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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Switch has sold more in 3 months than Wii U did in any year.

irstupid said:
AlfredoTurkey said:

Why would anyone care whether a 9th generation console beats an 8th generation console head to head? Ridiculous. Let's wait and see what PS5 can do.

Kind of proving my point here, even if you don't mean too. If the Switch beats the PS4, people will claim it's 9th gen and thus the PS4 won. If Switch is beating hte PS5, people will claim its an 8th gen console and the thus doesn't count.

naruball said:

Have you missed all the posts from certain fanbases going "the ps4 has only sold well because the other too done fucked up"?
People crying over others not giving credit where its due should take a look at their own posts or their fanbase's.

Well to be fair, the Xbox One's reveal was a complete disaster. The PS4 is a great system and did everything right, so it deserves it sales, but I have to imagine Xbox One might be closer if its reveal wasn't one of the worst ever. 

Well Wii U is a close second. Beyond the execution of a good concept. (Switch is an amazing execution of that concept) it also had a horrible reveal. Horrible name, horrible marketing, hell many peopel still think its just a Wii add on. 

As Obama said about ISIS, the PS4 was up against major JV leagues upon release. But again, not knacking (Knack, lol) PS4 here. Even with the Switch and One S, which are both great systems now, the PS4 is still a great system and doing well. 

Y'all are missing the point. The Switch recently came out. It's been doing very well. So was ps4, but people tried to downplay its success.

ps4 is only doing well because MS + N fucked up

NS is only doing well because it's a hybrid. It has both home console and handheld numbers

If the second statement bothers you and the first doesn't, if you only notice the second and have completely forgotten the first, then cleary your (i.e. anyone's) bias is at play.

There were many posters who kept saying, it's all hype, wait until the hype slows down. In other words, you can't judge the success of ps4 until it's been out for at least 2 years or something. Some are doing the same with the NS. Where is the difference? How is that suddenly a problem and you (again speaking in general) call them out but had no problem with the other group? Obviously, Ninty fans have problem with posts that don't paint NInty with the best colours and same with Sony fans.

Then there are those of us who see both cases because we don't let our bias blind us.

Around the Network

Definitely can sell more in the first fiscal year compared to wiiu lifetime


Now if only the third parties would actually make stuff for it, and actual quality stuff

(Glares at E.A)

The Democratic Nintendo that a paradox? I'm fond of one of the more conservative companies in the industry, but I vote Liberally and view myself that way 90% of the time?

irstupid said:
Dazza said:
Poor Wii U. Loved it but not a lot of love shown worldwide.

Switch is a beast though.

It had some great game, but it was not a great system. The gamepad was too big and and clunky and the range on it was almost as short as its battery. Buying the bigger battery helped, but still.  Bad system, lots of great games.

 This ∆

Dazza said:
Bit of nostalgia here. Anyone remember the week ending May 3rd 2008. Grand Theft Auto 4 release week. Was supposed to be the Savior for the ps360. Nintendo released an insane number of Wii consoles and that was the end of the console war right then.

They sold roughly 650,000 consoles that week which for April/may is absolutely ridiculous. You don't see numbers like that outside Xmas. Could the switch do the same. I'm not sure but would be great to see Nintendo release these sorts of numbers and see its potential.

They released They released Smash Bros in March I think, Mario Kart Wii about a month before, and launched WiiFit right against it. Add in the fact it was severly supply constrained at the time (still selling for 350-400 by ebay scalpers) but they stockpiled Wiis to coincide with the launch.

It was really a master stroke of stategy. The whole push of "OMG massive Wii stock dump" pulled alot of attention away from the GTA4 launch.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

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curl-6 said:
Maynard_Tool said:

I know people tend to forget, but the problem with ps3 wasnt the sales, but actually sony losing money, wasnt it? 

Yeah, Sony haemorrhaged billions of dollars on the PS3.

I wish I knew this before. It makes the PS3's struggles worse than I thought.


Crazy how it was sold at $599 and still being sold at a loss

The consoles that launch with a Zelda game (Wii, Switch) does pretty well.

Because Zelda.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

monocle_layton said:
Kerotan said:

It's no different then ps3 gen.  If Sony didn't fuck up they'd have won.  This gen if Microsoft and Nintendo didn't fuck up ps4 would have won by less. 

Their screwup resulted in their lowest selling console which still sold 80 million. Nowhere near as bad as this gen. Gen 7 had no flops. 80m from 360 and ps3, 100m from wii, 80 m from psp, and a whopping 150 from ds. Much different than this gen where 3ds obliterated the vita and ps4 stood as king

Lol the 3DS didn't obliterate the vita.  The vita did!  


The 3DS it's had a massive decline from DS. 150m to 65m so far.  That's an 85m decrease as of now.  The vita declined about 67m so far. Bottom line is a changing market obliterated huge market share off both and a lack of key titles on vita ensured it never hit the 30m mark.  


No gta San Andreas stories,  

Proper resident evil,  

Final Fantasy dissidia,  

Monster hunter,  

Metal Gear Solid,  

God of war etc etc etc. 

Kerotan said:
monocle_layton said:

Their screwup resulted in their lowest selling console which still sold 80 million. Nowhere near as bad as this gen. Gen 7 had no flops. 80m from 360 and ps3, 100m from wii, 80 m from psp, and a whopping 150 from ds. Much different than this gen where 3ds obliterated the vita and ps4 stood as king

Lol the 3DS didn't obliterate the vita.  The vita did!  


The 3DS it's had a massive decline from DS. 150m to 65m so far.  That's an 85m decrease as of now.  The vita declined about 67m so far. Bottom line is a changing market obliterated huge market share off both and a lack of key titles on vita ensured it never hit the 30m mark.  


No gta San Andreas stories,  

Proper resident evil,  

Final Fantasy dissidia,  

Monster hunter,  

Metal Gear Solid,  

God of war etc etc etc. 


Very impressive indeed, it even has a chance to beat Wii U LT within the first year

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