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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Phil Harrison: "Switch Has The Opportunity To Reach A Wider Audience"

Turkish said:
Just like they did with the Wii right? Some people were so sure those non-gamers would convert to being gamers and stick around.

What Nintendo did I compare to breathing into a balloon, it swell and then reverted back to its natural position.

Switch isn't anything like that, Switch is just taking up the handheld market left by the 3DS.

If the market is the same, sharing the same desires and expectations, then why didn't the 3DS sell like hotcakes for 250$?

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DialgaMarine said:
This guy is still alive ?

Good question

You might want to read the part where I said "almost everywhere it is stocked". 
Like I said, only time will tell. But seeing as how it's nowhere to be found in America, is selling pretty good in Europe, and they need to have raffles in Japan to get one, it appears to be working to start.

freebs2 said:
Turkish said:
Just like they did with the Wii right? Some people were so sure those non-gamers would convert to being gamers and stick around.

What Nintendo did I compare to breathing into a balloon, it swell and then reverted back to its natural position.

Switch isn't anything like that, Switch is just taking up the handheld market left by the 3DS.

If the market is the same, sharing the same desires and expectations, then why didn't the 3DS sell like hotcakes for 250$?

it isn't the same.... 

nintendo's main market is the same market that buys an $80 tablet with android and downloads angry bird and sonic for 5 bucks or less...... 

think about it... mobile has the top Final fantasy games, the top call of duty games, the top racing games.... all cheaper and easy to play..... vs a switch that can't even play netflix.... it's a niche product, it's a great product... but they are competing against a monster market. 


leo-j said:
freebs2 said:

If the market is the same, sharing the same desires and expectations, then why didn't the 3DS sell like hotcakes for 250$?

it isn't the same.... 

nintendo's main market is the same market that buys an $80 tablet with android and downloads angry bird and sonic for 5 bucks or less...... 

think about it... mobile has the top Final fantasy games, the top call of duty games, the top racing games.... all cheaper and easy to play..... vs a switch that can't even play netflix.... it's a niche product, it's a great product... but they are competing against a monster market. 

If you really want to compare console market to mobile market, PS4 and XB1 are niche products as well...

...after all it's Sony's base that stopped buying consoles to play on the go, not Nintendo's.

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Wow some of you guys need to learn how to read.

He isn't talking about install base sizes at all but rather getting people who haven't tried gaming to try it. This doesn't mean that everyone who ha tried it will stick with it long term.

Look at Wii, so many tried and most left, but some stuck with it and probably moved onto an xbox360 or ps3. If only 5% of Wii owner upgraded to the competition that is broadening the market.

Hell i could argue easy piracy is why the PS1 broadened the market when the PC market was so strong back then. 8/10 of my friends had mod chipped consoles and probably 6/10 didn't even own one legit game, Unfortunately we live in a culture were pretty much everyone want everything for nothing. We even see it on these forums some being entitled to free ownership.



Cobretti2 said:
Wow some of you guys need to learn how to read.

He isn't talking about install base sizes at all but rather getting people who haven't tried gaming to try it. This doesn't mean that everyone who ha tried it will stick with it long term.

So what's your estimate how much of the Switch buyers haven't tried console/handheld gaming before? What percentage?

Conina said:
Cobretti2 said:
Wow some of you guys need to learn how to read.

He isn't talking about install base sizes at all but rather getting people who haven't tried gaming to try it. This doesn't mean that everyone who ha tried it will stick with it long term.

So what's your estimate how much of the Switch buyers haven't tried console/handheld gaming before? What percentage?

I have no estimate it's to early to tell. Realistically it be small as they don't have may games yet. As he said "it has the opportunity" didn't say it has atm.

I don't even own yet and every gen before i would on launch day get a nintendo cosnole (including wiiU and 3DS) with everal game, extra controller, the full work basically.

WIll I get one? perhaps but waiting to see what they do with it in terms of hardware revisions.

Since the sales are stronger than last gen, there has to be something at play here. We know the loyal Nintendo fans are buying them for sure, but some of us still sitting on the fence compared to previous gens.

Nintendo's bigget issue is holes in the net. Once they catch the fish they can't hold it because there is holes for it to escape through. some end up free some end up on smrtphones ad some end up at xbox or playstation.



Nintendo could find wider success with the Switch model in years to come. If they continue to build the library and release a BC successor, the Nintendo brand could be as strong as ever.

Retro Tech Select - My Youtube channel. Covers throwback consumer electronics with a focus on "vid'ya games."

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Phronesis said:
I agree to some extent that Nintendo is offering an unique selection of games where you can invite friends to personally have fun with you, while on PS4/Xbox this is almost non-existent. I had a lot of fun with Mario Kart 8 (Wii U) and Mario Party (emulator) just yesterday with my friends.

HOWEVER, it's too soon to assume that Switch will bring the audience of the Wii back to consoles. It's not even an year old.

Plus, PlayStation is making new kinds of games for all genres, including titles like PlayLink, where you play with your smartphone, and PS VR. They deliver games of quality that are also innovative and are the main responsibles for the success of the industry, just see the sales. Nintendo had success with Wii and 3DS, and failed everything else.

Couch co-op games are not missing on the PS4. And PlayLink games will be the ultimate party games.