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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo is no longer a home console company...


Is Nintendo done with home consoles?

Yes. Their switch to mobi... 185 42.82%
No. The Switch is also a ... 247 57.18%
Jranation said:
barneystinson69 said:

I also forgot to note that the Switch doesn't use CD's, but Cartridges. Hasn't been in place since the N64, but in all their handhelds.


Then why are people expecting XB1 powers? Why are people expecting the next Cod, BF, Assasins Creed on a handheld? 

Of course I'm not expecting those games on a handheld! But it can't be a home console then...

Made a bet with LipeJJ and HylianYoshi that the XB1 will reach 30 million before Wii U reaches 15 million. Loser has to get avatar picked by winner for 6 months (or if I lose, either 6 months avatar control for both Lipe and Hylian, or my patrick avatar comes back forever).

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Ok, cool. And?

The 3DS has one of the best libraries in all of gaming (but I guess it's irrelevant, because it isn't 720p/900p/ "HD"), and the Switch will have literary every Nintendo studio making games for it. Is that a bad thing?

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988

Soundwave said:
zorg1000 said:
the power argunent makes no sense, so Wii wasnt a home console because it was alot weaker?

Wii couldn't be played portably, in fact the entire concept basically required a living room since you can't exactly waggle around in a car, airplane, train, bus, most places in public (unless you want to get arrested). It was a home console using home components, just a casual-oriented one as such hardware power didn't matter as much. 

Switch is not really that. It's a portable form factor with portable components, and LCD screen, a battery, and so on. 

It would more like if instead of making the Wii, Nintendo made only the DS but included a dock with the DS that allowed DS games to play on the TV screen. If people looked at that and said "Nintendo is going portably only basically", I'd tend to agree. 

that is 100% irrelevant to what i said. One of his arguments is its 1/3 the power of XBO.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Because of the low sales of the wii u Nintendo has withdrawn from making a normal home console but instead added tv output to their new portable system. Clearly a portable system that is trying to sell into the vacuum they have created by withdrawing from home consoles. I don't think this is hard to work out and hardly seems debatable.

If you say otherwise then basically any portable system with tv output is a home console like one of these things below which seems ridiculous. Many such devices actually produce higher res tv output than they can show on their built in screens just in case someone was going to make that point.

Higher up models can support bluetooth too and can support both wired usb and wireless bluetooth joypads. Just in case someone was going to make that point.

Previously companies didn't market such devices as hybrids because the performance level for tv output was not competitive with home consoles of the time. Switch is not competitive with home consoles but Nintendo wants to try and attract customers who previously owned a wii u.

If the Switch is anything its a hybrid tablet and portable games console because its controllers can be removed and assume it can be operated with just its touch screen. Tablet functionality would require a reasonable range of apps which the Switch doesn't appear to have sadly.

zorg1000 said:
Soundwave said:

Wii couldn't be played portably, in fact the entire concept basically required a living room since you can't exactly waggle around in a car, airplane, train, bus, most places in public (unless you want to get arrested). It was a home console using home components, just a casual-oriented one as such hardware power didn't matter as much. 

Switch is not really that. It's a portable form factor with portable components, and LCD screen, a battery, and so on. 

It would more like if instead of making the Wii, Nintendo made only the DS but included a dock with the DS that allowed DS games to play on the TV screen. If people looked at that and said "Nintendo is going portably only basically", I'd tend to agree. 

that is 100% irrelevant to what i said. One of his arguments is its 1/3 the power of XBO.

It's actually probably less than 1/3 but yeah. 

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Like why not an in depth pros and cons list, or a round up of arguments for and against the Switch analyzong why each has credibility(was thinking of making this one)? What is a purely cookie cutter thread contributing?

Frankily i dont care if its a direct home console as long as it gives me experiences LIKE one. Which it does.

Mar1217 said:
Soundwave said:

Which is fine. For some people, PSVita TV is also the only console they would need. 

For the *mass market* though this sure as hell is not going to be their home console of choice though. Especailly with virtually no price advantage. 

It's fine if you think it goes that way.

But to me, it's all about the games. That's why the PS4 is doing so good and the Switch will do as much, cuz the games will be there, espescially on the 1st party/Japanese 3rd party side. 

It will have good Nintendo games, every Nintendo console has that. 

Developer support ... I wouldn't count my chickens on that. Most of those games will end up on the PS4 also. At this stage, the Wii U had considerably better developer support. 

Mar1217 said:
Soundwave said:

Which is fine. For some people, PSVita TV is also the only console they would need. 

For the *mass market* though this sure as hell is not going to be their home console of choice though. Especailly with virtually no price advantage. 

It's fine if you think it goes that way.

But to me, it's all about the games. That's why the PS4 is doing so good and the Switch will do as much, cuz the games will be there, espescially on the 1st party/Japanese 3rd party side. 

I had the same thought until i saw the launch titles, and a bunch of developers ignoring switch ports. Heck most of switch's announced games dont even have a released date yet. And I'm still not counting the possibility of delays.

No, the premise of "the games will come" is stupid. If you look at wiiu lineup now, you could also say "the first party support do come to wiiu". But does it even matter now?

barneystinson69 said:
guiduc said:

Why? Couldn't it be the way of the future?

Mobile HW and gimmicks are not the way of the future. Its just a way of trying to revive the past successes of Nintendo. 

Gimmicks? What gimmicks exactly are we talking about? The rumble, a feature that's been present since N64? Motion controls? Mobile hardware IS the future, you just don't wanna see it. But you'll soon come to that realization.