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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U Production Ends this week [Eurogamer] RIP

Unless Nintendo can find some untapped market like they did with the Wii, then I predict that the Switch will sell even less than the Wii U.

Excluding the Wii outlier, Nintendo home consoles have been declining, even though the video game market has been expand.

NES: 62 Million
SNES: 49 Million
N64: 33 Million
GCN: 22 Million
Wii U: 13 Million

Nintendo home consoles have been following a steady trend, outside of the Wii, that really just got lucky that motion controls were popular for a short period of time (astronomic sales the first 4 years of the Wii, then sales dropped off a cliff). Maybe this "hybrid" approach will be just that. But if people treat it like a normal Nintendo console, then it'll probably fall in line with the rest of the Nintendo consoles.

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Poor thing. *Hugs wiiU close* I hope mine never breaks, these are not going to be very easy to find in a while.

BMaker11 said:
Unless Nintendo can find some untapped market like they did with the Wii, then I predict that the Switch will sell even less than the Wii U

What's your estimation, here?

Bristow9091 said:
Remember when people thought the Wii U was going to outsell the Vita?

Pepperidge Farm remembers...

Get with the times, grandpa!

Time to Switch over to the next and ideally only platform.


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luckily i got mine

wow that thing really failed hard


BasilZero said:
So...did the WiiU outsell the Dreamcast?


BasilZero said:

So...did the WiiU outsell the Dreamcast?


Its embarassing that the Vita outsold the WiiU l0l

Dreamcast sold like 9m...

Wii u without being killed early ( and with a price cut of course ) could have sold double of that! :)


Has it really? heh...

Turkish said:
Soundwave said:

It will be remembered because of Splatoon (which is going to become one of the biggest IP in Japan just watch) and Mario Maker alone I think. 

Those are going to be two hall mark titles. 

People still remember the Saturn and hell even the Virtual Boy. Wii U will be remembered. 

Splatoon will be on Switch and I expect Mario Maker as well, when those are on Switch people will forgot they existed on WiiU.

Saturn is remembered because it had shit ton of amazing games, it has one of the finest console libraries, top 5 worthy.

I'll remember it for Lego city undercover, the only open world game I have completed multiple times and together with my kids it sits at 330 hours played. And playing 2D and 3D Mario and Rayman legends with all of us playing. The gamepad additions were prety neat although no one really wanted to be the one stuck with it lol.