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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Jim Sterling’s site under attack after Zelda: BotW review

That moment when Jim Sterling  calls angry zelda fans "fragile", likening them to the swords in Zelda: BOTW

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sc94597 said:

The howlongtobeat isn't yet accurate. Only 81 people were polled. It took me 70 hours to beat the game, and I only have 20% of the content of the game completed after beating it. But in comparison, do you think a review in which all one does is Skyrim's main quest ( is accurate? 


Wait..... are you suggesting he rushed through the game if he finished it in under 40hrs because he gave it a 7/10?

So what about all the other reviewers that gave it a 10/10 having played it in the same amount of time? Did they rush it too?

This is just funny to me, just a week or two earlier when Horizons reviews came out and people were up in arms over some outliner reviews that was dismissed by many here. How quckly the tables have turned.

Its his opnion of the game, and anyone with a lick of sense seeing what the majority of the other reviewers scored the game will see this as nothing more than an outliner review. This is exactly why some of us said during the horizon review fiasco that outliner reviews shouldn't be considered. I am guessing right now that line of thought is more agreeable.

zero129 said:

So your trying to say Nintendo fans are worse then Sony fans?. Heres a hint for you. All Hardcore Fanboys are a problem not just nintendo ones.

Doesn't matter what I am trying to say or what you think I am saying. At least sony fanboys havent carried out a DDOS attack over a review score. Yes all fanboys are a problem, but apparently some are more a probelm than others. And thisis about hardcore fans as you know.... I am not talking abot the genereally decent ppl that may just choose to support one platform over the other. I am talking about the filth that will do shit like this because a game they like is given a 7/10.

Horizon was given a 5/10..... what do you think these fans in question would have done if zelda got that score?

zero129 said:

So your trying to say Nintendo fans are worse then Sony fans?. Heres a hint for you. All Hardcore Fanboys are a problem not just nintendo ones.

Doesn't matter what I am trying to say or what you think I am saying. At least sony fanboys havent carried out a DDOS attack over a review score. Yes all fanboys are a problem, but apparently some are more a probelm than others. And thisis about hardcore fans as you know.... I am not talking abot the genereally decent ppl that may just choose to support one platform over the other. I am talking about the filth that will do shit like this because a game they like is given a 7/10.

Horizon was given a 5/10..... what do you think these fans in question would have done if zelda got that score?

And may i add: over a LEGIT 7/10 review and not a clickbait/troll one

Intrinsic said:
sc94597 said:

The howlongtobeat isn't yet accurate. Only 81 people were polled. It took me 70 hours to beat the game, and I only have 20% of the content of the game completed after beating it. But in comparison, do you think a review in which all one does is Skyrim's main quest ( is accurate? 


Wait..... are you suggesting he rushed through the game if he finished it in under 40hrs because he gave it a 7/10?

So what about all the other reviewers that gave it a 10/10 having played it in the same amount of time? Did they rush it too?

This is just funny to me, just a week or two earlier when Horizons reviews came out and people were up in arms over some outliner reviews that was dismissed by many here. How quckly the tables have turned.

Its his opnion of the game, and anyone with a lick of sense seeing what the majority of the other reviewers scored the game will see this as nothing more than an outliner review. This is exactly why some of us said during the horizon review fiasco that outliner reviews shouldn't be considered. I am guessing right now that line of thought is more agreeable.

I am suggesting that he has some factually dubious claims about the game's content which likely exist because he rushed through it.  If you followed his playtime,it was clear that the bulk of his dedicated time to the game was in a two day period (March 9th to March 11th.) As for the other reviewers, if that is all they played then they sure did rush through it, but unless it made them believe factually incorrect claims about the content that they played (or didn't play), it doesn't fit with my criticism. 

 I don't know if you noticed or not, but I didn't even post disagreeing with your thread about Horizon's reviews, because I have not yet played the game to judge if the tower complaint is fair or not. From what you described in that thread, it seemed as if the towers weren't ubisoft ripoffs and that particular criticism was unfair. In fact, I have stayed away from Horizon threads in general because I want to experience the game for myself without reviewers influencing me (as I tend to do with new IP's.) 

Anyone who watches online game review videos for long will notice a pattern: the higher the score the reviewer gives just about any game, the higher their video's up-vote meter will be...and vice versa. Gamers like to see positive reviews of the games they already planned on buying, and perhaps even pre-bought, long in advance of possessing any non-propaganda analysis thereof. (Always a brilliant move.) Professional reviewers therefore know which games they have to score higher than others by which are new installments of long-running franchises with established, dedicated fan bases. To this end, almost all reviewers knew that frustrated Nintendo fans needed a win and gave The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild a perfect 10, often going so far as to describe it as "the best game Nintendo has ever made", etc. One reviewer breaks the mold, suggesting that the game is good, but imperfect, and all hell breaks loose with his site being hijacked, straw polls with titles like "Should the Fat, SJW, Deceitful, Attention-Seeking, Japanophobic, Cuckolded, Thrush-infected CUNT that is Jim Sterling be Lynched by a Mob of Rightful Believers in Zelda?" being created, nonsensical "clickbait" accusations being floated (they make no sense, as Jim's site isn't monetized in any way), etc. That's ridiculous.

