Mar1217 said:
JWeinCom said:
S tier for me is basically units you'll want to use in every mission. You'll pretty much always want a tank character, and Erador is far better than the other potential tanks, Flanagan and Groma, so you'll basiaclly always want to use him. I think taunting enemies is actually pretty useful, and it gets more useful in the game. As you go along, you'll get an ability that allows him to counter attack. So, any enemy that attacks him gets chipped a bit. His weapon skill is King's Guard which has the same range as provoke, but I believe a 100% success rate against anything not immune to fury. Plus, it makes him invinvible until the end of his next turn. Keeping the enemy occupied is great so you can get frail units into the fray without risk, but when you combine it with some other skills you'll get later in the game (Hughette or Frederica's weapons skills for example) you'll wind up doing a nice chunk of damage and likely kill a few of the enemies in the group. His other abilities raises his defense when he's low on HP, give him immunity to back attacks, and lets him push enemies back, which is useful when you're near a cliff. |
So Erador is basically the reverse of Anna in terms of progression. Though not saying Anna is bad, in the contrary, her double action + Take Cover ability makes her ideal for a good portion of the game where I can usually get her ahead to bait some enemies to go deep in my troops so I can Crit and/or follow-up to oblivion. But currently, I'm only using her during 1 chapter mission by 2 ratio whilst she was almost obligatory to have at the beginning. |
More or less. Anna starts off with her best abilities, but the rest of her abilities are kind of meh, particularly her weapon skill. She attacks twice, but her attack is reduced each time, so it evens out, unless you can sandwich an enemy between her and someone with high attack like Serenoa. She can also put an enemy to sleep and then get into cover which is really useful, but takes a lot of TP, and if you're sending her behind enemy lines to do that, she's not going to be close to Julio or Medina to recharge her. She's useful, but on many maps, there's just going to be someone more useful to use in her place.