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From the stuff announced

Pyra in Smash Bros. - big meh

Famicom Detective Club - One of the better surprises, nice that they are localizing it

Samurai Warriors 5 - caught my eye because the artstyle looks pretty nice

Legend of Mana - Looks coo, interested after playing Trials

Mario Golf - pretty cool

DC Super Hero Girls - unironically interested 

Miitopia - cool

Project Triangle - wish they would fuck off with these "old school" revival stuff that lacks the substance of that old school stuff, cause I don't see this getting any better, and that name jesus.

Ninja Gaiden Trilogy - I'm happy it doesn't include NG Black cause I just bought it 2 days ago.

Skyward Sword HD - coo, I'm interested in how well it will play with the stick

Splatoon 3 - noice

7/10. Good direct

Still pretty excited for No More Heroes III and Monster Hunter Rise.