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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS5 release date predicted...

KBG29 said:

They just came off the largest quarter in the history of PlayStation. We have an incredible line-up of games coming out for PSVR and 4K HDR that will make PS4 Pro a very good buy over the next 12 months. I think we have to wait and see how things play out before we can fully say how the PS4 Pro is doing.

I fully expect a Slimmer Slim/Pro Slim when 7nm becomes available, the only question is if they will make PS5 at the time, or if they will continue to iterate on the PS4 hardware. Looking at where tech is, I don't see any chance of a console in 2019 - 2020 wowing people, and I think it would be bad for the industry to try and claim what they are offering is next gen. I think a 3rd PS4 revision that offers full 4K 30fps gameplay as a minimum is all they can achieve at that point. A true generational leap doesn't look possible until ~2023. That will be the point where they can deliver 4K graphics with massivly advanced rendering techniques. 

They may make PS5 for 2019 - 2020 with a ~12TFLOP APU, and 16GB HBM RAM, but I can't see it really capturing the market, because, it will not be able to wow people. It will just be a 4K PS4, and no where near the leap we saw from PS3 to PS4, which in itself was not nearly as impressive as PS2 to PS3. I just think we are better off polishing the current gen until a real leap can happen, to me that is the advantage Pro and Scorpio are offering us. They give us time until a real leap in computing can deliver a truly next level experience.

I think the times of visually "wowing" people are mostly over. Sure some of the new lighting effects we're seeing now and HDR are making the visual experience better but every gen the visual wow has become less and less. That fact is, the reason why those TFLOPS keep getting thrown in everybody's faces is because people need to be shown now in numbers how much better the graphics are, because its harder to see with your own two eyes. Especially for everyday casuals.

Another thing you have to try and anticipate, is will PS try and incorporate more "new" hardware into the console? PS likes to have a one piece clean console, and right now with the push for VR, they don't have that with the break out box and wires etc. Will they try and cram as much of that into the PS5 as possible so they only have to sell you a wireless/wired headset that plugs directly into the console? It would help to "subsidize" VR and get more people into it, but would also mean that PS would have to purposely hold back on the regular internal hardware to a certain degree to meet their $399 target.

A few other things like loading times are long enough already, so will faster, more expensive SSD storage tech be used? If so, how much, at what cost and is that enough? Do you also include a larger SATA SSD or do you go with an even larger SATA HDD to get enough storage and save on cost? Do you completely leave out extra storage altogether and let the gamer buy their own ext SSD/HDD so they don't have to waste more time and money changing the stock drive anyway since its to small?

A 12Tflop APU with 16GB HBM RAM sounds just about right for that time period, give or take, depending on what else the PS5 has inside it. If you look at it from an overall stand point, with a much newer/faster CPU and GPU, more higher bandwidth RAM, very fast loading times, built in VR capabilities, full BC, ext storage, PS5 could hit right around the $399 mark once again. It would actually be a lot like what NIN said they did with the Switch. They took many different past console ideas, and put them together and just made them better with new tech. Thats a possibility with PS5. Taking past PS console ideas, and bringing them all together in one box, just better with the newest tech.

Its also possible they worry too much about the TFLOP marketing and decide to keep VR its own separate package. Just beef up the specs of the normal console parts as much as they can within budget, which could mean higher than 12 Tflops and even more RAM. Scorpio and its "the most powerful console ever" at 6Tflops may have a slight impact on their decision based on how sales go.

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EricHiggin said:

I think the times of visually "wowing" people are mostly over. Sure some of the new lighting effects we're seeing now and HDR are making the visual experience better but every gen the visual wow has become less and less. That fact is, the reason why those TFLOPS keep getting thrown in everybody's faces is because people need to be shown now in numbers how much better the graphics are, because its harder to see with your own two eyes. Especially for everyday casuals.

Another thing you have to try and anticipate, is will PS try and incorporate more "new" hardware into the console? PS likes to have a one piece clean console, and right now with the push for VR, they don't have that with the break out box and wires etc. Will they try and cram as much of that into the PS5 as possible so they only have to sell you a wireless/wired headset that plugs directly into the console? It would help to "subsidize" VR and get more people into it, but would also mean that PS would have to purposely hold back on the regular internal hardware to a certain degree to meet their $399 target.

A few other things like loading times are long enough already, so will faster, more expensive SSD storage tech be used? If so, how much, at what cost and is that enough? Do you also include a larger SATA SSD or do you go with an even larger SATA HDD to get enough storage and save on cost? Do you completely leave out extra storage altogether and let the gamer buy their own ext SSD/HDD so they don't have to waste more time and money changing the stock drive anyway since its to small?

