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Nintendo Zealot said:
I really doubt that GTA4 or MGS4 will be GOTY because they are being released too early in the year. Everyone will forget about them by the time GOTY awards are decided.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it will be whatever the big Nintendo announcement is, which I think is either new Zelda or Starfox. Other possible GOTY in my opinion are Starcraft 2, Spore, and Fable 2.

You are wrong my friend. Remember Resident Evil 4? That came out around Jan or Feb from what i could remember, and it won some GOTY. Release date has nothing to do with it. If a game is gold, then games released after it ain't going to touch it at all.

My guess? GTAIV, every GTA on the ps2 won GOTY, no reason to say this one won't.