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Forums - Politics Discussion - CNN Producer: Russia Narrative "mostly bulls--t right now", is manufactured for ratings

Dishonest media unfortunately won't go away. Every network has the people they appeal to for ratings

CNN has trump haters, Breitbart has alt right, and Fox has conservatives/trump supporters.

This seriously needs to stop. Too bad it never will

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monocle_layton said:
Dishonest media unfortunately won't go away. Every network has the people they appeal to for ratings

CNN has trump haters, Breitbart has alt right, and Fox has conservatives/trump supporters.

This seriously needs to stop. Too bad it never will

It wont stop because people accept the dishonest media. The time when people wake up and reject the dishonest media is when it can stop.

I said in another political thread months ago that the whole Russia thing is the Democrats'  version of the "birth certificate" conspiracy theories that Republicans were obsessed with during Obama's presidency, including Donald Trump himself.  There's no evidence that Trump colluded with Russia to "hack" the election and change the outcome to his favor in any way.  Just as there's no evidence Obama was born in Kenya instead of Hawaii.

The left-wing's "resistance" movement is based entirely on hating Donald Trump.  This of course coming from the same folks who preach tolerance and inclusivity (as long as it's stuff they agree with) and unironically (to them) hold up signs saying "Love Trumps Hate!" at their protests.  The only hate I see these days is eminating from the political left, including some posters on here wishing for Trump's untimely demise because they just can't toss him out of office on a whim.

How 'bout you guys win an election for once (0-4 in special Congressional elections since Trump took office) instead of preaching hate and violence to your followers which results in the shooting we saw a couple weeks ago.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

People need to start asking the question: if the mainstream media is willing to tell bold-faced lies on the Russia narrative just to sink Trump, then what else have they been lying to us about?

After this, can we really trust any of the negativity that we have been hearing about Trump from the MSM? Perhaps we should start listening to his speeches ourselves and forming our own original opinions of the man. Maybe Trump isn't a racist or a bigot and is just a guy who wants to put America first. Maybe Trump's America-first agenda is scaring the daylights out of the rich multinational elites own the MSM and who want borderless societies so they can sell you overpriced smartphones made in Chinese sweatshops.

What if the real reason why the MSM hates Trump so much is because their corporate heads hate Trump and you are just being led along like a dog on a leash?

Mr Puggsly said:

vivster said:

It doesn't matter if CNN is spinning or lying or telling the truth. What matters to them is what Trump says and they will certainly never ever fact check anything he says.

This caught my eye. I think this is why CNN and MSNBC have credibility problems.

They don't do much fact checking while pushing their anti Trump agenda ad nauseam.

Quite frankly, I feel Trump is a guy who says things without doing much fact checking either. But when the media attacking him is also fucking up, that gives him an opportunity to hurt their credibility as well.

You read wrong. The "them" meant his supporters, not the media. The media is fact checking or at least trying to most things. While Trump and his supporters never do.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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ArnoldRimmer said:
vivster said:

Focusing on the mistakes of the media doesn't make the case any less serious. Aside from the media there still are the reports of FBI and CIA. Considering the proven fact that russia intervened in the election on a large scale

Interesting - could you please post links to some sources where I can read about the details of those "proven facts"?

Because over here in Germany, there have been thousands of articles suggesting what you describe, but I still haven't read a single article presenting anything that would even remotely pass as an actual proof. In fact, I still haven't even read a single article describing how exactly that russian intervention should have even happened...

Instead, the articles I've read usually just contain quotes by the usual anonymous "experts", "sources", subjuncive statements etc. - you know, the usual kind of stuff that, when repeated over and over, will make the audience subconsciously assume that there must be some truth to those stories, even though no evidence whatsoever has ever been presented.

We have oficial statements from the FBI and CIA and we have a testimony under oath from an FBI employee. And we have the fact that investigations because of the aftermath of it are happening.

Of course you can call all of those people liars because you will never see internal documents of it but then it becomes a simple math problem.

Do you believe the people who have very high stakes in this who are always lying and deflecting or do you believe 2 impartial government agencies who have no stake in it and are just doing their job.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Illusion said:

People need to start asking the question: if the mainstream media is willing to tell bold-faced lies on the Russia narrative just to sink Trump, then what else have they been lying to us about?

After this, can we really trust any of the negativity that we have been hearing about Trump from the MSM? Perhaps we should start listening to his speeches ourselves and forming our own original opinions of the man. Maybe Trump isn't a racist or a bigot and is just a guy who wants to put America first. Maybe Trump's America-first agenda is scaring the daylights out of the rich multinational elites own the MSM and who want borderless societies so they can sell you overpriced smartphones made in Chinese sweatshops.

What if the real reason why the MSM hates Trump so much is because their corporate heads hate Trump and you are just being led along like a dog on a leash?

The man continued the Dakota pipeline, gave rich people a $250k tax break, keeps trying to put his immigration ban in place, and has broken his promise on companies not exporting their jobs offshore.


I think I'll continue disliking him, but not because of the media's narrative.

Sharu said:
Any sane man would knew it. I amazed Americans bought this bullshit from there media...

Eeeyyy. Our resident Russian.

monocle_layton said:
Illusion said:

People need to start asking the question: if the mainstream media is willing to tell bold-faced lies on the Russia narrative just to sink Trump, then what else have they been lying to us about?

After this, can we really trust any of the negativity that we have been hearing about Trump from the MSM? Perhaps we should start listening to his speeches ourselves and forming our own original opinions of the man. Maybe Trump isn't a racist or a bigot and is just a guy who wants to put America first. Maybe Trump's America-first agenda is scaring the daylights out of the rich multinational elites own the MSM and who want borderless societies so they can sell you overpriced smartphones made in Chinese sweatshops.

What if the real reason why the MSM hates Trump so much is because their corporate heads hate Trump and you are just being led along like a dog on a leash?

The man continued the Dakota pipeline, gave rich people a $250k tax break, keeps trying to put his immigration ban in place, and has broken his promise on companies not exporting their jobs offshore.


I think I'll continue disliking him, but not because of the media's narrative.

Remember it's only "fake news" if it's negative towards Emperor King Trump. When it's positive news, then it's all real news for Trump. 

The presidency has become a big joke, something right out of a movie, a reality TV con artist has forever soiled any dignity the position had. 

Aeolus451 said:
StarOcean said:
I don't care if its real or not. I want the hate to continue. I want it to be full on rage. Because Trump is obsessed with it, and that's horrible for anyones mental health. Especially with a position as the President and at his age. If this continues the fat whale will have a heart attack. That or maybe the hate will inspire someone to kill him. How factual it is isn't the point. Trump's loyal cocksuckers wouldn't believe the truth if it bitch-slapped them anyway, nor would he. So him dying is really the only thing that matters. However, the longer it makes him suffer, the better. So if the hate the news is spewing is what it takes to make that come true, then by all means, let the hate flood more than it has

If you and others of the left keep thinking/acting in this manner, you'll see a second term of trump again. Keep pushing the bullshit narractive of russia and hate trump at all costs. 

America boots out a president after a first term so rarely that I already think his second term is a given. That and to beat a guy like Trump the Democrats would need to select a candidate with the same core grassroots foundation but they'd more likely pick a Hilary-esque candidate.