a mix of various themes from 2D Mario history, really liked it.