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Intrinsic said:
KBG29 said:

I can get on board with this 2019;

PlayStation 5

Price - $399.99 or $499.99 

I doubt sony will ever release a console more expensive than $399. They got burned bad with the PS3.

The only problem with this is inflation. By 2020 $400 will actually only be worth about $350 in 2013. The further we go the less $400 will get us.

Processing - AMD APU  ~12TFLOP

This seems very reasonable. Especially being that thats what the vega20 7nm GPU is said to be pushing. According to AMD thats due in 2018. If sony goes for navi then they could throw in a ~16TF GPU in there. Navi is due out in 2019 (without delays).

 Can't really argue this. I think regardless of what its call a console between 2019 and 2020 will be between 12 and 16TFLOPS.

Memory - 16GB HBM RAM + 4GB DDR4 (As Intrinsic said)

Storage - 256GB m.2 + 1TB HDD SATA 3 + (Optional USB 3.2 Storage) *All User Upgradeable

This is a convoluted strategy. Don't forget these are consoles. Besides, by 2020 they could easily throw in a 1TB m.2 SSD. Even if its of the sata 3 variety which usually cost like half as much but is still capable of 400MB/s+ speeds. Then leave it to the user to throw in a faster nvme based m.2 SSD if they want. 

The tough thing here is combating rising file sizes with the need for faster storage and lessening the need to download. Faster storage is costly, so getting enough will be hard, because even 1TB in at this point won't get you as far as 500GB did on PS4 and XBO. Games will have to play from faster storage to give the RAM and APU enough data for next gen games. Finally, the base system has to be accomidable for the casual user.

This is the best thing I can think of to make sure they don't half ass the storage.

I/O - 6x USB 3.2 (2 front, 2 side, 2 back), Dedicated PSVR Ports in Front, Dedicated PSVR Camera Port Back, 1x HDMI 2.1

Lol.... hell no man, 6??? You will be lucky if we have 3. And sony will most likely keep the VR stuff as is. Makes no sense adding costs to the base system for something like VR. Just look at what happened with MS and kinect.

3 had better be the bare minimum, and if they don't plan on integrating VR 6 is the only way. Right now they have us maxed out with USB storage + SPVR + USB Headsets. If you want to play a racing game, use a USB Mouse and Keyboard, Play a Music game, ect. something has to move out of the way. 

As for PSVR I don't see it the same as Kinect. VR is the future of this medium. They have to make it as simple as possible, becuase it more than anything will be what keeps console gaming alive. The advantage of VR is that it doesn;t need games built specifically for it. VR can greatly enhance any game, and that is going to garentee a lot of support.

Media - 2 Skus, UHD Blu-ray or Digital Only (I don't want to have to buy a console with a disc drive anymore)

For this to happen, then sony would first need to make a version of the base PS4 without a BR drive to test the market. Basically to plant the seeds in peoples heads. If said test works out, then they can make a PS5 sku without a bluray drive and sell an external drive as an option. Which if you ask me is what they all should have done this gen. But this is a very touchy thing, they can't just do it at the start of a new gen. Too risky. 

I can agree with that. If they released a PS4 Pro Slim next year with no UHD drive then I would be all over it. I have never used the drive in my PS4, and only used the one in my Pro to check out 3D BD on my Z9D. I have not bought a Blu-ray game or movie in six years. Like you said, it should have happened this gen, but it is difficult, because it will cause major backlash from a very vocal group.


To me, if PS5 is not going to be a 30TFLOP, 128GB HBM RAM, and 8TB m.2 Solid State Storage device in ~2025 that can blow people away with 4K TVs and capture the core audeince. Then it has to be a device that simplifies VR, and establishes a new base line for VR tracking and controls.

Lol... haha. 

my thoughts in bold :P

There are a lot of ways this can play out. This is the most exciting time I have ever see in the console business in 25 years of playing. At the end of the day I already know I will buy whatever they put out. I am getting a Switch and Scorpio this year so I don't miss out on MS and Nintendo for the next decade or so as well. Very happy with all three competitors right now.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams