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Forums - Politics Discussion - Will Trump seriously ban all Muslims, cause apparently he can?



He will 74 19.07%
He won't seriously do that 205 52.84%
Who the hell knows at thi... 109 28.09%
jason1637 said:
TheLegendaryWolf said:


"Donald Trump has outlined a new screening process for would-be immigrants designed to exclude Islamic extremists that he promoted Monday as "extreme vetting." The policy would attempt to establish whether applicants' beliefs match US values on gay rights, gender equality and religious freedoms, among others."



"In a speech in Ohio, the candidate outlined his plans to combat Islamic extremism, including a new screening test for arrivals to the US. Applicants will be tested to determine if they share Western liberal values like LGBT and religious tolerance."



“We should only admit into this country those who share our values and respect our people,” Trump said at Youngstown State University in Ohio Monday. “In the Cold War we had an ideological screening test. The time is overdue to develop a new screening test for the threats we face today. I call it extreme vetting. I call it extreme, extreme vetting,” he continued. “Our country has enough problems, we don’t need more.”



So it doesn't look like he will ban anyone, except those who don't believe "western liberal values" it seems. Now I'm just waiting to see if he'll go back on his plan for "The Great Wall of Trump" and change it to something a little more acceptable and reasonable.   

This sounds a lot more reasonable and better than bwnning Muslims. Seems as if President Ttump is turning more presidential in the last few days.


You said it looks like he's turning more Presidential in the "last few days" but these articles you sourced are from months ago. He's been saying this for a while now. Maybe you just finally woke up and didn't go for sensationalized headlines?

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"In a speech in Ohio, the candidate outlined his plans to combat Islamic extremism, including a new screening test for arrivals to the US. Applicants will be tested to determine if they share Western liberal values like LGBT and religious tolerance."


This is pleasant to read. 

TheLegendaryWolf said:
Eagle367 said:

      .        ?

The articles should give you an idea on his current stance as opposed to his extremist words on banning muslims earlier this year.

He never said that either. It was always a temporary stop to immigration from muslim countries. It's morphed to something that's actually realistic.

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And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Lawlight said:
BeefWellingtonIII said:


For a period of time Obama banned Muslims from immigrating to this country. Jimmy Carter did too. Did you call either of them Islamophobic?

Of course he didn't. Acknowledging that fact would go against his argument.

By "fact" do you mean something he made up?

Eagle367 said:
OdinHades said:
When did any US president ever stick to what he promised before elections? Exactly.

That's what I keep saying but america is seriously volatile right now and anything can happen.

There is a report out there that says most president do about 75% of what they say as long as its not dependant on Congress.

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pokoko said:
Lawlight said:

Of course he didn't. Acknowledging that fact would go against his argument.

By "fact" do you mean something he made up?


I didn't make it up though.

BeefWellingtonIII said:
pokoko said:

By "fact" do you mean something he made up?


I didn't make it up though.

You have a link that isn't a political propaganda website?

pokoko said:
BeefWellingtonIII said:


I didn't make it up though.

You have a link that isn't a political propaganda website?


It's easy for you to google "Obama banned muslims" and you can decide what source there you want to go with. Just because HuffingtonPost (propaganda that was proven to have colluded with DNC) or CNN (propaganda that was proven to have colluded with DNC) doesn't report it, doesn't mean it isn't true. Look for the facts. Go ahead look. You will try to spin it I'm sure, but that will only prove your biased denial.

BeefWellingtonIII said:
pokoko said:

You have a link that isn't a political propaganda website?


It's easy for you to google "Obama banned muslims" and you can decide what source there you want to go with. Just because HuffingtonPost (propaganda that was proven to have colluded with DNC) or CNN (propaganda that was proven to have colluded with DNC) doesn't report it, doesn't mean it isn't true. Look for the facts. Go ahead look. You will try to spin it I'm sure, but that will only prove your biased denial.

I already did.  I found sources that referenced a freeze on anyone entering from Syria.  If that's what you're refering to, then that's just ignorant.  Obviously, that's not the same as "banning muslims" so I'm going to assume you meant something else.  Even a child knows that's a logical fallacy.  So, again, do you have a link that proves what you are saying?

He never promissed that.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.