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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What's a Video Game/Franchise that is dead you wish to bring back?

StarTropics. Just give it to me !

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Conker 2
F-Zero Switch
A true Banjo-Kazooie 3, not just the spiritual successor we're getting in Yooka-Laylee.
Eternal Darkness 2
Freedom Fighters 2
Timesplitters 4
Jet Force Gemini 2

I think that would just about cover it for me.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

Reboot it with modern controls and more realism. There's a vacuum growing with Snake gone and Sam Fischer MIA. The OG's need to return to glory. #MakeNinjasStealthyAgain

Golden fu--ing Sun

[Switch Friend code: 3909-3991-4970]

[Xbox Live: JissuWolfe]

[PSN: Jissu]

Banjo Kazooie
Gotcha Force
Knights of the Old Republic
Jet Set Radio
Croc or Spyro
Classic Turok
Time Splitters

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Keybladewielder said:


Knights of the Old Republic. It would actually make me stop my eternal boycot on games sporting the EA logo, if EA would finally let Bioware make KotOR 3, even if it would only be half as great as the other two games.

Also: I don't know how Zelda is eligible in this thread because it's anything but dead, but anyway; "Zelda Triforce Heroes of Four Swords sequel"? No. Allow me to puke. Those games shouldn't have existed in the first place because they're terrible. I would like a third Hero of Time game (you "Majora's Mask sequel"), at one point in life though.

Legacy of Kain series
New Silent Hill
Moar DeadSpace


"We all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us" - Andrew Ryan, Bioshock.

Chrono,Grandia,Suikoden,Ar Tonelico,Wild Arms,Super Mario RPG, Super Mario Galaxy, Legend of the dragoon -Series

^ I would like all of these to get new games made for them.

Colony Wars - Due mainly to the increase is space related games recently. Imagine VR and a cross between no man's sky and Eve: valkyrie. You go out find resources, build your army to battle in space.

Hmm, pie.