A 12Tflop APU with 16GB HBM RAM sounds just about right for that time period, give or take, depending on what else the PS5 has inside it. If you look at it from an overall stand point, with a much newer/faster CPU and GPU, more higher bandwidth RAM, very fast loading times, built in VR capabilities, full BC, ext storage, PS5 could hit right around the $399 mark once again. It would actually be a lot like what NIN said they did with the Switch. They took many different past console ideas, and put them together and just made them better with new tech. Thats a possibility with PS5. Taking past PS console ideas, and bringing them all together in one box, just better with the newest tech.

Its also possible they worry too much about the TFLOP marketing and decide to keep VR its own separate package. Just beef up the specs of the normal console parts as much as they can within budget, which could mean higher than 12 Tflops and even more RAM. Scorpio and its "the most powerful console ever" at 6Tflops may have a slight impact on their decision based on how sales go.

It does make sense to use the PS5 branding to clean everything back up. We are getting out of controll with add ons. I currently have a 4 port USB 3.1 expander, the PSVR Break out Box, and a USB 3.1 5TB HDD connected to my PS4 Pro. 

Even if PS5 was under powered, a $400 box that simplifies everything, while bringing a new baseline, and making VR much more accessable could do really well. I think VR is the key to this though. A box that sets a new standard for VR would be fine, but a box that does not focus on VR, and is less than half the leap we have come to expect would not sell to casuals or enthusiasts. 

I can get on board with this 2019;

PlayStation 5

Price - $399.99 or $499.99

Processing - AMD APU  ~12TFLOP

Memory - 16GB HBM RAM + 4GB DDR4 (As Intrinsic said)

Storage - 256GB m.2 + 1TB HDD SATA 3 + (Optional USB 3.2 Storage) *All User Upgradeable

I/O - 6x USB 3.2 (2 front, 2 side, 2 back), Dedicated PSVR Ports in Front, Dedicated PSVR Camera Port Back, 1x HDMI 2.1

Media - 2 Skus, UHD Blu-ray or Digital Only (I don't want to have to buy a console with a disc drive anymore)


Dual Shock 5

-Nearly identical to DS4


-Built in Mic for Voice Controls

- 10 hour Battery Life


PlayStation VR 2

Price $399.99

Screen - 8" 1440p + HDR Curved OLED with 140deg Field of View

New Feature - 2x 5MP cameras for 3D AR and improved motion tracking


PlayStation VR Remotes

Price - $199.99

- Gesture Tracking, Analogue sticks, and some more to stay competitive with Vive and OR.


I could get behind all of this in 2019 as the PS5. All peices sharing a matching design language so it all looks like it belongs together. No more switching USB cables to get HDR or VR. USB-C for charging all peripherals. These products together would make a 2019 or 2020 PS5 an awesome machine. 

To me, if PS5 is not going to be a 30TFLOP, 128GB HBM RAM, and 8TB m.2 Solid State Storage device in ~2025 that can blow people away with 4K TVs and capture the core audeince. Then it has to be a device that simplifies VR, and establishes a new base line for VR tracking and controls.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


KBG29 said:
Still think people need to stop looking at PS4 as a console and start seeing it as an OS. The 4th generation PlayStation OS is very likely going to span over more than just the PS4 and PS4 Pro. I would not be surprised to see a PS4 Spec 3 that is slightly more porwerful than the PS4 Pro (maybe 8TF in 2018 with 12GB GDDR5) with PSVR tech and ports built in, and some form of Portable or mobile device as well. We may not see the PS5 OS and Hardware line for quite a while. My best guess for when we can see a true generational leap in CPU/GPU/RAM/Storage is 2022 - 2024.

You are kinda right.

The Ps5 will coexist with the PS4 systems. By the time the PS5 is released, they would be able to have the Ps4pro be at around $200 and the PS5 come in at $400. But this will most likely happen around 2020. At this point, the PS5 will be a clear cut 4k console and the PS4pro will become mostly a 1080p console with 4k upscaling or still employing some form of checkerboard rendering. The base PS4 will mostly start getting games at 900p/720p. 

This continuity is more to the fact that it makes the transition to a new gen easier for sony while ensuring they hold onto the majority of their already existing install base. Cause remember the money is in selling software. By the time its all said an done, the PS4/5 platform will span across over 200M consoles catering to people ok with 720p, 1080p and 4k gaming.

