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Just watched the direct. I never played the Dragon Quest games, but now seems like a great time to jump in. The announcement of I and II coming is awesome.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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CaptainExplosion said:

How is Metroid Prime 4 low priority?

I havent really gotten into the Metroid franchise.

Played a bit of Super Metroid but couldnt get into it (this was years ago though) - I'll try it again in the future

When it comes to Nintendo, I'm mostly playing Mario (2D, 3D, RPG, Sports, Party, Luigi, Peach, Kart), Smash Bros, The Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, DK, Kirby, and Fire Emblem with the occasional Star Fox, Earthbound and Golden Sun.

Now that I think about it...Pikmin and Animal Crossing are also IPs that I havent played a game yet either.

Facebook must hate the new Zelda game, every time I post something about it, it gets removed - but every other post and game I talk about is

curl-6 said:

Best Direct in a long, long time. Absolutely brilliant.
Switch is getting the send-off it deserves instead of being left to wither like all their home consoles since the SNES, and it's so refreshing.

It is ! But I also technically argue depending on what you want, the last summer Direct was also a great one. Speaking frankly, not many of those were duds or at least not since 2018-2020 where we had a couple of those imo. 

BasilZero said:

Facebook must hate the new Zelda game, every time I post something about it, it gets removed - but every other post and game I talk about is

Right wing leaning site doesn't like to speak of a game with a female protag ? Surprise surprise 🤭

/S ... partially

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

BasilZero said:
CaptainExplosion said:

How is Metroid Prime 4 low priority?

I havent really gotten into the Metroid franchise.

Played a bit of Super Metroid but couldnt get into it (this was years ago though) - I'll try it again in the future

When it comes to Nintendo, I'm mostly playing Mario (2D, 3D, RPG, Sports, Party, Luigi, Peach, Kart), Smash Bros, The Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, DK, Kirby, and Fire Emblem with the occasional Star Fox, Earthbound and Golden Sun.

Now that I think about it...Pikmin and Animal Crossing are also IPs that I havent played a game yet either.

Well you're missing out big. The Metroid franchise is as engaging as it is often terrifying, closest Nintendo has ever had to it's own horror franchise. Even the scariest ghosts in Luigi's Mansion aren't as scary as the likes of Ridley, Draygon, Mother Brain or Dark Samus.

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And thus after the Midori leaker "identity drama" last week, Pyoro the last real mainstream Nintendo leaker had its info source divulged by Jason Schreier. Not only, but it was clear that Nintendo understood that he had access to the backend of their site or the Eshop from what I understand which led to the last Nintendo Direct being free of his 1st party leak.

Once again, giving importance to these anonymous figures was not gonna help the situation in anyway since it was gonna lead to the conclusion we have now eventually.
So for now, peace remains even if there will always be this kind of presence among the internet.

And lesson of the day, just post your stuff on 4chan, much safer there lol

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

Mar1217 said:

And thus after the Midori leaker "identity drama" last week, Pyoro the last real mainstream Nintendo leaker had its info source divulged by Jason Schreier. Not only, but it was clear that Nintendo understood that he had access to the backend of their site or the Eshop from what I understand which led to the last Nintendo Direct being free of his 1st party leak.

Once again, giving importance to these anonymous figures was not gonna help the situation in anyway since it was gonna lead to the conclusion we have now eventually.
So for now, peace remains even if there will always be this kind of presence among the internet.

And lesson of the day, just post your stuff on 4chan, much safer there lol

Don't trust 4chan. Last I checked it's full of racists, pedophiles and assholes.

Mar1217 said:

And thus after the Midori leaker "identity drama" last week, Pyoro the last real mainstream Nintendo leaker had its info source divulged by Jason Schreier. Not only, but it was clear that Nintendo understood that he had access to the backend of their site or the Eshop from what I understand which led to the last Nintendo Direct being free of his 1st party leak.

Once again, giving importance to these anonymous figures was not gonna help the situation in anyway since it was gonna lead to the conclusion we have now eventually.
So for now, peace remains even if there will always be this kind of presence among the internet.

And lesson of the day, just post your stuff on 4chan, much safer there lol

It became a major issue especially when they became attention seekers and grifters.

I like leaks but sheesh, some of these leakers were something.

CaptainExplosion said:
Mar1217 said:

And thus after the Midori leaker "identity drama" last week, Pyoro the last real mainstream Nintendo leaker had its info source divulged by Jason Schreier. Not only, but it was clear that Nintendo understood that he had access to the backend of their site or the Eshop from what I understand which led to the last Nintendo Direct being free of his 1st party leak.

Once again, giving importance to these anonymous figures was not gonna help the situation in anyway since it was gonna lead to the conclusion we have now eventually.
So for now, peace remains even if there will always be this kind of presence among the internet.

And lesson of the day, just post your stuff on 4chan, much safer there lol

Don't trust 4chan. Last I checked it's full of racists, pedophiles and assholes.

And yet, despite how bad 4chan is, it pales in comparison to 8chan.

BasilZero said:
Mar1217 said:

And thus after the Midori leaker "identity drama" last week, Pyoro the last real mainstream Nintendo leaker had its info source divulged by Jason Schreier. Not only, but it was clear that Nintendo understood that he had access to the backend of their site or the Eshop from what I understand which led to the last Nintendo Direct being free of his 1st party leak.

Once again, giving importance to these anonymous figures was not gonna help the situation in anyway since it was gonna lead to the conclusion we have now eventually.
So for now, peace remains even if there will always be this kind of presence among the internet.

And lesson of the day, just post your stuff on 4chan, much safer there lol

It became a major issue especially when they became attention seekers and grifters.

I like leaks but sheesh, some of these leakers were something.

People underestimate how much people have a psychological need to feel important. It will lead you to do some crazy things.