I've not yet finished the game myself, but up to where I am now in it, my impression is that it is indeed imperfect. I'd personally score it an 8 out of 10, as I feel the shift into the survival genre makes Breath of the Wild an above-average adventure game, but that it's nonetheless bogged down by tired, sexist tropes (Nintendo's continued dependence on damsel in distress scenarios feels more than a little dated at this point), a weak, self-serving pro-tech theme, and indeed, as Jim has suggested, far too many arbitrary irritations that serve to remind you that you're definitely playing a game, preventing the full immersion into the experience that the new survival elements otherwise help to foster. Whatever you think of the game though, this kind of over-the-top fan behavior (the cyber mobbing stuff) needs to stop because it disincentivizes game critics from even trying to give you their honest opinions.

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Mnementh said:
potato_hamster said:

Right, pigeon holing one gameplay mechanic so that it sounds the same as another so you can make more false equivalences is a totally valid way of arguing. Great job.

This is just silly. This is the same as the people that argue that the terrible control scheme in Resident Evil (Ps1) is actually better because it's easier to fumble with the controls while you're scared and thus it creates tension. Well no - sorry, that's just a poor design.

 LOL. You really respecting other peoples opinion and what they can take fun out. But if potato hamster is unable to understand something or doesn't like it himself, everyone who does is silly. Just the respect the potato shows to other peoples opinion. Because he is a respecting dude, this potato!

How many posts did you make replying to me after the conversation had already moved on, just to make a personal attack on me?

Brilliant. Have a good one.

Why are people still stuck on this thing? Just move on already. Stop taking reviews you don't agree with like personal insults. It's just another person's opinion, and doesn't take anything away from you, anyone else, or your enjoyment of the game.

Mnementh said:
golfgt170 said:

As you can see, we are a bit torn between critics and gamers. a whopping 21% differnce surely is not something to go by. Sure 7.6 is still great (hence 7/10 from sterling), but to go up to 97%. And for a zelda game when previous entries where so close in scores? Too much to go by...

Did you look at the actual scores? A lot of tens and nines and a lot of zeros. And if you read the zeros, you often read: "I didn't play the game, but ...". That is the result of a hate-train. A reason why I say the average is useless for such stuff, you should take the median. The median for Zelda:BotW userscores on Meta is nine.

Never look at user reviews for exclusives. Fanboys will rate it 0 to bring the score down and fanboys will rate it 10 to bring the score up. 

Jaicee said:

I've not yet finished the game myself, but up to where I am now in it, my impression is that it is indeed imperfect. I'd personally score it an 8 out of 10, as I feel the shift into the survival genre makes Breath of the Wild an above-average adventure game, but that it's nonetheless bogged down by tired, sexist tropes (Nintendo's continued dependence on damsel in distress scenarios feels more than a little dated at this point), a weak, self-serving pro-tech theme, and indeed, as Jim has suggested, far too many arbitrary irritations that serve to remind you that you're definitely playing a game, preventing the full immersion into the experience that the new survival elements otherwise help to foster. Whatever you think of the game though, this kind of over-the-top fan behavior (the cyber mobbing stuff) needs to stop because it disincentivizes game critics from even trying to give you their honest opinions.

But thats nintendo for you. And maybe even traditional japanese developer thing..... you may se it is dated and weak and a constant reminder that "you are playing a game" (a sentiment which I to an extent agree with) but a lot of others see stuff like that and call it charm.

Nintendo hardly ever bother s with story depth and complexity. There usually always is a very very simple premise to their stories (almost as if designed for an 8yr old to grasp) and whatever depth to be found kinda justtethers around that core story.

And those arbitary irritations you talk about... well thats also a nintendo thing too. They never kinda hide or try to hide the fact that "this is a game". If anything they seem to tak pride in it. From its presentation, mechanics and down to the sound effects they use within the game. They seriously try to seem like they aren't taking themselves or the game seriously. And that is also  what makes their games "charming" (for those into stuff like that.

Mnementh said:

Did you look at the actual scores? A lot of tens and nines and a lot of zeros. And if you read the zeros, you often read: "I didn't play the game, but ...". That is the result of a hate-train. A reason why I say the average is useless for such stuff, you should take the median. The median for Zelda:BotW userscores on Meta is nine.

Never look at user reviews for exclusives. Fanboys will rate it 0 to bring the score down and fanboys will rate it 10 to bring the score up. 

As in all exclusives. Zelda is one of them. I dont see why it has to be an exception from meta user score