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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Games you were late to play

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Have you ever been late to the party when it comes to playing games?

Yes, all the time 40 61.54%
Sometimes, depends on the game 24 36.92%
No, I play all my games at release 1 1.54%

The last of us would be the most recent one.


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All of them.

Now that Persona 5 just came out, I'm playing Persona 3 FES for the first time. I'm sure I'll get around to P5 in 15 years or so.

Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky. I'm more than halfway through Second Chapter. Fantastic series!

I was also late to the pre-PS2 FF games outside of FFIX.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

I almost never play games immediately at release, so yeah. I suppose it depends what you would count as being late. If it needs to be from further back, then I played Super Metroid and Super Castlevania 4 for the first time ever this year.

well i just beat twilight princess and wind waker couple months ago. last week beat God of War accession

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Well, I'm currently working on the first Rachet & Clank (or rather, its PS3 remaster)... And in general, almost every game from the last ten or so years I've played, I've played years late. I finished Wolfenstein: The New Order in January 2016, and the first Dishonored the year before that. Last year, I also started Far Cry 3 and the first Watch Dogs. The year before that, I started the first Witcher. I started and finished Assassin's Creed III just weeks ago. I got Dynasty Warriors 8 and GTA5 last fall, and I'm still not that far into GTA5 (I think). Anyway, you get the idea... There should also be a good number of games I've got to play months late instead of years late, one such example being Cities: Skylines. At least months old games aren't totally 'out' yet, so it's not really that late.

the uncharted series , wanted to play them for a long time , but just recently got the games , theyre as great as everyone says , if not better , currently finishing uncharted 3

Loved your history of video games article , amazing job!

Basically like every game I play :p

I barely get games day 1 and even if I do, I will have to wait till Monday since the game doesn't come on the release date (Friday) so I have to wait till the next business day

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I've still not played Sonic Adventure.