Make no mistake though, there won't be a spc 3 PS4. The next thing we are gona get will be called the PS5. If there is one thing that is certian though, never again will Ms or sony hit the reset button again when starting a new generation. There is just too much unnecesarry risk. Instead, when the PS5 is out, they would just change their marketing to suggest every new game is a PS5 game but will also get a PS4 port. 

KBG29 said:

I can get on board with this 2019;

PlayStation 5

Price - $399.99 or $499.99 

I doubt sony will ever release a console more expensive than $399. They got burned bad with the PS3.

Processing - AMD APU  ~12TFLOP

This seems very reasonable. Especially being that thats what the vega20 7nm GPU is said to be pushing. According to AMD thats due in 2018. If sony goes for navi then they could throw in a ~16TF GPU in there. Navi is due out in 2019 (without delays). 

Memory - 16GB HBM RAM + 4GB DDR4 (As Intrinsic said)

Storage - 256GB m.2 + 1TB HDD SATA 3 + (Optional USB 3.2 Storage) *All User Upgradeable

This is a convoluted strategy. Don't forget these are consoles. Besides, by 2020 they could easily throw in a 1TB m.2 SSD. Even if its of the sata 3 variety which usually cost like half as much but is still capable of 400MB/s+ speeds. Then leave it to the user to throw in a faster nvme based m.2 SSD if they want. 

I/O - 6x USB 3.2 (2 front, 2 side, 2 back), Dedicated PSVR Ports in Front, Dedicated PSVR Camera Port Back, 1x HDMI 2.1

Lol.... hell no man, 6??? You will be lucky if we have 3. And sony will most likely keep the VR stuff as is. Makes no sense adding costs to the base system for something like VR. Just look at what happened with MS and kinect.

Media - 2 Skus, UHD Blu-ray or Digital Only (I don't want to have to buy a console with a disc drive anymore)

For this to happen, then sony would first need to make a version of the base PS4 without a BR drive to test the market. Basically to plant the seeds in peoples heads. If said test works out, then they can make a PS5 sku without a bluray drive and sell an external drive as an option. Which if you ask me is what they all should have done this gen. But this is a very touchy thing, they can't just do it at the start of a new gen. Too risky. 


To me, if PS5 is not going to be a 30TFLOP, 128GB HBM RAM, and 8TB m.2 Solid State Storage device in ~2025 that can blow people away with 4K TVs and capture the core audeince. Then it has to be a device that simplifies VR, and establishes a new base line for VR tracking and controls.

Lol... haha. 

my thoughts in bold :P

Intrinsic said:
KBG29 said:

I can get on board with this 2019;

PlayStation 5

Price - $399.99 or $499.99 

I doubt sony will ever release a console more expensive than $399. They got burned bad with the PS3.

The only problem with this is inflation. By 2020 $400 will actually only be worth about $350 in 2013. The further we go the less $400 will get us.

Processing - AMD APU  ~12TFLOP

This seems very reasonable. Especially being that thats what the vega20 7nm GPU is said to be pushing. According to AMD thats due in 2018. If sony goes for navi then they could throw in a ~16TF GPU in there. Navi is due out in 2019 (without delays).

 Can't really argue this. I think regardless of what its call a console between 2019 and 2020 will be between 12 and 16TFLOPS.

Memory - 16GB HBM RAM + 4GB DDR4 (As Intrinsic said)

Storage - 256GB m.2 + 1TB HDD SATA 3 + (Optional USB 3.2 Storage) *All User Upgradeable

This is a convoluted strategy. Don't forget these are consoles. Besides, by 2020 they could easily throw in a 1TB m.2 SSD. Even if its of the sata 3 variety which usually cost like half as much but is still capable of 400MB/s+ speeds. Then leave it to the user to throw in a faster nvme based m.2 SSD if they want. 

The tough thing here is combating rising file sizes with the need for faster storage and lessening the need to download. Faster storage is costly, so getting enough will be hard, because even 1TB in at this point won't get you as far as 500GB did on PS4 and XBO. Games will have to play from faster storage to give the RAM and APU enough data for next gen games. Finally, the base system has to be accomidable for the casual user.

This is the best thing I can think of to make sure they don't half ass the storage.

I/O - 6x USB 3.2 (2 front, 2 side, 2 back), Dedicated PSVR Ports in Front, Dedicated PSVR Camera Port Back, 1x HDMI 2.1

Lol.... hell no man, 6??? You will be lucky if we have 3. And sony will most likely keep the VR stuff as is. Makes no sense adding costs to the base system for something like VR. Just look at what happened with MS and kinect.

