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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo is Selling the box for the Splatoon 2 separately in Japan, Yeah Just the Box

Also I was curious how much empty boxes cost and damn some have it selling for $30-50. Maybe I should sell my empty box.


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Box certainly looks nice.

Ljink96 said: of the only companies I know who can sell out of an empty box...


KLXVER said:

I actually don't think that's so bad. I mean if they ever released a Mega Man bundle, I would buy just the box for it since I already have the console and would buy the game anyway.

Nothing bad about giving the consumer more options. If there are people out there willing to buy this, why not? Hell, I'm tempted myself.

I'd probably buy the box for $5 if they sold it in the US.

Now watch, everyone is going to start doing this now. Nintendo what have you done??!

Paperboy_J said:
Now watch, everyone is going to start doing this now. Nintendo what have you done??!

If the demand is there, why not?

Around the Network

I really like it. The price is fair so nothing to complain about and collectors can, well, collect the box for their gaming room.

If this is legit then this is awful. If this was MS I'd rip them a new one so yeah, shame.

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KLAMarine said:

Box certainly looks nice.

Ljink96 said: of the only companies I know who can sell out of an empty box...


KLXVER said:

I actually don't think that's so bad. I mean if they ever released a Mega Man bundle, I would buy just the box for it since I already have the console and would buy the game anyway.

Nothing bad about giving the consumer more options. If there are people out there willing to buy this, why not? Hell, I'm tempted myself.

That's the way people are. We had a LOT of people on these forums jump on EA for allowing you to buy a collector's edition without the game. It makes zero sense to protest options. It will be interesting to see if we run across some double standards, as well. 

Ka-pi96 said:

Is this because years ago people were selling pictures or boxes of consoles on ebay instead of the actual consoles and tricking people in to paying hundreds for them and then Nintendo thought "ya know what, we could make some money supplying those ebay scammers"?

Well the scalpers are their best customers, why not be nice to them? ;)

So weird. I assume they are doing this because there is a market there. But i'm not sure what market like that could exist...

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