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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Emily Rogers: New 3D Mario POSSIBLY A Nintendo Switch Launch Title!

Super Mario Galaxy 2 could have been ready for holiday 2009 as well ... Nintendo held off on it until June 2010 because they already had NSMB Wii for holiday 2009.

So these things happen.

It's not a big deal. I actually said this many times a while ago. Zelda for launch and Mario in the post-launch period makes a lot of sense.

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Soundwave said:
Miyamotoo said:

Actually make sense if they want to have very strong launch and make very attractive console right of gate.

If they launch both games on Switch launch that doesn't mean later will be drought.

It doesn't make sense even from that POV. There's only a set amount of units available for launch anyway and those are likely to sell out no matter what just with Zelda. 

Most systems sell their initial stock no problem. 

Nintendo's problem has been their post launch periods have been atrocious. 

So moving Mario into that slot would make way more sense. 

I'd say there's almost 0 chance Nintendo would launch them on the same day, even if they are both 100% complete. Just bad usage of resources. 

That's not true, Nintendo said they will increase numbers of Switch launch units if there is bigger interest.

You assuming they will have problem with post launch period if they launch bought these games, but you dont know that, actually Nintendo said they will have strong launch and strong post launch period.

Like I wrote, actually totaly make sense beacuse they launching new console in middle of generation with very strong competition, and in March, so its not hard to imagine they will want to have very strong launch and make very attractive console right of gate.

Wii Sports and Zelda TP were killing launch combination for Wii, it's not hard to imagine they want something similar with Switch with new 3D Mario and new Zelda.


Soundwave said:
Super Mario Galaxy 2 could have been ready for holiday 2009 as well ... Nintendo held off on it until June 2010 because they already had NSMB Wii for holiday 2009.

So these things happen.

It's not a big deal. I actually said this many times a while ago. Zelda for launch and Mario in the post-launch period makes a lot of sense.

That's totally different because that wasn't launch period, also having 2 Mario games instead of Mario and Zelda is also totally different.

It doesn't really make business sense. Period. Even movie studios don't open two big movies the same weekend for a reason.

People need to get out of the bubble of the "internet fanboy warz". Having the "greatest launch evar1" might make some feel warm and fuzzy for internet bragging rights but it's probably not smart business.

And if they do that they damn well better NOT have the same problem the Wii U/3DS/even Wii and DS had with mediocre software support in month 2/3/4. They better have a big game for this period too because it's just as important, maybe even more important than a launch lineup. We saw the Wii U and 3DS completely come of its wheels with its post launch lineup.

If that happens again to Switch, no matter how good the launch lineup is, Nintendo should be ashamed of themselves.

Then what is going to be the big holiday 2017 title? I don't think Retro's title or Luigi Mansion 3 would cut it.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

AZWification said:

Then what is going to be the big holiday 2017 title? I don't think Retro's title or Luigi Mansion 3 would cut it.

March - Zelda + Monster Hunter XX

April - Splatoon Remix

May/June - Super Mario Switch World

August - Super Smash Bros. Remix

Oct - Retro Game

Nov - Pokemon

Dec - Animal Crossing Switch

Perhaps something like that. 

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The other reason having Mario + Zelda at launch would be stupid is good luck third parties.

Third parties at launch would have virtually no chance, not only are they fighting for sales on a narrow 2-3 million userbase, they have to deal with Nintendo fans fawning over a new Zelda and Mario. It would be bad for third party titles.

Companies that bother to support the system at launch would likely see even worse sales and many then could be justified in saying "lets just focus on PS4/XB1, same old story with Nintendo, our games don't sell here. We tried". 

Soundwave said:
AZWification said:

Then what is going to be the big holiday 2017 title? I don't think Retro's title or Luigi Mansion 3 would cut it.

March - Zelda + Monster Hunter XX

April - Splatoon Remix

May/June - Super Mario Switch World

August - Super Smash Bros. Remix

Oct - Retro Game

Nov - Pokemon

Dec - Animal Crossing Switch

Perhaps something like that. 

Oh yeah, I forgot about AC. I guess they could get away with it being the holiday title.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

It's Emily Rogers so you know it's full of shit. She's worse than Patcher with her predictions

StarOcean said:
It's Emily Rogers so you know it's full of shit. She's worse than Patcher with her predictions

Uh aside from getting everything on the Switch concept correct, even the screen size apparently?

She's been redeemed with the NX stuff, clearly she has some sources. 

Anyway's its not really shocking a new Mario would be ready at this point. Super Mario 3D World was finished in fall 2013 ... that means the main EAD Tokyo team will have had more than 3 full years to work on this game. 

They're overdue for a new game if anything. 

StarOcean said:
It's Emily Rogers so you know it's full of shit. She's worse than Patcher with her predictions

She has actually been spot on in the past too.