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I know I asked this before, but does anyone know of Nintendo merch they wanna see made?

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CaptainExplosion said:

I know I asked this before, but does anyone know of Nintendo merch they wanna see made?

Giant Wiimote Plushie!

vidyaguy said:
CaptainExplosion said:

I know I asked this before, but does anyone know of Nintendo merch they wanna see made?

Giant Wiimote Plushie!

Ok. XD

Nintendo's stupidity has struck again. -_-

It's like they're actively encouraging people to not buy DKCR HD. This is a bad omen regarding Retro Studios, the Donkey Kong franchise, or both.

CaptainExplosion said:

Nintendo's stupidity has struck again. -_-

It's like they're actively encouraging people to not buy DKCR HD. This is a bad omen regarding Retro Studios, the Donkey Kong franchise, or both.

Isnt this the typical practice from Japanese publishers though?

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Hold yourself up. Maybe the egnimatic reveal is set for tomorrow on a shadowdrop reveal ... Or not 🤭

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

BasilZero said:
CaptainExplosion said:

Nintendo's stupidity has struck again. -_-

It's like they're actively encouraging people to not buy DKCR HD. This is a bad omen regarding Retro Studios, the Donkey Kong franchise, or both.

Isnt this the typical practice from Japanese publishers though?

Even if it is, it's still not fair.

Mar1217 said:

Hold yourself up. Maybe the egnimatic reveal is set for tomorrow on a shadowdrop reveal ... Or not 🤭

*hits Mar with a barrel*

CaptainExplosion said:
BasilZero said:

Isnt this the typical practice from Japanese publishers though?

Even if it is, it's still not fair.

Mar1217 said:

Hold yourself up. Maybe the egnimatic reveal is set for tomorrow on a shadowdrop reveal ... Or not 🤭

*hits Mar with a barrel*

Lets be real here... how many people in this topic ever even read the credits?

Give us the feckin console already Nintendo!!!!

Switch 2 first look!  Direct on April 2.

Switch: SW-3707-5131-3911
XBox: Kenjabish