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E3 Hype levels?

HYPE!!!! 4 25.00%
Pretty Excited 9 56.25%
Only a bit interested 3 18.75%
Not interested at all 0 0%
What is E3? 0 0%
VGPolyglot said:

Oh, my screwup? I am not a moderator, so there is no screwup of mine to be discussed. And they're not just disagreeing with the game's direction, they're specifically disagreeing with the homosexual and female-power aspects of it, if you read the posts it's clear as day. And it's my thread (or rather was my thread), so I should be able to block discussion of people trying to complain of some "SJW agenda" in here, do you see me trying to promote socialism in this thread?

Yes, it is your screwup. In fact, the lack of a report on GOWLOTZ's comment that you lashed out at further supports my point. If you don't want to take responsibility for what you enabled, then you're just creating more problems for yourself.

Socialism is not related to Playstation, so that does not support your argument at all. Discussion about the directions of The Last of Us II, which is a 1st party title for the PS4, fits the topic of the thread. Just because you don't like it, it doesn't mean the discussion should be prohibited. In fact, the harder you try to squash it, the more attention you're bringing to it.

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Aura7541 said:
VGPolyglot said:

Oh, my screwup? I am not a moderator, so there is no screwup of mine to be discussed. And they're not just disagreeing with the game's direction, they're specifically disagreeing with the homosexual and female-power aspects of it, if you read the posts it's clear as day. And it's my thread (or rather was my thread), so I should be able to block discussion of people trying to complain of some "SJW agenda" in here, do you see me trying to promote socialism in this thread?

Yes, it is your screwup. In fact, the lack of a report on GOWLOTZ's comment that you lashed out at further supports my point. If you don't want to take responsibility for what you enabled, then you're just creating more problems for yourself.

Socialism is not related to Playstation, so that does not support your argument at all. Discussion about the directions of The Last of Us II, which is a 1st party title for the PS4, fits the topic of the thread. Just because you don't like it, it doesn't mean the discussion should be prohibited. In fact, the harder you try to squash it, the more attention you're bringing to it.

Nope, it's not my screwup, I cannot ban people myself, or block them from posting in threads. And how am I creating more problems for myself? You guys already hate me anyway Yes, I can't prohibit discussion of it myself because I'm not a moderator, but I can sure tell him that I don't want that discussion here, and if my requests are not honoured then I don't want to be the OP of this thread, simple as that, which is why I gave it up.

VGPolyglot said:

Nope, it's not my screwup, I cannot ban people myself, or block them from posting in threads. And how am I creating more problems for myself? You guys already hate me anyway Yes, I can't prohibit discussion of it myself because I'm not a moderator, but I can sure tell him that I don't want that discussion here, and if my requests are not honoured then I don't want to be the OP of this thread, simple as that, which is why I gave it up.

And yet, you're already trying to take responsibility for your inaction. Can't really believe your words when they are not congruent with your actions.

Aura7541 said:
VGPolyglot said:

Nope, it's not my screwup, I cannot ban people myself, or block them from posting in threads. And how am I creating more problems for myself? You guys already hate me anyway Yes, I can't prohibit discussion of it myself because I'm not a moderator, but I can sure tell him that I don't want that discussion here, and if my requests are not honoured then I don't want to be the OP of this thread, simple as that, which is why I gave it up.

And yet, you're already trying to take responsibility for your inaction. Can't really believe your words when they are not congruent with your actions.

I requested the other thread to be locked because as I said, I made a deal where I wouldn't comment on political discussions, and with the topic going where I didn't like it and me not being able to respond, there was no point in keeping the thread open. As for this, I'm not going to be the OP of the thread if I'm forced to allow the type of discussion that GOWTLOZ wanted.

VGPolyglot said:
Aura7541 said:

And yet, you're already trying to take responsibility for your inaction. Can't really believe your words when they are not congruent with your actions.

I requested the other thread to be locked because as I said, I made a deal where I wouldn't comment on political discussions, and with the topic going where I didn't like it and me not being able to respond, there was no point in keeping the thread open. As for this, I'm not going to be the OP of the thread if I'm forced to allow the type of discussion that GOWTLOZ wanted.

Then you're simply unfit for this kind of job if you let mere dissent trip you off so easily. Just remember, it was your unwillingness to let opinions run their course that contributed to the increased awareness of them. You made the situation that you abhor worse.

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Aura7541 said:
VGPolyglot said:

I requested the other thread to be locked because as I said, I made a deal where I wouldn't comment on political discussions, and with the topic going where I didn't like it and me not being able to respond, there was no point in keeping the thread open. As for this, I'm not going to be the OP of the thread if I'm forced to allow the type of discussion that GOWTLOZ wanted.

Then you're simply unfit for this kind of job if you let mere dissent trip you off so easily. Just remember, it was your unwillingness to let opinions run their course that contributed to the increased awareness of them. You made the situation that you abhor worse.

It's not just mere dissent, it's sexism and homophobia that trips me off, and I'd say that it's a valid thing to get tripped off over.

VGPolyglot said: 

It's not just mere dissent, it's sexism and homophobia that trips me off, and I'd say that it's a valid thing to get tripped off over.

Having disagreements over how the portrayal of homosexual and gender elements are executed in a game is in no way sexism or homophobia. Your lack of elaboration in the reports you submitted also clearly show that you're just screaming sexism and homophobia instead of explaining your case.