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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - "Nintendo switch is too expensive"

Hynad said:
barneystinson69 said:

We're talking about 1/3 of the power of the XB1, not 50% weaker. There are other reasons to owning a console of course, but the XB1 isn't significantly weaker than the PS4. That doesn't apply to the Switch.

50% weaker is significantly weaker.

But power isn't the only aspects by which to assign value to something.

Otherwise, the Wii wouldn't have been the hit it's been. 

Yes power isnt the only aspect. There's such thing like vr, or cross play, or a freakin backward compatibility. Oh one last thing, other competitor also offers more than 8games.

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Hynad said:
barneystinson69 said:

Right, and the Wii U also went for a casual audience, and failed. I'm sure the Switch will end up like another Wii though, I mean they charge $50 for a set of minigames anyway...

Have you ever considered buying a Switch, at any point in time? 

Yes. Of course I also thought it would be $249 USD (so around $329 here), be at least comparible to the XB1 and PS4 in terms of HW so it could get a decent 3rd party lineup, and not suffer droughts like the Wii U, and wouldn't feature paid online. Also the gimmicks, I can handle the gimmicks, but when they ultimately hold the console back, it is a deal breaker for me.

Made a bet with LipeJJ and HylianYoshi that the XB1 will reach 30 million before Wii U reaches 15 million. Loser has to get avatar picked by winner for 6 months (or if I lose, either 6 months avatar control for both Lipe and Hylian, or my patrick avatar comes back forever).

Wii U had the value adding Gamepad, the Switch has the value adding Joy-con's the question is do Joy-con's add value to the Switch in the general consumer's eyes and we won't know that till after the Switch launch.

We know what happened in the Wii U's case, that the Gamepad only added to the manufacturing cost that few were willing to pay for. Will the added manufacturing cost of the Joy-con's result in the same problem the Wii U had? What game sells the Joy-con's as a must have feature like Wii sports did for the Wii-mote?

barneystinson69 said:
Hynad said:

Have you ever considered buying a Switch, at any point in time? 

Yes. Of course I also thought it would be $249 USD (so around $329 here), be at least comparible to the XB1 and PS4 in terms of HW so it could get a decent 3rd party lineup, and not suffer droughts like the Wii U, and wouldn't feature paid online. Also the gimmicks, I can handle the gimmicks, but when they ultimately hold the console back, it is a deal breaker for me.

After the reveal trailer... You thought the Switch was going to be comparable to the XBO and PS4 in terms of hardware [and still be priced lower than them]?

Well, ok. O_o

Hynad said:
barneystinson69 said:

Yes. Of course I also thought it would be $249 USD (so around $329 here), be at least comparible to the XB1 and PS4 in terms of HW so it could get a decent 3rd party lineup, and not suffer droughts like the Wii U, and wouldn't feature paid online. Also the gimmicks, I can handle the gimmicks, but when they ultimately hold the console back, it is a deal breaker for me.

After the reveal trailer... You thought the Switch was going to be comparable to the XBO and PS4 in terms of hardware?

Well, ok. O_o

Yes, I did. It is using Nvidia tech, and their current gen shield is definently within striking distance of the XB1 (a bit over 1Tflop). The Switch is less than half of that.

Made a bet with LipeJJ and HylianYoshi that the XB1 will reach 30 million before Wii U reaches 15 million. Loser has to get avatar picked by winner for 6 months (or if I lose, either 6 months avatar control for both Lipe and Hylian, or my patrick avatar comes back forever).

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I've more or less convinced myself that the BoM that yields the $299 MSRP has a price cut built into it.

Granted, I'm taking this from the 3DS as a direct example and comparison, but if the launch is modest, and a balls to the wall March launch would make almost zero sense, I fully expect inventory to be more than a bit pinched at retail not entirely unlike the Wii.

With the 3DS, Nintendo launched with a $249 MSRP, which was aggressive for what it was, ignoring the 3D feature that in all fairness used mature technology that added little to the BoM. It should have come as no surprise that Nintendo dropped the MSRP within a year although that trigger was pulled in direct reaction to the price announcement of the PS Vita. Still, that was an $80 price cut, which indicates just how much profit was built into each 3DS on launch.

Given the similarities of the Switch with the Nvidia Shield, it shouldn't be difficult for analysts to do a fairly accurate BoM cost analysis to see exactly what goes into a $299 game tablet with controllers.

If we get a confirmation on a limited launch, limited inventory/availability come March, that right there will speak volumes about what I'm assuming is a slight premium price for the hardware specs used.

I could potentially even see Nintendo doing stock building for the holiday '17 season, slightly restricting inventory further and then releasing inventory in Q4, very possibly at a $249 price for Black Friday.

Ka-pi96 said:
Yerm said:
the accessories are all way overpriced. i cant play local co-op when i cant afford another controller

Can`t you play local co-op with the joycons and thus not need to buy another controller for it?

its not my preferred choice. and the joycons only cover two people. what if i wanted full 4-player co-op?

barneystinson69 said:
Hynad said:

After the reveal trailer... You thought the Switch was going to be comparable to the XBO and PS4 in terms of hardware?

Well, ok. O_o

Yes, I did. It is using Nvidia tech, and their current gen shield is definently within striking distance of the XB1 (a bit over 1Tflop). The Switch is less than half of that.

We don't yet know the actual specs of the Switch. The Eurogamer "article" was still based on rumors and have been questioned quite a bit so far, and not just by Nintendo centric fanatics. 

That being said, the Switch also comes with a lot of features and tech that aren't included with the NVidia Shield. Again, you're just basing the value of everything on CPU/GPU specs alone. 

The Switch will hopefully get third party support. Considering the console will be both Nintendo's portable and home console device at the same time, we can expect support similar to what's found on the 3DS. Which isn't bad at all. Of course, the games made for the 3DS may not be your cup of tea. But that's an other topic in itself. 

onionberry said:
m_csquare said:
Forget xb1 and ps4 cos you seem to have no idea what else those consoles are offering besides power.
First, Why dont you convince wiiu users that switch is worth 300$?

yeah I know what those consoles are offering cause I have a ps4 pro and a PC. And Soon a switch, and I'm smart enough to know the value of each device that I own. But, I'm not dumb enough to think that because a device is less powerful than other device that means it should be cheaper, cause the development cost is being invested in other characteritics. And I don't need to convice anyone, just throwing my point of view to debate with the contrary point of view, pretty normal for a forum.

You mean like 3ds and its glasses-free 3d? Mmkay

m_csquare said:
onionberry said:

yeah I know what those consoles are offering cause I have a ps4 pro and a PC. And Soon a switch, and I'm smart enough to know the value of each device that I own. But, I'm not dumb enough to think that because a device is less powerful than other device that means it should be cheaper, cause the development cost is being invested in other characteritics. And I don't need to convice anyone, just throwing my point of view to debate with the contrary point of view, pretty normal for a forum.

You mean like 3ds and its glasses-free 3d? Mmkay

I mean like anything that costs money to manufacture. gimmick or not, costs money.