3 had better be the bare minimum, and if they don't plan on integrating VR 6 is the only way. Right now they have us maxed out with USB storage + SPVR + USB Headsets. If you want to play a racing game, use a USB Mouse and Keyboard, Play a Music game, ect. something has to move out of the way. 

As for PSVR I don't see it the same as Kinect. VR is the future of this medium. They have to make it as simple as possible, becuase it more than anything will be what keeps console gaming alive. The advantage of VR is that it doesn;t need games built specifically for it. VR can greatly enhance any game, and that is going to garentee a lot of support.

Media - 2 Skus, UHD Blu-ray or Digital Only (I don't want to have to buy a console with a disc drive anymore)

For this to happen, then sony would first need to make a version of the base PS4 without a BR drive to test the market. Basically to plant the seeds in peoples heads. If said test works out, then they can make a PS5 sku without a bluray drive and sell an external drive as an option. Which if you ask me is what they all should have done this gen. But this is a very touchy thing, they can't just do it at the start of a new gen. Too risky. 

I can agree with that. If they released a PS4 Pro Slim next year with no UHD drive then I would be all over it. I have never used the drive in my PS4, and only used the one in my Pro to check out 3D BD on my Z9D. I have not bought a Blu-ray game or movie in six years. Like you said, it should have happened this gen, but it is difficult, because it will cause major backlash from a very vocal group.


To me, if PS5 is not going to be a 30TFLOP, 128GB HBM RAM, and 8TB m.2 Solid State Storage device in ~2025 that can blow people away with 4K TVs and capture the core audeince. Then it has to be a device that simplifies VR, and establishes a new base line for VR tracking and controls.

Lol... haha. 

my thoughts in bold :P

There are a lot of ways this can play out. This is the most exciting time I have ever see in the console business in 25 years of playing. At the end of the day I already know I will buy whatever they put out. I am getting a Switch and Scorpio this year so I don't miss out on MS and Nintendo for the next decade or so as well. Very happy with all three competitors right now.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


Around the Network

I will expect it in Nov 2019


Gaming on: PS4 Pro, Switch, SNES Mini, Wii U, PC (i5-7400, GTX 1060)

KBG29 said:

It does make sense to use the PS5 branding to clean everything back up. We are getting out of controll with add ons. I currently have a 4 port USB 3.1 expander, the PSVR Break out Box, and a USB 3.1 5TB HDD connected to my PS4 Pro. 

Even if PS5 was under powered, a $400 box that simplifies everything, while bringing a new baseline, and making VR much more accessable could do really well. I think VR is the key to this though. A box that sets a new standard for VR would be fine, but a box that does not focus on VR, and is less than half the leap we have come to expect would not sell to casuals or enthusiasts. 

I can get on board with this 2019;

PlayStation 5

Price - $399.99 or $499.99

Agreed. $499 MAX due to inflation possibly (potential import tax for America)

Processing - AMD APU  ~12TFLOP

Agreed. Give or take a few Tflops.

Memory - 16GB HBM RAM + 4GB DDR4 (As Intrinsic said)

Agreed. As long as PS keeps the OS fairly clean and doesn't get to media crazy like XB.

Storage - 256GB m.2 + 1TB HDD SATA 3 + (Optional USB 3.2 Storage) *All User Upgradeable

Possibility. This is going to be a tough one to lock down as there are many ways PS could/should go.

I/O - 6x USB 3.2 (2 front, 2 side, 2 back), Dedicated PSVR Ports in Front, Dedicated PSVR Camera Port Back, 1x HDMI 2.1

I don't see PS being that generous with USB. Two front. One, maybe two back ports or one side one back.

Media - 2 Skus, UHD Blu-ray or Digital Only (I don't want to have to buy a console with a disc drive anymore)

I think they would like to try this, but no company wants to be the one to take the potential backlash, especially after seeing what happened with XB1. There's the whole one sleek piece of hardware issue that makes an external drive a bit of a potential eyesore, unless they built the console so it slides/snaps in, to make it one nice piece still. If they decide to push for external SSD/HDD however, a separate disc drive becomes more likely/acceptable. This is also assuming that PS decides to stay with optical media and does not jump into carts like NIN is, which would help solve the storage and load time issue.

Dual Shock 5

-Nearly identical to DS4


-Built in Mic for Voice Controls

- 10 hour Battery Life

DS4 needs little improvement. Sounds good to me.

PlayStation VR 2

Price $399.99

Screen - 8" 1440p + HDR Curved OLED with 140deg Field of View

New Feature - 2x 5MP cameras for 3D AR and improved motion tracking

$299 if PS5 has the break out box built in. $399 if the bundle stays as is. (add $100 for inflation potentially)

PlayStation VR Remotes

Price - $199.99

- Gesture Tracking, Analogue sticks, and some more to stay competitive with Vive and OR.

