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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What game do you think will be GOTY 2008?

Soriku said:
Wii Fit is not a game? How come you play games with it then? Home doesn't allow you to play games.

OT: Probably MGS4 and/or SSBB. But my likely PERSONAL GotY will be Tales of Symhponia: DotNW.

Yes it does.

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GOTY - for gods sake it's April


Me said:
GOTY - for gods sake it's April

 I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees how ridiculous this is. Half the games people are predicting for GOTY aren't even out yet.


Nintendo Zealot said:
I really doubt that GTA4 or MGS4 will be GOTY because they are being released too early in the year. Everyone will forget about them by the time GOTY awards are decided.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it will be whatever the big Nintendo announcement is, which I think is either new Zelda or Starfox. Other possible GOTY in my opinion are Starcraft 2, Spore, and Fable 2.

You are wrong my friend. Remember Resident Evil 4? That came out around Jan or Feb from what i could remember, and it won some GOTY. Release date has nothing to do with it. If a game is gold, then games released after it ain't going to touch it at all.

My guess? GTAIV, every GTA on the ps2 won GOTY, no reason to say this one won't.

You all keep saying the same thing.

I'm going to go crazy and say Banjo Kazooie 3

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

ioi + 1
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CaptainPrefrences said:
still dont know what GOTY means

but im saying metal gear solid 4..

It's when you don't shave your chin hair.


forget it....








If SC2 is really coming out this year, then I'd pick that one. 

Starcraft 2 that will go off. 10 million seller game easily in the making.

leo-j said:
Soriku said:
Wii Fit is not a game? How come you play games with it then? Home doesn't allow you to play games.

OT: Probably MGS4 and/or SSBB. But my likely PERSONAL GotY will be Tales of Symhponia: DotNW.

If you manage to somehow get your hands on the ps2 collection, trust me you will make MGS4 your goty even if you dont play it.

You're new to the series, you couldn't possibly know that MGS2 is godaweful.


Anyway, I won't comment on GotY, those are opinions. I will comment on which games this year will rank highest on metacritic and gamerankings.







I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


I am going to say Eight Days. We have not seen much of it, but what we have seen looked amazing, and there was some new info on in leaked recently

Probably WII Fit for the WII, MGS4 for the PS3, 360... not sure. Depsite the fact that everyone thinks Brawl will win it, its the "innovation" that will make WII Fit win.

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