That was definitely one of the most interesting directs in a while. I think it was influenced by the fact that A) we actually have a solid first quarter or so so unlike 2019, Nintendo didn't want to just move on to hyping up June onwards, B) we already know about quite a bit in all actuality, so there's not as many far flung surprises to be had, and C) Nintendo just had a massive backlog of midtier announcements for the first half of this year they needed to clear :P
Splatoon 3 is quite a surprise, though of all the early evergreens I figured that one had the most potential for a sequel on the original Switch. Pyra and Mythra making it into Smash was a pleasant surprise. Triangle Strategy looks fascinating and I don't think anyone saw that coming. Monster Hunter Rise looks better every time I see it and there were some other interesting bits there. But there was also just a MASSIVE volume of midtiers, especially third party stuff.
I will say the lack of Pokemon Snap info when they gave us updates on virtually every other game we already knew about obviously points to the near certainty of a Pokemon Direct.
All and all, definitely interesting and pretty good though the genres in focus were often less mainstream than I'm sure many would want.
As it was I rank the Direct a 6/10; most of it was uninteresting filler, but I got an awesome new Monster Hunter trailer, a new trailer and finally a release date for No More Heroes 3, and the reveal of a new game I'm interested in with Splatoon 3, so I can't really complain.
Also, we just got the announcement of Crash 4 and if that had been in there it would've boosted it up to a 7/10, and I have tons to play in the mean time anyway.
160rmf said: What a lame addition... We already have a ff7 representative, but nooooo! Guess another fire emblem fighter wannabe is never enough *sigh* |
And another one. Guess it's overated having a fighter that is unique and worldly famous by its original gaming style in a game with basically no story elements, just pure brawling. What we are getting next? Soul Calibur? Samurai Warriors?
Just make a separate season pass named "Sakurai fanservice" so people that actually want some diversity for Smash rooster can give a hard pass.
Last edited by 160rmf - on 17 February 2021
We reap what we sow
Nvm this post. I am nervous
Last edited by 160rmf - on 17 February 2021
We reap what we sow
Source: NintendoLife via Famitsu
Last edited by Raven - on 18 February 2021From the stuff announced
Pyra in Smash Bros. - big meh
Famicom Detective Club - One of the better surprises, nice that they are localizing it
Samurai Warriors 5 - caught my eye because the artstyle looks pretty nice
Legend of Mana - Looks coo, interested after playing Trials
Mario Golf - pretty cool
DC Super Hero Girls - unironically interested
Miitopia - cool
Project Triangle - wish they would fuck off with these "old school" revival stuff that lacks the substance of that old school stuff, cause I don't see this getting any better, and that name jesus.
Ninja Gaiden Trilogy - I'm happy it doesn't include NG Black cause I just bought it 2 days ago.
Skyward Sword HD - coo, I'm interested in how well it will play with the stick
Splatoon 3 - noice
7/10. Good direct
Still pretty excited for No More Heroes III and Monster Hunter Rise.
Wyrdness said: OctoTactics is slick going by the demo. |
Looks awesome
mZuzek said: I'm ready |
Tell us about the performance, I want to know how it runs.