$99 - $199.

I could get behind all of this in 2019 as the PS5. All peices sharing a matching design language so it all looks like it belongs together. No more switching USB cables to get HDR or VR. USB-C for charging all peripherals. These products together would make a 2019 or 2020 PS5 an awesome machine. 

Agreed. This would simply continue the great gaming PS has once again brought to us all.

To me, if PS5 is not going to be a 30TFLOP, 128GB HBM RAM, and 8TB m.2 Solid State Storage device in ~2025 that can blow people away with 4K TVs and capture the core audeince. Then it has to be a device that simplifies VR, and establishes a new base line for VR tracking and controls.

2025? Don't say things like that! LOL

My remarks in bold.

Yeah, 2020 seems reasonable. Which probably will force MS to launch XB2 the same year, or the one after. Nintendo will... Well, they'll be Nintendo and doing their own thing, whatever that is.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.



EricHiggin said:
KBG29 said:

It does make sense to use the PS5 branding to clean everything back up. We are getting out of controll with add ons. I currently have a 4 port USB 3.1 expander, the PSVR Break out Box, and a USB 3.1 5TB HDD connected to my PS4 Pro. 

Even if PS5 was under powered, a $400 box that simplifies everything, while bringing a new baseline, and making VR much more accessable could do really well. I think VR is the key to this though. A box that sets a new standard for VR would be fine, but a box that does not focus on VR, and is less than half the leap we have come to expect would not sell to casuals or enthusiasts. 

I can get on board with this 2019;

PlayStation 5

Price - $399.99 or $499.99

Agreed. $499 MAX due to inflation possibly (potential import tax for America)

Processing - AMD APU  ~12TFLOP

Agreed. Give or take a few Tflops.

Memory - 16GB HBM RAM + 4GB DDR4 (As Intrinsic said)

Agreed. As long as PS keeps the OS fairly clean and doesn't get to media crazy like XB.

Storage - 256GB m.2 + 1TB HDD SATA 3 + (Optional USB 3.2 Storage) *All User Upgradeable

Possibility. This is going to be a tough one to lock down as there are many ways PS could/should go.

I/O - 6x USB 3.2 (2 front, 2 side, 2 back), Dedicated PSVR Ports in Front, Dedicated PSVR Camera Port Back, 1x HDMI 2.1

I don't see PS being that generous with USB. Two front. One, maybe two back ports or one side one back.

Media - 2 Skus, UHD Blu-ray or Digital Only (I don't want to have to buy a console with a disc drive anymore)

I think they would like to try this, but no company wants to be the one to take the potential backlash, especially after seeing what happened with XB1. There's the whole one sleek piece of hardware issue that makes an external drive a bit of a potential eyesore, unless they built the console so it slides/snaps in, to make it one nice piece still. If they decide to push for external SSD/HDD however, a separate disc drive becomes more likely/acceptable. This is also assuming that PS decides to stay with optical media and does not jump into carts like NIN is, which would help solve the storage and load time issue.

Dual Shock 5

-Nearly identical to DS4


-Built in Mic for Voice Controls

- 10 hour Battery Life

DS4 needs little improvement. Sounds good to me.

PlayStation VR 2

Price $399.99

Screen - 8" 1440p + HDR Curved OLED with 140deg Field of View

New Feature - 2x 5MP cameras for 3D AR and improved motion tracking

$299 if PS5 has the break out box built in. $399 if the bundle stays as is. (add $100 for inflation potentially)

PlayStation VR Remotes

Price - $199.99

- Gesture Tracking, Analogue sticks, and some more to stay competitive with Vive and OR.

$99 - $199.

I could get behind all of this in 2019 as the PS5. All peices sharing a matching design language so it all looks like it belongs together. No more switching USB cables to get HDR or VR. USB-C for charging all peripherals. These products together would make a 2019 or 2020 PS5 an awesome machine. 

Agreed. This would simply continue the great gaming PS has once again brought to us all.

To me, if PS5 is not going to be a 30TFLOP, 128GB HBM RAM, and 8TB m.2 Solid State Storage device in ~2025 that can blow people away with 4K TVs and capture the core audeince. Then it has to be a device that simplifies VR, and establishes a new base line for VR tracking and controls.

2025? Don't say things like that! LOL

My remarks in bold.

I think PSVR 2.0 will have both eye-tracking and inside out tracking.

November 2020.