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BasilZero said:
JWeinCom said:

Sadly, no. When you're doing a theme park, you need to move people through attractions quickly. Mini golf simply takes too long. 

That being said, they do have mini golf courses outside of the parks at both Disney and Universal. They have one right now in Universal that has a campy sci fi theme. Could potentially redo that with a Nintendo theme. That would be awesome.

If they did a Kirby themed area, I think it would make sense as a kids friendly section similar to Seuss landing in in Islands of Adventure. Maybe a kids roller coaster, ride above the park on a warp star, or a dumbo style attraction. Something like a tamer version of Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey would be cool. 

I think he means where they dedicate an area where it shows the characters going through the Dream course , not people actually playing Golf.

If so, that would certainly make more sense. 

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KLXVER said:
G2ThaUNiT said:

Well a good chunk of Nintendo's audience were either not born yet or too young to have played DK64 when it released. But the biggest being, a lot of the game just hasn't aged well. DK64 was really the biggest guilty party in Rare's N64 collect-a-thon games. It's not a 3D platformer in the vain of modern Mario Odyssey or Crash Bandicoot 4. There's nearly 4,000 collectables in DK64! There's so much backtracking and so much character switching to collect the necessary collectables to complete levels that it becomes very tiresome.

Even then, I still love DK64 and the game was a huge success. It sold more than 5 million copies!

Those wishing for a new 3D DK just want a traditional 3D platformer like Mario Odyssey, Crash 4, Astro Bot, etc. Not a collect-a-thon. 

Again why? Why would you want just another 3D platformer like all the others? You already have them. Also you dont HAVE to collect everything. Its like "Give us a new 3D DK game, but less content". Its weird. 

I wouldn't call collectables content.  More like filler.  The levels are content.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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theRepublic said:
KLXVER said:

Again why? Why would you want just another 3D platformer like all the others? You already have them. Also you dont HAVE to collect everything. Its like "Give us a new 3D DK game, but less content". Its weird. 

I wouldn't call collectables content.  More like filler.  The levels are content.

Well DK64 without the "filler" wouldnt make any sense.

curl-6 said:
Leynos said:

If Nintendo shows Metroid Prime 4 or announces a House of the Dead 2 Remake. They win this month.

Guess we're meeting G over there.

G2ThaUNiT said:
KLXVER said:

Again why? Why would you want just another 3D platformer like all the others? You already have them. Also you dont HAVE to collect everything. Its like "Give us a new 3D DK game, but less content". Its weird. 

What a weird thought process to have since Nintendo already has Super Mario Odyssey, no other company should bother making a 3D Platformer. Since Call of Duty is the biggest FPS franchise, no other company should bother making another kind of FPS game. 

Like, what? lol. Variety is the spice of life. Just because Kirby and the Forgotten Land is a 3D platformer and Mario Odyssey is a 3D platformer, that makes them exactly the same? Of course not! They have their own ways of tackling combat, music, atmosphere, and general gameplay that makes them completely different from each other. Who wouldn't want that for a new 3D Dk game? It's been over a quarter of a century. 

DK Tropical Freeze is probably the best 2D platformer ever imo. I would love to see what kind of experience a modern 3D DK game could bring to the table. 

Also to your point, look many collectables DK64 has compared to Mario Odyssey. A game that released 18 years after DK64.

I think the comparison is kind of silly if you use it for anything beyond face value.

The bulk of the collectibles in DK64 were the bananas for each character, which on the whole were just laying out in plain view. In Mario 64 the collectables were mostly the 800 or so moons which tended to be more involved.

So if you want to say DK64 had more collectibles, sure that's technically accurate. If you take that to mean it was a more cumbersome game or something like that, I don't think that follows. I have gotten all the collectibles in both of those games, and I'm fairly sure that doing so in Mario Odyssey was a more time intensive and cumbersome project.

I'd say the main difference is that you can "beat" Mario Odyssey with a fairly low amount of Moons, whereas DK64 requires you to collect a considerable bit more of its collectable stuff just to make it to the end of the game.

I'm not 100% of the point being made tbh, but I loved DK64 and was fine with the mount of collectathonyness. Sure it wasn't perfect, but it had its own charm, and is I think the pinnacle of that kind of game for those who are into it. Banjo Tooie I actually felt was the one that jumped the shark with it, despite having less actual things to collect.

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BasilZero said:

I'd like another DK game - Retro's is great and all but I wouldnt mind a 3D one too.

Does it matter if it was made in retro or not.
Metroid Dread was widely praised despite being made by a Spanish studio.
Western fairness only worked well within the Western sphere.

Oneeee-Chan!!! said:

Does it matter if it was made in retro or not.
Metroid Dread was widely praised despite being made by a Spanish studio.
Western fairness only worked well within the Western sphere.

Well I'm not sure how they would with a 3D DK since they have experience with 2D DK (Returns and Tropical Freeze) is what I meant.

Aside from DK, the only other games they helped developed were Metroid games (and apparently Mario Kart 7).

BasilZero said:
Oneeee-Chan!!! said:

Does it matter if it was made in retro or not.
Metroid Dread was widely praised despite being made by a Spanish studio.
Western fairness only worked well within the Western sphere.

Well I'm not sure how they would with a 3D DK since they have experience with 2D DK (Returns and Tropical Freeze) is what I meant.

Aside from DK, the only other games they helped developed were Metroid games (and apparently Mario Kart 7).

And we still don't know whatever happened to Metroid Prime 4. Metroid Prime Remastered may have been done on the side to keep people interested, which it did, but I still wanna know more about Prime 4.

CaptainExplosion said:
BasilZero said:

Well I'm not sure how they would with a 3D DK since they have experience with 2D DK (Returns and Tropical Freeze) is what I meant.

Aside from DK, the only other games they helped developed were Metroid games (and apparently Mario Kart 7).

And we still don't know whatever happened to Metroid Prime 4. Metroid Prime Remastered may have been done on the side to keep people interested, which it did, but I still wanna know more about Prime 4.

Be patient.  It has only been 7 years since the announcement.  

DK64 sucked ass. Aimless game and yes it had far far far too much shit to collect. It just made the game tedious esp Switching characters running back to do whatever.  It felt like running errands while drunk.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!