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irstupid said:
AlfredoTurkey said:

Why would anyone care whether a 9th generation console beats an 8th generation console head to head? Ridiculous. Let's wait and see what PS5 can do.

Kind of proving my point here, even if you don't mean too. If the Switch beats the PS4, people will claim it's 9th gen and thus the PS4 won. If Switch is beating hte PS5, people will claim its an 8th gen console and the thus doesn't count.

naruball said:

Have you missed all the posts from certain fanbases going "the ps4 has only sold well because the other too done fucked up"?
People crying over others not giving credit where its due should take a look at their own posts or their fanbase's.

Well to be fair, the Xbox One's reveal was a complete disaster. The PS4 is a great system and did everything right, so it deserves it sales, but I have to imagine Xbox One might be closer if its reveal wasn't one of the worst ever. 

Well Wii U is a close second. Beyond the execution of a good concept. (Switch is an amazing execution of that concept) it also had a horrible reveal. Horrible name, horrible marketing, hell many peopel still think its just a Wii add on. 

As Obama said about ISIS, the PS4 was up against major JV leagues upon release. But again, not knacking (Knack, lol) PS4 here. Even with the Switch and One S, which are both great systems now, the PS4 is still a great system and doing well. 

Y'all are missing the point. The Switch recently came out. It's been doing very well. So was ps4, but people tried to downplay its success.

ps4 is only doing well because MS + N fucked up

NS is only doing well because it's a hybrid. It has both home console and handheld numbers

If the second statement bothers you and the first doesn't, if you only notice the second and have completely forgotten the first, then cleary your (i.e. anyone's) bias is at play.

There were many posters who kept saying, it's all hype, wait until the hype slows down. In other words, you can't judge the success of ps4 until it's been out for at least 2 years or something. Some are doing the same with the NS. Where is the difference? How is that suddenly a problem and you (again speaking in general) call them out but had no problem with the other group? Obviously, Ninty fans have problem with posts that don't paint NInty with the best colours and same with Sony fans.

Then there are those of us who see both cases because we don't let our bias blind us.