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Anybody else keep checking the front page to see if there is an announcement for a Nintendo Direct?

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axumblade said:

Anybody else keep checking the front page to see if there is an announcement for a Nintendo Direct?

I check Gamingleaks on Reddit.

I'm hoping for one next month or at least November.

axumblade said:

Anybody else keep checking the front page to see if there is an announcement for a Nintendo Direct?

That or just their Twitter account at the usual time for a possible announcement.

Wednesday is past though so we ain't getting anything this week as expected since this is the release week for Zelda.

I'm not expecting anything next week too due to them probably wanting to space out those announcements with their game releases.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

Fun but disturbing rap that also satires Nintendo's legal team.

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I was wondering if anybody here who's finished Metroid Prime (original release or Remastered) could tell me where this Grove of life in a far corner of Tallon IV is. Was told there was a Chozo Artifact there.

Metroid Zero Mission is a very good game.

There. Someone had to say it.

JWeinCom said:

Metroid Zero Mission is a very good game.

There. Someone had to say it.

*slaps J* I already know that, what I don't know is where this grove of life they speak of is in Metroid Prime.