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E3 Hype levels?

HYPE!!!! 4 25.00%
Pretty Excited 9 56.25%
Only a bit interested 3 18.75%
Not interested at all 0 0%
What is E3? 0 0%
Azuren said:
Been playing Kingdom Hearts and Salt and Sanctuary.

Oh yeah, I remember you saying that you were playing through the Kingdom Hearts games.

Slade6alpha said:
VGPolyglot said:
So guys, what are you all playing? I'm still on Persona 5 myself, I'm pretty slow when it comes to gaming After that I'm not sure what I'm going to play.

PS wise nothing at the moment... really want to cop that Crash remake. And bruh you've been on P5 for like 3 months. 

Might get it when FF12 comes out. 

Hey, I said I was slow when playing games

axumblade said:
I still need to beat Persona 5 (which I never have enough time to play. Maybe this month since e3 is over). I am also playing Crash Bandicoot. And I have also been playing a little bit of Mighty No. 9 (though I don't know why I am admitting it xD)

Mighty No. 9, eh? I never even tried that one out myself.

Bristow9091 said:
VGPolyglot said:
So guys, what are you all playing? I'm still on Persona 5 myself, I'm pretty slow when it comes to gaming After that I'm not sure what I'm going to play.

Right now (And for the last like four hours or so), I've been playing Gravity Rush "properly" for the first time, I owned it on Vita and only made it to chapter four, I remember my Vita dying of charge so I went to charge it up, turned it back on but fancied playing a different game, and never touched it again... I bought the remaster on PS4 last year and I've only just got round to playing it... I've got to say it feels a lot better playing it on PS4 than Vita, it looks great and controls really well too, although damn this has never happened to me; The game can be so disorientating that I have a headache and feel dizzy lol... but I HAVE been playing it for like five hours in one sitting. 

I played the demo for Gravity Rush 2, the same thing happened to me. I started feeling motion sick just from playing the game.

RavenXtra said:
Nice thread VGP, keep up the good work or we'll have to toss you in the VGC dumpster out back

Anyways, looking forward to getting FFXII The Zodiac Age, only a few more weeks. I really shouldn't be adding yet another RPG to my backlog, but what the hell

D: I don't want to go to the dumpster!! And yeah, my RPG backlog is huge too as it is!

Pibituh said:
Looking good. Tagging along ~~

Thank you!

axumblade said:
Azuren said:

Is that where Shadow is?

We didn't actually toss Shadow in there, he just kinda wandered into it one day. Next thing we knew he had moved all of his shit out and stopped returning our calls.

And thus the long, 2 month search for a new OP began

LipeJJ said:
Great job VGPolyglot!

Tagging this thread for later.

Thank you!!

Ultrashroomz said:
Just noticed that this is up, tag!

My PSN is Ultrashroomz.

I should have expected a Futaba pic from you

SegataSanshiro said:

I'll make sure to add that!

WoodenPints said:
VGPolyglot said:
So guys, what are you all playing? I'm still on Persona 5 myself, I'm pretty slow when it comes to gaming After that I'm not sure what I'm going to play.

Playing a lot of World of Tanks again these days which I always get addicted to :D and almost finished up World of Final fantasy on the Vita. I think after that I will complete the Infinite Warfare campaign as everyone I know who played it said that the single player was one of the best for a long time so grabbing the game new for £9.85 was worth it if just for the campaign :P

World of Final Fantasy was cool from what I played of it, though I ended up switching the layout into the menu-based style like what the older games had.

SnakeDrake said:
Started Mass Effect Andromeda where I lasted lefted off. Was in a important mission where the game got more liner and it got me thinking maybe this whole huge open world trend devs are doing nowadays is really unnecessary.

I mean it got way more cinematic focused on it's story progress/ character development and the graphics got bumped up to the point of being noticable.

Yeah, I've had a hard time keeping up with all of the open-world games myself!

xl-klaudkil said:
Playing persona 5, crash bandicoot and valkryia revolution ( its not that bad!!)

I used to try to play multiple games at once, but unfortunately what would happen is that I'd end up not beating anything!

Around the Network

Updated the PSN IDs list!

Ow my psn= Xl-klaudkil .

I don't play online games though.


My youtube gaming page.

Psn ID is Snakehunter23 pm me your from the site and that Kat is our goddess.


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!

Ultrashroomz said:
Just noticed that this is up, tag!

My PSN is Ultrashroomz.

She's got a Sennheiser HD 800 S... Those are $1600 headphones...

Watch me stream games and hunt trophies on my Twitch channel!

Check out my Twitch Channel!:

Around the Network

I just realized I've been spending too much time and losing too much sleep experimenting with mods on the PS4 Skyrim special edition. Not making them but just trying out the ones others have made.

I personally haven't been playing much lately. I finished Life is Strange the other day, which was an incredible game. I have some complaints on the ending part of the game, where the "dream" sequence felt like a chore to go through. Also, the ending choices were alright; nothing to call home for.

i bought battlefield 1, and its great. loving it so far. anybody still play it?

bananaking21 said:
i bought battlefield 1, and its great. loving it so far. anybody still play it?

I got it for in person friends, but do not seem to be enjoying multiplayer that much outside of TDM. 


The 4th installment.